Forgiving afriend forcancelingplans lastminuteApologizingfor notlistening whensomeone wastalking to youApologizing fornot believing afriend whenthey weretelling the truthApologizing forforgetting toinvite someoneto yourbirthday partyApologizingfor breakinga friendspencilApologizingfor saying ajoke that hurtsomeone’sfeelingsApologizingfor makinga hurtfulcommentApologizingfor not doingyour part ofa schoolprojectForgivingsomeonefromexcluding youfrom a gameForgiving afriend for notstanding up foryou whensomeone wasbeing meanForgiving ateammatewho made amistakeduring a gameForgiving afriend whoaccidentallyruined yourschool projectForgivingsomeonewho did notinvite you totheir partyForgiving asibling fortaking yourthings withoutaskingForgiving afriend forbeing late tomeet withyouForgiving aclassmate whoaccidentallytripped you inthe hallwayApologizingfor laughingatsomeone’smistakeApologizingforinterruptingsomeone whowas talkingApologizingfor beingrude to ateacherForgiving afriend whocopied yourhomeworkForgiving afriend forcancelingplans lastminuteApologizingfor notlistening whensomeone wastalking to youApologizing fornot believing afriend whenthey weretelling the truthApologizing forforgetting toinvite someoneto yourbirthday partyApologizingfor breakinga friendspencilApologizingfor saying ajoke that hurtsomeone’sfeelingsApologizingfor makinga hurtfulcommentApologizingfor not doingyour part ofa schoolprojectForgivingsomeonefromexcluding youfrom a gameForgiving afriend for notstanding up foryou whensomeone wasbeing meanForgiving ateammatewho made amistakeduring a gameForgiving afriend whoaccidentallyruined yourschool projectForgivingsomeonewho did notinvite you totheir partyForgiving asibling fortaking yourthings withoutaskingForgiving afriend forbeing late tomeet withyouForgiving aclassmate whoaccidentallytripped you inthe hallwayApologizingfor laughingatsomeone’smistakeApologizingforinterruptingsomeone whowas talkingApologizingfor beingrude to ateacherForgiving afriend whocopied yourhomework

Forgiving & Apologizing - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Forgiving a friend for canceling plans last minute
  2. Apologizing for not listening when someone was talking to you
  3. Apologizing for not believing a friend when they were telling the truth
  4. Apologizing for forgetting to invite someone to your birthday party
  5. Apologizing for breaking a friends pencil
  6. Apologizing for saying a joke that hurt someone’s feelings
  7. Apologizing for making a hurtful comment
  8. Apologizing for not doing your part of a school project
  9. Forgiving someone from excluding you from a game
  10. Forgiving a friend for not standing up for you when someone was being mean
  11. Forgiving a teammate who made a mistake during a game
  12. Forgiving a friend who accidentally ruined your school project
  13. Forgiving someone who did not invite you to their party
  14. Forgiving a sibling for taking your things without asking
  15. Forgiving a friend for being late to meet with you
  16. Forgiving a classmate who accidentally tripped you in the hallway
  17. Apologizing for laughing at someone’s mistake
  18. Apologizing for interrupting someone who was talking
  19. Apologizing for being rude to a teacher
  20. Forgiving a friend who copied your homework