Jerry earned 258points last weekplaying Fortnite. Thisweek he earned 37points. If he uses 90points to earn freegames on a computer,how many points willhe have left?The soccer club isgoing on a trip to thefair. The cost ofattending the trip is$37. Included in thatprice is $16 for lunchand three gametickets. How much isone game ticket?Johnathan gets 10skittles every day fordoing his chores.How many skittleswould he have if hedid his chores everyday for 3 weeks?Mike runs 2 miles aday. His goal is to run25 miles. After 5days, how manymiles does Mike haveleft to run in order tomeet his goal?I had 42 ounces of rice.On Monday I bought 58more ounces of rice.Then I divided all the riceinto 10equal-sized portions fordinner with friends. Howmany ounces of ricewere in each portion?Mary buys her sister2 gifts which costs$80 dollars. She thenbuys her brother 2gifts that each cost$35.45. How muchmoney did Maryspend on gifts.The Davis family drovea total of 720 miles,starting on Friday andending on Sunday.They drove 255 mileson Friday and 229miles on Saturday.How may miles didthey drive on Sunday?Our football club is goingon a field trip. To cover thecost of the trip we arecollecting $8 from each ofthe 9 members of the club.We also raised $178 at acar wash. How muchmoney have we raised forour trip all together?Jerry earned 258points last weekplaying Fortnite. Thisweek he earned 37points. If he uses 90points to earn freegames on a computer,how many points willhe have left?The soccer club isgoing on a trip to thefair. The cost ofattending the trip is$37. Included in thatprice is $16 for lunchand three gametickets. How much isone game ticket?Johnathan gets 10skittles every day fordoing his chores.How many skittleswould he have if hedid his chores everyday for 3 weeks?Mike runs 2 miles aday. His goal is to run25 miles. After 5days, how manymiles does Mike haveleft to run in order tomeet his goal?I had 42 ounces of rice.On Monday I bought 58more ounces of rice.Then I divided all the riceinto 10equal-sized portions fordinner with friends. Howmany ounces of ricewere in each portion?Mary buys her sister2 gifts which costs$80 dollars. She thenbuys her brother 2gifts that each cost$35.45. How muchmoney did Maryspend on gifts.The Davis family drovea total of 720 miles,starting on Friday andending on Sunday.They drove 255 mileson Friday and 229miles on Saturday.How may miles didthey drive on Sunday?Our football club is goingon a field trip. To cover thecost of the trip we arecollecting $8 from each ofthe 9 members of the club.We also raised $178 at acar wash. How muchmoney have we raised forour trip all together?

Word Problems BINGO! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Jerry earned 258 points last week playing Fortnite. This week he earned 37 points. If he uses 90 points to earn free games on a computer, how many points will he have left?
  2. The soccer club is going on a trip to the fair. The cost of attending the trip is $37. Included in that price is $16 for lunch and three game tickets. How much is one game ticket?
  3. Johnathan gets 10 skittles every day for doing his chores. How many skittles would he have if he did his chores every day for 3 weeks?
  4. Mike runs 2 miles a day. His goal is to run 25 miles. After 5 days, how many miles does Mike have left to run in order to meet his goal?
  5. I had 42 ounces of rice. On Monday I bought 58 more ounces of rice. Then I divided all the rice into 10 equal-sized portions for dinner with friends. How many ounces of rice were in each portion?
  6. Mary buys her sister 2 gifts which costs $80 dollars. She then buys her brother 2 gifts that each cost $35.45. How much money did Mary spend on gifts.
  7. The Davis family drove a total of 720 miles, starting on Friday and ending on Sunday. They drove 255 miles on Friday and 229 miles on Saturday. How may miles did they drive on Sunday?
  8. Our football club is going on a field trip. To cover the cost of the trip we are collecting $8 from each of the 9 members of the club. We also raised $178 at a car wash. How much money have we raised for our trip all together?