Used socialmedia to seekvalidation orapproval (e.g.,fishing for likesor comments)Experienced"FOMO" (fearof missing out)after seeingfriends' postsCheckedsocial mediawhile inclass orduring workCheckedsocial mediawhile in bedbeforesleepingPosted a storyor updateabout a recentevent oroutingPosteda selfietodayLiked morethan 10posts in asinglesessionChecked socialmedia while ata familygathering orholidaycelebrationLiked morethan 20posts in asinglesessionUsed asocial mediafilter in thepast 24hoursFelt anxiouswhen unableto checksocial mediaFelt jealousor envious ofsomeone'spostsShared apost about amilestone orachievementPosted astory orupdate abouta meal orsnackUsed socialmedia as a formofprocrastinationinstead ofcompleting tasksChecked socialmedia during aconversationwith someonein personUsed socialmedia to seekvalidation orapproval (e.g.,fishing for likesor comments)Experienced"FOMO" (fearof missing out)after seeingfriends' postsCheckedsocial mediawhile inclass orduring workCheckedsocial mediawhile in bedbeforesleepingPosted a storyor updateabout a recentevent oroutingPosteda selfietodayLiked morethan 10posts in asinglesessionChecked socialmedia while ata familygathering orholidaycelebrationLiked morethan 20posts in asinglesessionUsed asocial mediafilter in thepast 24hoursFelt anxiouswhen unableto checksocial mediaFelt jealousor envious ofsomeone'spostsShared apost about amilestone orachievementPosted astory orupdate abouta meal orsnackUsed socialmedia as a formofprocrastinationinstead ofcompleting tasksChecked socialmedia during aconversationwith someonein person

Social Media Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Used social media to seek validation or approval (e.g., fishing for likes or comments)
  2. Experienced "FOMO" (fear of missing out) after seeing friends' posts
  3. Checked social media while in class or during work
  4. Checked social media while in bed before sleeping
  5. Posted a story or update about a recent event or outing
  6. Posted a selfie today
  7. Liked more than 10 posts in a single session
  8. Checked social media while at a family gathering or holiday celebration
  9. Liked more than 20 posts in a single session
  10. Used a social media filter in the past 24 hours
  11. Felt anxious when unable to check social media
  12. Felt jealous or envious of someone's posts
  13. Shared a post about a milestone or achievement
  14. Posted a story or update about a meal or snack
  15. Used social media as a form of procrastination instead of completing tasks
  16. Checked social media during a conversation with someone in person