CompleteCLOASection ofSAQ ReviewGuideWatch and takefocused notes on"HumanRelationships in 8studies" OR"Abnormal Eti"youtube video80% Accuracyon samplingmethods/ typesof exp. Quizziz 68490183Create 20Flash Cards(Terms,Theories, orStudies)CompleteSLOASection ofSAQ ReviewGuideCreate 40Flash Cards(Terms,Theories, orStudies)SubmitContentReviewSurvey!Watch and takefocused noteson "Tips -Paper 2 - QuickReview"youtube video5 Minute ReviewBLOA Video LedPractice (pausevideo andpractice whenprompted)Create your ownindividualizedstudy plan (mustinclude yourdetailed plans torevise for allsections of exam)StudyTechnique ofyour choice(must haveevidence forMs. Dunn)Watch and takefocused notes on"How to Explainan EthicalConsideration"youtube video80% Accuracyon BLOAReview Quizziz 75827375Paper 1BPractice(in class4/11)80% Accuracyon CLOAReview Quizziz 984367885 Minute ReviewSLOA Video LedPractice (pausevideo andpractice whenprompted)SAQPracticeCorrections(in class4/1/24)Practice Writingan SAQ/ERQ youare strugglingwith and mark it(or have a friendmark it)5 Minute ReviewCLOA Video LedPractice (pausevideo andpractice whenprompted)Sample ERQCorrections(in class4/3/24)Paper 1APractice(in class4/8)80% Accuracyon SLOAReview Quizziz 73606909CommandTermPracticeAssignmentCompletedWatch and takefocused noteson "Tips -Paper One -Quick Review"youtube videoCompleteBLOASection ofSAQ ReviewGuideCompleteCLOASection ofSAQ ReviewGuideWatch and takefocused notes on"HumanRelationships in 8studies" OR"Abnormal Eti"youtube video80% Accuracyon samplingmethods/ typesof exp. Quizziz 68490183Create 20Flash Cards(Terms,Theories, orStudies)CompleteSLOASection ofSAQ ReviewGuideCreate 40Flash Cards(Terms,Theories, orStudies)SubmitContentReviewSurvey!Watch and takefocused noteson "Tips -Paper 2 - QuickReview"youtube video5 Minute ReviewBLOA Video LedPractice (pausevideo andpractice whenprompted)Create your ownindividualizedstudy plan (mustinclude yourdetailed plans torevise for allsections of exam)StudyTechnique ofyour choice(must haveevidence forMs. Dunn)Watch and takefocused notes on"How to Explainan EthicalConsideration"youtube video80% Accuracyon BLOAReview Quizziz 75827375Paper 1BPractice(in class4/11)80% Accuracyon CLOAReview Quizziz 984367885 Minute ReviewSLOA Video LedPractice (pausevideo andpractice whenprompted)SAQPracticeCorrections(in class4/1/24)Practice Writingan SAQ/ERQ youare strugglingwith and mark it(or have a friendmark it)5 Minute ReviewCLOA Video LedPractice (pausevideo andpractice whenprompted)Sample ERQCorrections(in class4/3/24)Paper 1APractice(in class4/8)80% Accuracyon SLOAReview Quizziz 73606909CommandTermPracticeAssignmentCompletedWatch and takefocused noteson "Tips -Paper One -Quick Review"youtube videoCompleteBLOASection ofSAQ ReviewGuide

SL IB Exam Review Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Complete CLOA Section of SAQ Review Guide
  2. Watch and take focused notes on "Human Relationships in 8 studies" OR "Abnormal Eti" youtube video
  3. 80% Accuracy on sampling methods/ types of exp. Quizziz 68490183
  4. Create 20 Flash Cards (Terms, Theories, or Studies)
  5. Complete SLOA Section of SAQ Review Guide
  6. Create 40 Flash Cards (Terms, Theories, or Studies)
  7. Submit Content Review Survey!
  8. Watch and take focused notes on "Tips - Paper 2 - Quick Review" youtube video
  9. 5 Minute Review BLOA Video Led Practice (pause video and practice when prompted)
  10. Create your own individualized study plan (must include your detailed plans to revise for all sections of exam)
  11. Study Technique of your choice (must have evidence for Ms. Dunn)
  12. Watch and take focused notes on "How to Explain an Ethical Consideration" youtube video
  13. 80% Accuracy on BLOA Review Quizziz 75827375
  14. Paper 1B Practice (in class 4/11)
  15. 80% Accuracy on CLOA Review Quizziz 98436788
  16. 5 Minute Review SLOA Video Led Practice (pause video and practice when prompted)
  17. SAQ Practice Corrections (in class 4/1/24)
  18. Practice Writing an SAQ/ERQ you are struggling with and mark it (or have a friend mark it)
  19. 5 Minute Review CLOA Video Led Practice (pause video and practice when prompted)
  20. Sample ERQ Corrections (in class 4/3/24)
  21. Paper 1A Practice (in class 4/8)
  22. 80% Accuracy on SLOA Review Quizziz 73606909
  23. Command Term Practice Assignment Completed
  24. Watch and take focused notes on "Tips - Paper One - Quick Review" youtube video
  25. Complete BLOA Section of SAQ Review Guide