The nicotinein 1 vapecan = 50cigarettes.Vapingproducts aremarketed toteens andyoung adults.50% of allsuicides arecaused bydrugs/alcohol.Teen alcohol usekills 4,700 peopleeach year whichis more than allillegal drugscombined.About 68,000men and27,000 womendie from alcoholrelated causesannually.Vaping cancause lungand heartdiseases.13 is theaverage agethat majority ofchildrenexperiment withdrugs.Vapingproductsare not FDAregulated.More than2,200 peopledie from alcoholpoisoning everyyear.Drinkingalcohol canincreaseyour risk ofcancer.Tobacco killshalf of itsusers thatdon’t quit.Early druguse increasesthe likelihoodof addictionby 70-90%.Alcohol misuse canlead to healthproblems. The mostcommon of which areliver disease, heartdisease, stroke,cirrhosis, certaincancers, andhypertension.Nicotine isone of themost toxicpoisons tothe body.Cigarettes arethe leadingcause ofpreventablediseases anddeaths.Youth are moresusceptible tothe effects ofnicotine thanadults.Alcoholincreaseschances ofdementia.Men aremore likelyto becomeaddictedthan women.Nearly one-third ofdeaths from heartdisease are theresult of smokingand secondhandsmoke.About 95,000Americans diefrom alcohol-related causesannually.80% of alldomesticviolence reportsare related toalcohol ordrugs.Every year 3million peopledie worldwidefrom the useof alcohol.Nicotineaddictioncan behereditary.Alcohol canlower bloodsugarlevels.Approximately4,300 deathsamong underageyouths areattributed to alcoholeach year in theUnited States.29 millionchildren at age12 had AlcoholUse Disorderthis year.About 20% of highschool studentshave reportedvaping, raisingconcerns aboutlong-term healthconsequences.Teens who startdrinking before theage of 15 aremore likely todevelop alcoholdependence lateron in life.Teenagers thatuse e-cigarettesare twice as likelyto smoke tobaccocigarettessometime in thefuture.The effects associatedwith drinking occurwhen ethanol entersyour bloodstream andpasses through themembranes of cells inyour brain, heart, andother organs.Alcohol makesthe use of somemedications andother substancesmore dangerous.Blue eyedpeople are themost likely tobecomeaddicted.Nicotinechangesyour bloodflow.Smokingharmsalmost everyorgan in thebody.Alcohol hasa negativeimpact onyourhormones.Yourdentistcan tell ifyou vape.Vaping isa gatewaydrug.Around theworld, minimumlegal drinkingages rangefrom 10 to 21years.3.2 million youthages 12 to 20reported bingedrinking at leastonce in the spanof a month.1 out ofevery 20people in theUS vape.Of the 98,475 liverdisease deathsamong peopleages 12 and olderin 2022, 46.1%involved alcohol.There havebeen 2711+lung injurycases in theU.S. associatedwith vaping.1.25 millionyears of lifehave beenlost to drugoverdoses.Women who aredependent on alcoholare 50 to 100 percentmore likely to diefrom alcohol-relatedcauses than menwho are dependenton alcohol.The nicotinein 1 vapecan = 50cigarettes.Vapingproducts aremarketed toteens andyoung adults.50% of allsuicides arecaused bydrugs/alcohol.Teen alcohol usekills 4,700 peopleeach year whichis more than allillegal drugscombined.About 68,000men and27,000 womendie from alcoholrelated causesannually.Vaping cancause lungand heartdiseases.13 is theaverage agethat majority ofchildrenexperiment withdrugs.Vapingproductsare not FDAregulated.More than2,200 peopledie from alcoholpoisoning everyyear.Drinkingalcohol canincreaseyour risk ofcancer.Tobacco killshalf of itsusers thatdon’t quit.Early druguse increasesthe likelihoodof addictionby 70-90%.Alcohol misuse canlead to healthproblems. The mostcommon of which areliver disease, heartdisease, stroke,cirrhosis, certaincancers, andhypertension.Nicotine isone of themost toxicpoisons tothe body.Cigarettes arethe leadingcause ofpreventablediseases anddeaths.Youth are moresusceptible tothe effects ofnicotine thanadults.Alcoholincreaseschances ofdementia.Men aremore likelyto becomeaddictedthan women.Nearly one-third ofdeaths from heartdisease are theresult of smokingand secondhandsmoke.About 95,000Americans diefrom alcohol-related causesannually.80% of alldomesticviolence reportsare related toalcohol ordrugs.Every year 3million peopledie worldwidefrom the useof alcohol.Nicotineaddictioncan behereditary.Alcohol canlower bloodsugarlevels.Approximately4,300 deathsamong underageyouths areattributed to alcoholeach year in theUnited States.29 millionchildren at age12 had AlcoholUse Disorderthis year.About 20% of highschool studentshave reportedvaping, raisingconcerns aboutlong-term healthconsequences.Teens who startdrinking before theage of 15 aremore likely