Symptoms: Coughingthat gets worse ordoes not go away,chest pain, shortnessof breath, wheezing,feeling very tired allthe time.excessive noiseexposure, medicalconditions that affect theinner ear, certainmedications, and age-related hearing losscaused by degenerationof the inner ear’sstructures over timeThe stagebetween normalcognitivefunctioning andserious cognitivedisorders likedementia.Occurs whencartilage, orcushion, aroundthe bones of thejoint begin tobreak down.Risk factors: nevergiving birth, startingperiod at an early age,starting menopause ata late age, shortermenstrual cycles, highestrogen levels, lowbody mass index,relatives diagnosedoxycodone,hydrocodone,hydromorphone,andoxymorphoneThe process of plaqueformation, whichreduces the amount ofblood flowingthroughout the heartand other parts of thebody increasing risk ofheart attack andstroke.Inflammation of thelining of the heart andvalves due topathogens reachingthe blood stream andattaching to damagesareas of the heart.Symptoms: Coughingthat gets worse ordoes not go away,chest pain, shortnessof breath, wheezing,feeling very tired allthe time.excessive noiseexposure, medicalconditions that affect theinner ear, certainmedications, and age-related hearing losscaused by degenerationof the inner ear’sstructures over timeThe stagebetween normalcognitivefunctioning andserious cognitivedisorders likedementia.Occurs whencartilage, orcushion, aroundthe bones of thejoint begin tobreak down.Risk factors: nevergiving birth, startingperiod at an early age,starting menopause ata late age, shortermenstrual cycles, highestrogen levels, lowbody mass index,relatives diagnosedoxycodone,hydrocodone,hydromorphone,andoxymorphoneThe process of plaqueformation, whichreduces the amount ofblood flowingthroughout the heartand other parts of thebody increasing risk ofheart attack andstroke.Inflammation of thelining of the heart andvalves due topathogens reachingthe blood stream andattaching to damagesareas of the heart.

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Symptoms: Coughing that gets worse or does not go away, chest pain, shortness of breath, wheezing, feeling very tired all the time.
  2. excessive noise exposure, medical conditions that affect the inner ear, certain medications, and age-related hearing loss caused by degeneration of the inner ear’s structures over time
  3. The stage between normal cognitive functioning and serious cognitive disorders like dementia.
  4. Occurs when cartilage, or cushion, around the bones of the joint begin to break down.
  5. Risk factors: never giving birth, starting period at an early age, starting menopause at a late age, shorter menstrual cycles, high estrogen levels, low body mass index, relatives diagnosed
  6. oxycodone, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, and oxymorphone
  7. The process of plaque formation, which reduces the amount of blood flowing throughout the heart and other parts of the body increasing risk of heart attack and stroke.
  8. Inflammation of the lining of the heart and valves due to pathogens reaching the blood stream and attaching to damages areas of the heart.