ProfessionalismConduct, behavior,and attitude expectedof a professional in aparticular occupation,encompassing ethics,integrity, andcompetence.CommunicationSkillsThe ability toconvey informationclearly andeffectively throughverbal, written,and non-verbalmeans.RiskManagementThe process ofidentifying, assessing,and prioritizing risksfollowed bycoordinated efforts tominimize, monitor, andcontrol the probabilityor impact of adverseevents.ChemicalEngineerA professional whoapplies principles ofchemistry, physics,mathematics, andeconomics to efficientlyuse, produce, design,transport, andtransform energy andmaterials.InnovationThe introduction ofnew ideas, methods,or technologies thatlead to improvementsin processes,products, or services,fostering growth andcompetitiveness.StructuralEngineerA professionalinvolved in the designand analysis ofstructures such asbuildings, bridges,and dams to ensuresafety and durability.ComputerEngineerAn expert in thedesign anddevelopment ofcomputerhardware andsoftware systems.SoftwareEngineerAn expert in thedesign,development,testing, andmaintenance ofsoftware systemsand applications.RenewableEnergyEngineerA professional focusedon the developmentand implementation oftechnologies forgenerating energy fromrenewable sourcessuch as solar, wind,and hydroelectricpower.ContinuingEducationThe pursuit of learningopportunities beyondformal education, includingworkshops, seminars,certifications, and self-directed study, to stayupdated withadvancements in one'sfield and enhanceprofessional skills.MechanicalEngineerA professional whoapplies the principlesof physics andmaterials science forthe design, analysis,manufacturing, andmaintenance ofmechanical systems.QualityAssuranceEngineerA professionalresponsible forensuring that productsand services meetspecified qualitystandards throughtesting and inspection.EthicsPrinciples of rightand wrongbehavior, guidingmoral choices andactions in personaland professionallife.CivilEngineerA professional involvedin the design,construction, andmaintenance ofinfrastructure projectssuch as roads, bridges,buildings, and watersupply systems.Problem-SolvingThe process offindingsolutions todifficult orcomplexissues.IndustrialEngineerAn engineer focusedon optimizingcomplex systems orprocesses to improveefficiency,productivity, andquality.LeadershipThe ability toinspire and guideothers towardachieving acommon vision orgoal.ProjectManagerAn individualresponsible forplanning, organizing,leading, and controllingresources to achievespecific project goalswithin a definedtimeline and budget.EnvironmentalEngineerAn engineer concernedwith the protection ofhuman health and theenvironment, focusing onsolutions for issues suchas pollution control,waste management, andsustainabledevelopment.AerospaceEngineerAn engineerspecializing in thedesign, development,testing, andproduction of aircraft,spacecraft, andrelated systems.TeamworkCollaborativeeffort by a groupof individuals toachieve acommon goal orcomplete a task.BiomedicalEngineerA professional whoapplies principles ofengineering andbiological sciences tohealthcare and medicaltechnologies, includingmedical devices,prosthetics, andbiomedical imaging.AdaptabilityThe ability toadjust and thrivein changingcircumstancesor environments.ElectricalEngineerAn engineerspecializing in thestudy, design, andapplication ofequipment, devices,and systems that useelectricity,electromagnetism, andelectronics.ProfessionalismConduct, behavior,and attitude expectedof a professional in aparticular occupation,encompassing ethics,integrity, andcompetence.CommunicationSkillsThe ability toconvey informationclearly andeffectively throughverbal, written,and non-verbalmeans.RiskManagementThe process ofidentifying, assessing,and prioritizing risksfollowed bycoordinated efforts tominimize, monitor, andcontrol the probabilityor impact of adverseevents.ChemicalEngineerA professional whoapplies principles ofchemistry, physics,mathematics, andeconomics to efficientlyuse, produce, design,transport, andtransform energy andmaterials.InnovationThe introduction ofnew ideas, methods,or technologies thatlead to improvementsin processes,products, or services,fostering growth andcompetitiveness.StructuralEngineerA professionalinvolved in the designand analysis ofstructures such asbuildings, bridges,and dams to ensuresafety and durability.ComputerEngineerAn expert in thedesign anddevelopment ofcomputerhardware andsoftware systems.SoftwareEngineerAn expert in thedesign,development,testing, andmaintenance ofsoftware systemsand applications.RenewableEnergyEngineerA professional focusedon the developmentand implementation oftechnologies forgenerating energy fromrenewable sourcessuch as solar, wind,and hydroelectricpower.ContinuingEducationThe pursuit of learningopportunities beyondformal education, includingworkshops, seminars,certifications, and self-directed study, to stayupdated withadvancements in one'sfield and enhanceprofessional skills.MechanicalEngineerA professional whoapplies the principlesof physics andmaterials science forthe design, analysis,manufacturing, andmaintenance ofmechanical systems.QualityAssuranceEngineerA professionalresponsible forensuring that productsand services meetspecified qualitystandards throughtesting and inspection.EthicsPrinciples of rightand wrongbehavior, guidingmoral choices andactions in