GlaucomaA condition where theeye’s optic nerve,which providesinformation to thebrain, is damagedwith or without raisedintraocular pressureAmetropiathe medicalterm for thepresence ofrefractive errorin the eyesOcularof orconnectedwith the eyesor visionAstigmatismA common visioncondition due toimproper curvatureof the cornea, thelens or the retina.This results inblurred vision.Surfacingrise or comeup to thesurface ofthe water orthe groundScotomaA permanentor temporaryarea ofdepressed orabsent vision.ConjunctivitisPinkEyeSportsVisionthe science ofhelping athletesreach peak levelsof performancethrough theenhancement ofvisual skills.PeripheralVision"tunnelvision"Uveitis Swelling of theuvea, thecolored portionof the eyes.Optician a person qualifiedto make andsupply eyeglassesand contact lensesfor correction ofvision.ChildrensVisiona complexcombination of thebrain, the eyesand the vast arrayof nerves thatconnect themAnteriorChamberSpacein theeyeContactLensesa thin plasticlens placeddirectly on thesurface of theeye to correctvisual defectsMacularDegenerationA vision impairmentresulting fromdeterioration of thecentral part of retina,a thin layer at theback of the eye onthe inner side.Stromathe supportivetissue of anepithelial organ,tumor, gonad, etc.,consisting ofconnective tissuesand blood vesselsAnteriorOcularSegmentthe front third of theeye that includesthe structures infront of the vitreoushumour: the cornea,iris, ciliary body, andlens.Gangliona group ofneuron cellbodies in theperipheralnervous systemRetinitisinflammationof the retinaof the eye.VisualFieldthe entire areathat a person oranimal is able tosee when theireyes are fixed inone positionPolycarbonatea group ofthermoplasticpolymerscontainingcarbonate groupsin their chemicalstructures.Coatingsa covering that isapplied to the surfaceof an object, orsubstrate.[1][2] Thepurpose of applyingthe coating may bedecorative,functional, or bothPigmentosaa geneticdisorder ofthe eyes thatcauses lossof visionMyopiaa refractive eyedisorder where aperson can seeonly near objectsclearly and distantobjects look blurryand unclearOpticNerveeach of the secondpair of cranialnerves, transmittingimpulses to thebrain from the retinaat the back of theeye.Dioptera unit of refractivepower that is equalto the reciprocal ofthe focal length (inmeters) of a givenlensTorichaving twodifferent curvesinstead of one,used to correctboth astigmatismand near- orfarsightedness.OpticalCorrectionsurgery refers toprocedures thatimprove youreyesight bychanging how lightbends as it entersyour eyeTrifocal(of a pair ofglasses) havinglenses withthree parts withdifferent focallengths.Choroidis a thin layer oftissue that liesbetween theretina and thesclera, the whitepart of the eyeMaculaa tiny but crucialregion located inthe middle of theretina, the layer ofthe back of theeye that issensitive to light.Scotopic relating to ordenoting vision indim light, believedto involve chieflythe rods of theretina.RefractiveIndex the ratio of thevelocity of light ina vacuum to itsvelocity in aspecified medium.RefractiveErrorcommon visionproblem that occurswhen the shape of theeye prevents light fromfocusing correctly onthe retina, the light-sensitive layer of tissueat the back of the eye.Glassesa pair of lenses setin a frame restingon the nose andears, used tocorrect or assistdefective eyesightor protect the eyesOptometristare health careprofessionalswho typicallyprovidecomprehensiveeye care. SingleVisionLensescorrect visionat only onedistance,near or faraway.DiabetesA metabolicdisorder in whichthe body has highsugar levels forprolongedperiods of time.Endotheliumthe tissue which formsa single layer of cellslining various organsand cavities of thebody, especially theblood vessels, heart,and lymphatic vessels.It is formed from theembryonic mesodermAnti-ReflectiveCoatinga type of opticalcoating applied tothe surface oflenses, other opticalelements, andphotovoltaic cells toreduce reflectionVisionthe facultyor state ofbeing ableto seeProgressiveLensesan eyeglass lenshaving a smoothtransition betweenparts with differentfocal lengths,correcting for visionat all distances.Antioxidantsa substance suchas vitamin C or Ethat removespotentiallydamagingoxidizing agents ina living