todevelop alcoholdependence lateron in life.Teenagers thatuse e-cigarettesare twice as likelyto smoke tobaccocigarettessometime in thefuture.The effects associatedwith drinking occurwhen ethanol entersyour bloodstream andpasses through themembranes of cells inyour brain, heart, andother organs.Alcohol makesthe use of somemedications andother substancesmore dangerous.Blue eyedpeople are themost likely tobecomeaddicted.Nicotinechangesyour bloodflow.Smokingharmsalmost everyorgan in thebody.Alcohol hasa negativeimpact onyourhormones.Yourdentistcan tell ifyou vape.Vaping isa gatewaydrug.Around theworld, minimumlegal drinkingages rangefrom 10 to 21years.3.2 million youthages 12 to 20reported bingedrinking at leastonce in the spanof a month.1 out ofevery 20people in theUS vape.Of the 98,475 liverdisease deathsamong peopleages 12 and olderin 2022, 46.1%involved alcohol.There havebeen 2711+lung injurycases in theU.S. associatedwith vaping.1.25 millionyears of lifehave beenlost to drugoverdoses.Women who aredependent on alcoholare 50 to 100 percentmore likely to diefrom alcohol-relatedcauses than menwho are dependenton alcohol.

Alcohol and Nicotine Facts - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. The nicotine in 1 vape can = 50 cigarettes.
  2. Vaping products are marketed to teens and young adults.
  3. 50% of all suicides are caused by drugs/alcohol.
  4. Teen alcohol use kills 4,700 people each year which is more than all illegal drugs combined.
  5. About 68,000 men and 27,000 women die from alcohol related causes annually.
  6. Vaping can cause lung and heart diseases.
  7. 13 is the average age that majority of children experiment with drugs.
  8. Vaping products are not FDA regulated.
  9. More than 2,200 people die from alcohol poisoning every year.
  10. Drinking alcohol can increase your risk of cancer.
  11. Tobacco kills half of its users that don’t quit.
  12. Early drug use increases the likelihood of addiction by 70-90%.
  13. Alcohol misuse can lead to health problems. The most common of which are liver disease, heart disease, stroke, cirrhosis, certain cancers, and hypertension.
  14. Nicotine is one of the most toxic poisons to the body.
  15. Cigarettes are the leading cause of preventable diseases and deaths.
  16. Youth are more susceptible to the effects of nicotine than adults.
  17. Alcohol increases chances of dementia.
  18. Men are more likely to become addicted than women.
  19. Nearly one-third of deaths from heart disease are the result of smoking and secondhand smoke.
  20. About 95,000 Americans die from alcohol-related causes annually.
  21. 80% of all domestic violence reports are related to alcohol or drugs.
  22. Every year 3 million people die worldwide from the use of alcohol.
  23. Nicotine addiction can be hereditary.
  24. Alcohol can lower blood sugar levels.
  25. Approximately 4,300 deaths among underage youths are attributed to alcohol each year in the United States.
  26. 29 million children at age 12 had Alcohol Use Disorder this year.
  27. About 20% of high school students have reported vaping, raising concerns about long-term health consequences.
  28. Teens who start drinking before the age of 15 are more likely to develop alcohol dependence later on in life.
  29. Teenagers that use e-cigarettes are twice as likely to smoke tobacco cigarettes sometime in the future.
  30. The effects associated with drinking occur when ethanol enters your bloodstream and passes through the membranes of cells in your brain, heart, and other organs.
  31. Alcohol makes the use of some medications and other substances more dangerous.
  32. Blue eyed people are the most likely to become addicted.
  33. Nicotine changes your blood flow.
  34. Smoking harms almost every organ in the body.
  35. Alcohol has a negative impact on your hormones.
  36. Your dentist can tell if you vape.
  37. Vaping is a gateway drug.
  38. Around the world, minimum legal drinking ages range from 10 to 21 years.
  39. 3.2 million youth ages 12 to 20 reported binge drinking at least once in the span of a month.
  40. 1 out of every 20 people in the US vape.
  41. Of the 98,475 liver disease deaths among people ages 12 and older in 2022, 46.1% involved alcohol.
  42. There have been 2711+ lung injury cases in the U.S. associated with vaping.
  43. 1.25 million years of life have been lost to drug overdoses.
  44. Women who are dependent on alcohol are 50 to 100 percent more likely to die from alcohol-related causes than men who are dependent on alcohol.