personaland professionallife.CivilEngineerA professional involvedin the design,construction, andmaintenance ofinfrastructure projectssuch as roads, bridges,buildings, and watersupply systems.Problem-SolvingThe process offindingsolutions todifficult orcomplexissues.IndustrialEngineerAn engineer focusedon optimizingcomplex systems orprocesses to improveefficiency,productivity, andquality.LeadershipThe ability toinspire and guideothers towardachieving acommon vision orgoal.ProjectManagerAn individualresponsible forplanning, organizing,leading, and controllingresources to achievespecific project goalswithin a definedtimeline and budget.EnvironmentalEngineerAn engineer concernedwith the protection ofhuman health and theenvironment, focusing onsolutions for issues suchas pollution control,waste management, andsustainabledevelopment.AerospaceEngineerAn engineerspecializing in thedesign, development,testing, andproduction of aircraft,spacecraft, andrelated systems.TeamworkCollaborativeeffort by a groupof individuals toachieve acommon goal orcomplete a task.BiomedicalEngineerA professional whoapplies principles ofengineering andbiological sciences tohealthcare and medicaltechnologies, includingmedical devices,prosthetics, andbiomedical imaging.AdaptabilityThe ability toadjust and thrivein changingcircumstancesor environments.ElectricalEngineerAn engineerspecializing in thestudy, design, andapplication ofequipment, devices,and systems that useelectricity,electromagnetism, andelectronics.

2.6 Engineering Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Conduct, behavior, and attitude expected of a professional in a particular occupation, encompassing ethics, integrity, and competence.
  2. The ability to convey information clearly and effectively through verbal, written, and non-verbal means.
    Communication Skills
  3. The process of identifying, assessing, and prioritizing risks followed by coordinated efforts to minimize, monitor, and control the probability or impact of adverse events.
    Risk Management
  4. A professional who applies principles of chemistry, physics, mathematics, and economics to efficiently use, produce, design, transport, and transform energy and materials.
    Chemical Engineer
  5. The introduction of new ideas, methods, or technologies that lead to improvements in processes, products, or services, fostering growth and competitiveness.
  6. A professional involved in the design and analysis of structures such as buildings, bridges, and dams to ensure safety and durability.
    Structural Engineer
  7. An expert in the design and development of computer hardware and software systems.
    Computer Engineer
  8. An expert in the design, development, testing, and maintenance of software systems and applications.
    Software Engineer
  9. A professional focused on the development and implementation of technologies for generating energy from renewable sources such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power.
    Renewable Energy Engineer
  10. The pursuit of learning opportunities beyond formal education, including workshops, seminars, certifications, and self-directed study, to stay updated with advancements in one's field and enhance professional skills.
    Continuing Education
  11. A professional who applies the principles of physics and materials science for the design, analysis, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems.
    Mechanical Engineer
  12. A professional responsible for ensuring that products and services meet specified quality standards through testing and inspection.
    Quality Assurance Engineer
  13. Principles of right and wrong behavior, guiding moral choices and actions in personal and professional life.
  14. A professional involved in the design, construction, and maintenance of infrastructure projects such as roads, bridges, buildings, and water supply systems.
    Civil Engineer
  15. The process of finding solutions to difficult or complex issues.
  16. An engineer focused on optimizing complex systems or processes to improve efficiency, productivity, and quality.
    Industrial Engineer
  17. The ability to inspire and guide others toward achieving a common vision or goal.
  18. An individual responsible for planning, organizing, leading, and controlling resources to achieve specific project goals within a defined timeline and budget.
    Project Manager
  19. An engineer concerned with the protection of human health and the environment, focusing on solutions for issues such as pollution control, waste management, and sustainable development.
    Environmental Engineer
  20. An engineer specializing in the design, development, testing, and production of aircraft, spacecraft, and related systems.
    Aerospace Engineer
  21. Collaborative effort by a group of individuals to achieve a common goal or complete a task.
  22. A professional who applies principles of engineering and biological sciences to healthcare and medical technologies, including medical devices, prosthetics, and biomedical imaging.
    Biomedical Engineer
  23. The ability to adjust and thrive in changing circumstances or environments.
  24. An engineer specializing in the study, design, and application of equipment, devices, and systems that use electricity, electromagnetism, and electronics.
    Electrical Engineer