Learn how tosay Thank Youin five differentlanguages. Write onedown.Read a Recipeand Make theDish.What dish didyou make?Make a craftout of recycledmaterials.What did youmake? Create asound map.Scan the QRcode forinstructions.CompleteCommunityChallengeHave your adultcheck yourattendance on ParentPotal. Make sure toattend each day fortwo weeks and haveadult check again toverify Complete awaterexpirment.What did youlearn?CompleteCommunityChallengeBuild a tower outof somethingcreative you findat home. Whatdid you build? walk forbike for30 minsLearn orpractice how towrite yourname in cursiveWrite yourname.Play afamilycame.Makeyour ownsundialCompleteCommunityChallenge Write a ThankYou Note tosomeone whohas supportedyou   Write a ShortStory. Whatis the title?Advocate forComposting in theschools. Write a letterto the School Boardstating whycomposting isimportant and give it toyour science teacher.    Read about ahistorical eventWhat did youlearn about?Donateto a localcharity.Use arecyclable drinkcontainer. Howmany ouncesdoes it had?CompleteCommunityChallenge Eat lunchwithsomeone youdon't usuallysit with Find ananalogclock. Whattime is it? CompleteCommunityChallengeLearn how tosay Thank Youin five differentlanguages. Write onedown.Read a Recipeand Make theDish.What dish didyou make?Make a craftout of recycledmaterials.What did youmake? Create asound map.Scan the QRcode forinstructions.CompleteCommunityChallengeHave your adultcheck yourattendance on ParentPotal. Make sure toattend each day fortwo weeks and haveadult check again toverify Complete awaterexpirment.What did youlearn?CompleteCommunityChallengeBuild a tower outof somethingcreative you findat home. Whatdid you build? walk forbike for30 minsLearn orpractice how towrite yourname in cursiveWrite yourname.Play afamilycame.Makeyour ownsundialCompleteCommunityChallenge Write a ThankYou Note tosomeone whohas supportedyou   Write a ShortStory. Whatis the title?Advocate forComposting in theschools. Write a letterto the School Boardstating whycomposting isimportant and give it toyour science teacher.    Read about ahistorical eventWhat did youlearn about?Donateto a localcharity.Use arecyclable drinkcontainer. Howmany ouncesdoes it had?CompleteCommunityChallenge Eat lunchwithsomeone youdon't usuallysit with Find ananalogclock. Whattime is it? CompleteCommunityChallenge

Big Three Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Learn how to say Thank You in five different languages . Write one down.
  2. Read a Recipe and Make the Dish. What dish did you make?
  3. Make a craft out of recycled materials. What did you make?
  4. Create a sound map. Scan the QR code for instructions.
  5. Complete Community Challenge
  6. Have your adult check your attendance on Parent Potal. Make sure to attend each day for two weeks and have adult check again to verify
  7. Complete a water expirment. What did you learn?
  8. Complete Community Challenge
  9. Build a tower out of something creative you find at home. What did you build?
  10. walk for bike for 30 mins
  11. Learn or practice how to write your name in cursive Write your name.
  12. Play a family came.
  13. Make your own sundial
  14. Complete Community Challenge
  15. Write a Thank You Note to someone who has supported you
  16. Write a Short Story. What is the title?
  17. Advocate for Composting in the schools. Write a letter to the School Board stating why composting is important and give it to your science teacher.
  18. Read about a historical event What did you learn about?
  19. Donate to a local charity.
  20. Use a recyclable drink container. How many ounces does it had?
  21. Complete Community Challenge
  22. Eat lunch with someone you don't usually sit with
  23. Find an analog clock. What time is it?
  24. Complete Community Challenge