organism.Foveaa smalldepression inthe retina of theeye wherevisual acuity ishighesDialationthe action orcondition ofbecoming orbeing madewider, larger, ormore openSclerathe white outerlayer of theeyeball. At thefront of the eyeit is continuouswith the cornea.Retinaa layer at the back ofthe eyeball containingcells that are sensitiveto light and that triggernerve impulses thatpass via the opticnerve to the brain,where a visual imageis formed.PresbyopiaProgressiveloss of nearfocusing abilityof the eye dueto ageing.Trabeculareach of a series orgroup of partitionsformed by bands orcolumns of connectivetissue, especially aplate of the calcareoustissue formingcancellous boneCorneathetransparentlayer formingthe front ofthe eyeColorBlindnessmakes it hardto tell thedifferencebetweencertain colors.Epitheliumthe thin tissueforming the outerlayer of a body'ssurface and liningthe alimentarycanal and otherhollow structuresExcimerLasera laser that uses anoble-gas halideto generateradiation usually inthe ultravioletregion of thespectrumLensa piece of glass orother transparentsubstance withcurved sides forconcentrating ordispersing lightraysStrabismusCrossedEyesEyeExama series of testsperformed toassess visionand ability tofocus on anddiscern objects.Pupila hole locatedin the center ofthe iris of theeye that allowslight to strikethe retina.BinocularVision vision using twoeyes withoverlapping fieldsof view, allowinggood perception ofdepth.Vitreouslike glass inappearanceor physicalpropertiesIntraocularPressureis the fluidpressureinside theeyeVisualAcuitysharpness of vision,measured by theability to discernletters or numbersat a given distanceaccording to a fixedstandard.Photochromicundergoing areversible changein color or shadewhen exposed tolight of a particularfrequency orintensityCataractA conditionaffecting theeye that causesclouding of thelensDiagnosticcharacteristicof a particularspecies,genus, orphenomenonBifocalsa pair ofeyeglasseshaving lenseswith two partswith differentfocal lengthsLowVisiona visionproblem thatmakes it hardto do everydayactivities.Sight the facultyor powerof seeingTritanopiaa rare form ofcolor-blindnessresulting frominsensitivity to bluelight, causingconfusion ofgreens and blues.Irisa flat, colored, ring-shaped membranebehind the corneaof the eye, with anadjustable circularopening (pupil) inthe center.VasculitisA group ofconditionscharacterized bythe inflammation ofblood vessels. Thiscauses headache,fatigue and fever.AmblyopiaLazyEyeVitrectomythe surgicaloperation ofremoving thevitreous humorfrom theeyeballTomographya technique fordisplaying arepresentation of across section througha human body orother solid objectusing X-rays orultrasound.HyperopiaA vision problem inwhich nearbyobjects lookblurred, while thedistant objects aremore clearlyvisible.Refractionthe redirectionof a wave as itpasses fromone mediumto another.GlaucomaA condition where theeye’s optic nerve,which providesinformation to thebrain, is damagedwith or without raisedintraocular pressureAmetropiathe medicalterm for thepresence ofrefractive errorin the eyesOcularof orconnectedwith the eyesor visionAstigmatismA common visioncondition due toimproper curvatureof the cornea, thelens or the retina.This results inblurred vision.Surfacingrise or comeup to thesurface ofthe water orthe groundScotomaA permanentor temporaryarea ofdepressed orabsent vision.ConjunctivitisPinkEyeSportsVisionthe science ofhelping athletesreach peak levelsof performancethrough theenhancement ofvisual skills.PeripheralVision"tunnelvision"Uveitis Swelling of theuvea, thecolored portionof the eyes.Optician a person qualifiedto make andsupply eyeglassesand contact lensesfor correction ofvision.ChildrensVisiona complexcombination of thebrain, the eyesand the vast arrayof nerves thatconnect themAnteriorChamberSpacein theeyeContactLensesa thin plasticlens placeddirectly on thesurface of theeye to correctvisual defectsMacularDegenerationA vision impairmentresulting fromdeterioration of thecentral part of retina,a thin layer at theback of the eye onthe inner side.Stromathe supportivetissue of anepithelial organ,tumor, gonad, etc.,consisting ofconnective tissuesand blood vesselsAnteriorOcularSegmentthe front third of theeye that includesthe structures infront of the vitreoushumour: the cornea,iris, ciliary body, andlens.Gangliona group ofneuron cellbodies in theperipheralnervous systemRetinitisinflammationof the retinaof the eye.VisualFieldthe entire areathat a person oranimal is able tosee when theireyes are fixed inone positionPolycarbonatea group ofthermoplasticpolymerscontainingcarbonate groupsin their chemicalstructures.Coatingsa covering that isapplied to the surfaceof an object, orsubstrate.