KristallnachtNight of brokenglass;coordinatedattacks againstJews in NaziGermany.OperationBarbarossaGermanmilitaryinvasion of theSoviet Unionduring WWII.Article231Clause assigningresponsibility forWWI andrequiringreparations fromthe defeated.Crash ofthe StockMarketSudden andsevere declinein the value ofstocks tradedon the stockexchange.FiveYearPlanComprehensiveeconomic plansaimed at rapidindustrializationand collectivizationin the SovietUnion.DeflationPeriod of generaldecline in prices,oftenaccompanied byunemploymentand economichardship.NaziSoviet NonAggressionPactAgreementbetween NaziGermany andthe Soviet Unionto not attackeach other.AnschlussAnnexationof Austriainto NaziGermany.SelfDeterminationPrincipleRight to chooseone's own politicalstatus or form ofgovernmentwithout externalinfluence.NewEconomicPolicyEconomic policyintroduced torevive the Sovieteconomythrough limitedcapitalism.HyperinflationPeriod ofextremely rapidand uncontrolledrise in prices,typically resultingin economicinstability.FascismPolitical ideologycharacterized bydictatorial power,extremenationalism, andsuppression ofdissent.LeagueofNationsInternationalorganizationestablished afterWWI to promotepeace andcooperationamong nations.Policy ofAppeasementDiplomaticstrategy ofmakingconcessions toavoid conflict.NurembergLawsSeries of laws inNazi Germanyaimed atdepriving Jewsof their rightsand citizenship.FinancialReparationsPayment orcompensationdemanded bythe victor fromthe vanquishedafter a war.TotalitarianismSystem ofgovernmentcharacterized bycentralizedcontrol andauthoritarianism.MukdenIncidentJapanesemilitary incidentused as apretext for theinvasion ofManchuria.TheMaginotLineSystem offortificationsbuilt along theFrench-Germanborder in the1930s.PearlHarborAttackSurprisemilitary strikeby theJapanese onthe US navalbase in Hawaii.BlitzkriegTacticsMilitary strategyemphasizingspeed,surprise, andcoordinatedattacks.AntisemitismPrejudice,discrimination, orhostility directedagainst Jews as areligious, ethnic, orracial group.TheNewDealSeries of economicprograms enactedby the USgovernment tocombat the effectsof the GreatDepression.LebensraumPolicy of territorialexpansion toacquire additionalliving space for anation'spopulation.KristallnachtNight of brokenglass;coordinatedattacks againstJews in NaziGermany.OperationBarbarossaGermanmilitaryinvasion of theSoviet Unionduring WWII.Article231Clause assigningresponsibility forWWI andrequiringreparations fromthe defeated.Crash ofthe StockMarketSudden andsevere declinein the value ofstocks tradedon the stockexchange.FiveYearPlanComprehensiveeconomic plansaimed at rapidindustrializationand collectivizationin the SovietUnion.DeflationPeriod of generaldecline in prices,oftenaccompanied byunemploymentand economichardship.NaziSoviet NonAggressionPactAgreementbetween NaziGermany andthe Soviet Unionto not attackeach other.AnschlussAnnexationof Austriainto NaziGermany.SelfDeterminationPrincipleRight to chooseone's own politicalstatus or form ofgovernmentwithout externalinfluence.NewEconomicPolicyEconomic policyintroduced torevive the Sovieteconomythrough limitedcapitalism.HyperinflationPeriod ofextremely rapidand uncontrolledrise in prices,typically resultingin economicinstability.FascismPolitical ideologycharacterized bydictatorial power,extremenationalism, andsuppression ofdissent.LeagueofNationsInternationalorganizationestablished afterWWI to promotepeace andcooperationamong nations.Policy ofAppeasementDiplomaticstrategy ofmakingconcessions toavoid conflict.NurembergLawsSeries of laws inNazi Germanyaimed atdepriving Jewsof their rightsand citizenship.FinancialReparationsPayment orcompensationdemanded bythe victor fromthe vanquishedafter a war.TotalitarianismSystem ofgovernmentcharacterized bycentralizedcontrol andauthoritarianism.MukdenIncidentJapanesemilitary incidentused as apretext for theinvasion ofManchuria.TheMaginotLineSystem offortificationsbuilt along theFrench-Germanborder in the1930s.PearlHarborAttackSurprisemilitary strikeby theJapanese onthe US navalbase in Hawaii.BlitzkriegTacticsMilitary strategyemphasizingspeed,surprise, andcoordinatedattacks.AntisemitismPrejudice,discrimination, orhostility directedagainst Jews as areligious, ethnic, orracial group.TheNewDealSeries of economicprograms enactedby the USgovernment tocombat the effectsof the GreatDepression.LebensraumPolicy of territorialexpansion toacquire additionalliving space for anation'spopulation.

2nd Partial Recap Conflicto EM24 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Night of broken glass; coordinated attacks against Jews in Nazi Germany.
  2. German military invasion of the Soviet Union during WWII.
    Operation Barbarossa
  3. Clause assigning responsibility for WWI and requiring reparations from the defeated.
    Article 231
  4. Sudden and severe decline in the value of stocks traded on the stock exchange.
    Crash of the Stock Market
  5. Comprehensive economic plans aimed at rapid industrialization and collectivization in the Soviet Union.
    Five Year Plan
  6. Period of general decline in prices, often accompanied by unemployment and economic hardship.
  7. Agreement between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union to not attack each other.
    Nazi Soviet Non Aggression Pact
  8. Annexation of Austria into Nazi Germany.
  9. Right to choose one's own political status or form of government without external influence.
    Self Determination Principle
  10. Economic policy introduced to revive the Soviet economy through limited capitalism.
    New Economic Policy
  11. Period of extremely rapid and uncontrolled rise in prices, typically resulting in economic instability.
  12. Political ideology characterized by dictatorial power, extreme nationalism, and suppression of dissent.
  13. International organization established after WWI to promote peace and cooperation among nations.
    League of Nations
  14. Diplomatic strategy of making concessions to avoid conflict.
    Policy of Appeasement
  15. Series of laws in Nazi Germany aimed at depriving Jews of their rights and citizenship.
    Nuremberg Laws
  16. Payment or compensation demanded by the victor from the vanquished after a war.
    Financial Reparations
  17. System of government characterized by centralized control and authoritarianism.
  18. Japanese military incident used as a pretext for the invasion of Manchuria.
    Mukden Incident
  19. System of fortifications built along the French-German border in the 1930s.
    The Maginot Line
  20. Surprise military strike by the Japanese on the US naval base in Hawaii.
    Pearl Harbor Attack
  21. Military strategy emphasizing speed, surprise, and coordinated attacks.
    Blitzkrieg Tactics
  22. Prejudice, discrimination, or hostility directed against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group.
  23. Series of economic programs enacted by the US government to combat the effects of the Great Depression.
    The New Deal
  24. Policy of territorial expansion to acquire additional living space for a nation's population.