Inappropriatesodaadvertisingfor childrenInappropriateuse of imagesthat are notsuitable forchildrenParentsshould keeptheir cleaningproducts outof kids reachThe kids willexpect that thecar does everymove that isdone in thevideoThere is an errorin the placementof the words sothat the wordscan bemisinterpretedNo adsshould beput in kids'tv showEven thoughthis teddy bearspeaks in theTV, this toydoesn't talkThis advertisinguses characterused for childrento call theirattention over anunhealthy foodInappropriatesodaadvertisingfor childrenInappropriateuse of imagesthat are notsuitable forchildrenParentsshould keeptheir cleaningproducts outof kids reachThe kids willexpect that thecar does everymove that isdone in thevideoThere is an errorin the placementof the words sothat the wordscan bemisinterpretedNo adsshould beput in kids'tv showEven thoughthis teddy bearspeaks in theTV, this toydoesn't talkThis advertisinguses characterused for childrento call theirattention over anunhealthy food

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Inappropriate soda advertising for children
  2. Inappropriate use of images that are not suitable for children
  3. Parents should keep their cleaning products out of kids reach
  4. The kids will expect that the car does every move that is done in the video
  5. There is an error in the placement of the words so that the words can be misinterpreted
  6. No ads should be put in kids' tv show
  7. Even though this teddy bear speaks in the TV, this toy doesn't talk
  8. This advertising uses character used for children to call their attention over an unhealthy food