[1][2] Thepurpose of applyingthe coating may bedecorative,functional, or bothPigmentosaa geneticdisorder ofthe eyes thatcauses lossof visionMyopiaa refractive eyedisorder where aperson can seeonly near objectsclearly and distantobjects look blurryand unclearOpticNerveeach of the secondpair of cranialnerves, transmittingimpulses to thebrain from the retinaat the back of theeye.Dioptera unit of refractivepower that is equalto the reciprocal ofthe focal length (inmeters) of a givenlensTorichaving twodifferent curvesinstead of one,used to correctboth astigmatismand near- orfarsightedness.OpticalCorrectionsurgery refers toprocedures thatimprove youreyesight bychanging how lightbends as it entersyour eyeTrifocal(of a pair ofglasses) havinglenses withthree parts withdifferent focallengths.Choroidis a thin layer oftissue that liesbetween theretina and thesclera, the whitepart of the eyeMaculaa tiny but crucialregion located inthe middle of theretina, the layer ofthe back of theeye that issensitive to light.Scotopic relating to ordenoting vision indim light, believedto involve chieflythe rods of theretina.RefractiveIndex the ratio of thevelocity of light ina vacuum to itsvelocity in aspecified medium.RefractiveErrorcommon visionproblem that occurswhen the shape of theeye prevents light fromfocusing correctly onthe retina, the light-sensitive layer of tissueat the back of the eye.Glassesa pair of lenses setin a frame restingon the nose andears, used tocorrect or assistdefective eyesightor protect the eyesOptometristare health careprofessionalswho typicallyprovidecomprehensiveeye care. SingleVisionLensescorrect visionat only onedistance,near or faraway.DiabetesA metabolicdisorder in whichthe body has highsugar levels forprolongedperiods of time.Endotheliumthe tissue which formsa single layer of cellslining various organsand cavities of thebody, especially theblood vessels, heart,and lymphatic vessels.It is formed from theembryonic mesodermAnti-ReflectiveCoatinga type of opticalcoating applied tothe surface oflenses, other opticalelements, andphotovoltaic cells toreduce reflectionVisionthe facultyor state ofbeing ableto seeProgressiveLensesan eyeglass lenshaving a smoothtransition betweenparts with differentfocal lengths,correcting for visionat all distances.Antioxidantsa substance suchas vitamin C or Ethat removespotentiallydamagingoxidizing agents ina living organism.Foveaa smalldepression inthe retina of theeye wherevisual acuity ishighesDialationthe action orcondition ofbecoming orbeing madewider, larger, ormore openSclerathe white outerlayer of theeyeball. At thefront of the eyeit is continuouswith the cornea.Retinaa layer at the back ofthe eyeball containingcells that are sensitiveto light and that triggernerve impulses thatpass via the opticnerve to the brain,where a visual imageis formed.PresbyopiaProgressiveloss of nearfocusing abilityof the eye dueto ageing.Trabeculareach of a series orgroup of partitionsformed by bands orcolumns of connectivetissue, especially aplate of the calcareoustissue formingcancellous boneCorneathetransparentlayer formingthe front ofthe eyeColorBlindnessmakes it hardto tell thedifferencebetweencertain colors.Epitheliumthe thin tissueforming the outerlayer of a body'ssurface and liningthe alimentarycanal and otherhollow structuresExcimerLasera laser that uses anoble-gas halideto generateradiation usually inthe ultravioletregion of thespectrumLensa piece of glass orother transparentsubstance withcurved sides forconcentrating ordispersing lightraysStrabismusCrossedEyesEyeExama series of testsperformed toassess visionand ability tofocus on anddiscern objects.Pupila hole locatedin the center ofthe iris of theeye that allowslight to strikethe retina.BinocularVision vision using twoeyes withoverlapping fieldsof view, allowinggood perception ofdepth.Vitreouslike glass inappearanceor physicalpropertiesIntraocularPressureis the fluidpressureinside theeyeVisualAcuitysharpness of vision,measured by theability to discernletters or numbersat a given distanceaccording to a fixedstandard.Photochromicundergoing areversible changein color or shadewhen exposed tolight of a particularfrequency orintensityCataractA conditionaffecting theeye that causesclouding of thelensDiagnosticcharacteristicof a particularspecies,genus, orphenomenonBifocalsa pair ofeyeglasseshaving lenseswith two partswith differentfocal lengthsLowVisiona visionproblem thatmakes it hardto do everydayactivities.Sight the facultyor powerof seeingTritanopiaa rare form ofcolor-blindnessresulting frominsensitivity to bluelight, causingconfusion ofgreens and blues.Irisa flat, colored, ring-shaped membranebehind the corneaof the eye, with anadjustable circularopening (pupil) inthe center.VasculitisA group ofconditionscharacterized bythe inflammation ofblood vessels. Thiscauses headache,fatigue and fever.AmblyopiaLazyEyeVitrectomythe surgicaloperation ofremoving thevitreous humorfrom theeyeballTomographya technique fordisplaying arepresentation of across section througha human body orother solid objectusing X-rays orultrasound.HyperopiaA vision problem inwhich nearbyobjects lookblurred, while thedistant objects aremore clearlyvisible.Refractionthe redirectionof a wave as itpasses fromone mediumto another.

Optometry Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. A condition where the eye’s optic nerve, which provides information to the brain, is damaged with or without raised intraocular pressure
  2. the medical term for the presence of refractive error in the eyes
  3. of or connected with the eyes or vision
  4. A common vision condition due to improper curvature of the cornea, the lens or the retina. This results in blurred vision.
  5. rise or come up to the surface of the water or the ground
  6. A permanent or temporary area of depressed or absent vision.
  7. Pink Eye
  8. the science of helping athletes reach peak levels of performance through the enhancement of visual skills.
    Sports Vision
  9. "tunnel vision"
    Peripheral Vision
  10. Swelling of the uvea, the colored portion of the eyes.
  11. a person qualified to make and supply eyeglasses and contact lenses for correction of vision.
  12. a complex combination of the brain, the eyes and the vast array of nerves that connect them
    Childrens Vision
  13. Space in the eye
    Anterior Chamber
  14. a thin plastic lens placed directly on the surface of the eye to correct visual defects
    Contact Lenses
  15. A vision impairment resulting from deterioration of the central part of retina, a thin layer at the back of the eye on the inner side.
    Macular Degeneration
  16. the supportive tissue of an epithelial organ, tumor, gonad, etc., consisting of connective tissues and blood vessels
  17. the front third of the eye that includes the structures in front of the vitreous humour: the cornea, iris, ciliary body, and lens.
    Anterior Ocular Segment
  18. a group of neuron cell bodies in the peripheral nervous system
  19. inflammation of the retina of the eye.
  20. the entire area that a person or animal is able to see when their eyes are fixed in one position
    Visual Field
  21. a group of thermoplastic polymers containing carbonate groups in their chemical structures.
  22. a covering that is applied to the surface of an object, or substrate.[1][2] The purpose of applying the coating may be decorative, functional, or both
  23. a genetic disorder of the eyes that causes loss of vision
  24. a refractive eye disorder where a person can see only near objects clearly and distant objects look blurry and unclear
  25. each of the second pair of cranial nerves, transmitting impulses to the brain from the retina at the back of the eye.
    Optic Nerve
  26. a unit of refractive power that is equal to the reciprocal of the focal length (in meters) of a given lens
  27. having two different curves instead of one, used to correct both astigmatism and near- or farsightedness.
  28. surgery refers to procedures that improve your eyesight by changing how light bends as it enters your eye
    Optical Correction
  29. (of a pair of glasses) having lenses with three parts with different focal lengths.
  30. is a thin layer of tissue that lies between the retina and the sclera, the white part of the eye
  31. a tiny but crucial region located in the middle of the retina, the layer of the back of the eye that is sensitive to light.
  32. relating to or denoting vision in dim light, believed to involve chiefly the rods of the retina.
  33. the ratio of the velocity of light in a vacuum to its velocity in a specified medium.
    Refractive Index
  34. common vision problem that occurs when the shape of the eye prevents light from focusing correctly on the retina, the light-sensitive layer of tissue at the back of the eye.
    Refractive Error
  35. a pair of lenses set in a frame resting on the nose and ears, used to correct or assist defective eyesight or protect the eyes
  36. are health care professionals who typically provide comprehensive eye care.
  37. correct vision at only one distance, near or far away.
    Single Vision Lenses
  38. A metabolic disorder in which the body has high sugar levels for prolonged periods of time.
  39. the tissue which forms a single layer of cells lining various organs and cavities of the body, especially the blood vessels, heart, and lymphatic vessels. It is formed from the embryonic mesoderm
  40. a type of optical coating applied to the surface of lenses, other optical elements, and photovoltaic cells to reduce reflection
    Anti-Reflective Coating
  41. the faculty or state of being able to see
  42. an eyeglass lens having a smooth transition between parts with different focal lengths, correcting for vision at all distances.
    Progressive Lenses
  43. a substance such as vitamin C or E that removes potentially damaging oxidizing agents in a living organism.
  44. a small depression in the retina of the eye where visual acuity is highes
  45. the action or condition of becoming or being made wider, larger, or more open
  46. the white outer layer of the eyeball. At the front of the eye it is continuous with the cornea.
  47. a layer at the back of the eyeball containing cells that are sensitive to light and that trigger nerve impulses that pass via the optic nerve to the brain, where a visual image is formed.
  48. Progressive loss of near focusing ability of the eye due to ageing.
  49. each of a series or group of partitions formed by bands or columns of connective tissue, especially a plate of the calcareous tissue forming cancellous bone
  50. the transparent layer forming the front of the eye
  51. makes it hard to tell the difference between certain colors.
    Color Blindness
  52. the thin tissue forming the outer layer of a body's surface and lining the alimentary canal and other hollow structures
  53. a laser that uses a noble-gas halide to generate radiation usually in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum
    Excimer Laser
  54. a piece of glass or other transparent substance with curved sides for concentrating or dispersing light rays
  55. Crossed Eyes
  56. a series of tests performed to assess vision and ability to focus on and discern objects.
    Eye Exam
  57. a hole located in the center of the iris of the eye that allows light to strike the retina.
  58. vision using two eyes with overlapping fields of view, allowing good perception of depth.
    Binocular Vision
  59. like glass in appearance or physical properties
  60. is the fluid pressure inside the eye
    Intraocular Pressure
  61. sharpness of vision, measured by the ability to discern letters or numbers at a given distance according to a fixed standard.
    Visual Acuity
  62. undergoing a reversible change in color or shade when exposed to light of a particular frequency or intensity
  63. A condition affecting the eye that causes clouding of the lens
  64. characteristic of a particular species, genus, or phenomenon
  65. a pair of eyeglasses having lenses with two parts with different focal lengths
  66. a vision problem that makes it hard to do everyday activities.
    Low Vision
  67. the faculty or power of seeing
  68. a rare form of color-blindness resulting from insensitivity to blue light, causing confusion of greens and blues.
  69. a flat, colored, ring-shaped membrane behind the cornea of the eye, with an adjustable circular opening (pupil) in the center.
  70. A group of conditions characterized by the inflammation of blood vessels. This causes headache, fatigue and fever.
  71. Lazy Eye
  72. the surgical operation of removing the vitreous humor from the eyeball
  73. a technique for displaying a representation of a cross section through a human body or other solid object using X-rays or ultrasound.
  74. A vision problem in which nearby objects look blurred, while the distant objects are more clearly visible.
  75. the redirection of a wave as it passes from one medium to another.