RabbitChapmanfavored atin hatYou caneat a applecooked orrawThe trees heplantedyieldedsmall, tartapplesHis legendgrowbigger afterhis deathHe livedduring the19thcenturyI loveredapplesJohnnyAppleseed wasa real personname JohnChapmanI likeapplesauceI likeapplepieYou shouldlearn toplay aninstrumentI likeapplejuiceHe would plant theseorchards, leave, letthem grow for awhile, wait for peopleto settle in the region,and then return yearslater to sell the treesoff for a high profit.John Chapman'sgreat-great-great-great grandnephew,also named JohnChapman, stillmaintains a couple ofsmall apple orchardsin Athens, Maine.I lovegreenapplesApplesare highin vitaminCLegend of JohnnyAppleseed reallybegan to sprout in1846, a year afterhis death in 1845.I hope youhave a safe,productivesummerbreakFieldtripsare somuch funI wish wehad pizzaavailableeveryday forlunchCamelTurtleBeaverThere areover 7,500varieties ofapples grownworldwideReddeliciousapples arethe mostnutritiousI met a friendin 2nd gradeby tradingapplesWe havealmost 6weeks leftof schoolLizardChapman alsocarried the seeds formedicinal plants, aswell as the plantsthemselves, which hewas known to give toNative Americans.I have 1brotherand 1sisterOrangejuice isgreat in themorning60 5-letterarrangementscan be madewith the wordappleApples areassociatedwith fall, alongwith pearsand pumpkinChapmanowned anastonishing1,200 acres oftree nurseriesHe was alegendarytreeplanterThe skin isthe mostnutrientdense part ofan appleI lost atooth oncewhile eatinga appleChapman consideredhimself a missionaryof the New Church, aChristiandenomination thatbecame establishedthe late 18th centuryLearn anew hobbyover thesummerRabbitChapmanfavored atin hatYou caneat a applecooked orrawThe trees heplantedyieldedsmall, tartapplesHis legendgrowbigger afterhis deathHe livedduring the19thcenturyI loveredapplesJohnnyAppleseed wasa real personname JohnChapmanI likeapplesauceI likeapplepieYou shouldlearn toplay aninstrumentI likeapplejuiceHe would plant theseorchards, leave, letthem grow for awhile, wait for peopleto settle in the region,and then return yearslater to sell the treesoff for a high profit.John Chapman'sgreat-great-great-great grandnephew,also named JohnChapman, stillmaintains a couple ofsmall apple orchardsin Athens, Maine.I lovegreenapplesApplesare highin vitaminCLegend of JohnnyAppleseed reallybegan to sprout in1846, a year afterhis death in 1845.I hope youhave a safe,productivesummerbreakFieldtripsare somuch funI wish wehad pizzaavailableeveryday forlunchCamelTurtleBeaverThere areover 7,500varieties ofapples grownworldwideReddeliciousapples arethe mostnutritiousI met a friendin 2nd gradeby tradingapplesWe havealmost 6weeks leftof schoolLizardChapman alsocarried the seeds formedicinal plants, aswell as the plantsthemselves, which hewas known to give toNative Americans.I have 1brotherand 1sisterOrangejuice isgreat in themorning60 5-letterarrangementscan be madewith the wordappleApples areassociatedwith fall, alongwith pearsand pumpkinChapmanowned anastonishing1,200 acres oftree nurseriesHe was alegendarytreeplanterThe skin isthe mostnutrientdense part ofan appleI lost atooth oncewhile eatinga appleChapman consideredhimself a missionaryof the New Church, aChristiandenomination thatbecame establishedthe late 18th centuryLearn anew hobbyover thesummer

Tall Tale Johnny Appleseed - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Rabbit
  2. Chapman favored a tin hat
  3. You can eat a apple cooked or raw
  4. The trees he planted yielded small, tart apples
  5. His legend grow bigger after his death
  6. He lived during the 19th century
  7. I love red apples
  8. Johnny Appleseed was a real person name John Chapman
  9. I like applesauce
  10. I like applepie
  11. You should learn to play an instrument
  12. I like applejuice
  13. He would plant these orchards, leave, let them grow for a while, wait for people to settle in the region, and then return years later to sell the trees off for a high profit.
  14. John Chapman's great-great-great-great grandnephew, also named John Chapman, still maintains a couple of small apple orchards in Athens, Maine.
  15. I love green apples
  16. Apples are high in vitamin C
  17. Legend of Johnny Appleseed really began to sprout in 1846, a year after his death in 1845.
  18. I hope you have a safe, productive summer break
  19. Fieldtrips are so much fun
  20. I wish we had pizza available everyday for lunch
  21. Camel
  22. Turtle
  23. Beaver
  24. There are over 7,500 varieties of apples grown worldwide
  25. Red delicious apples are the most nutritious
  26. I met a friend in 2nd grade by trading apples
  27. We have almost 6 weeks left of school
  28. Lizard
  29. Chapman also carried the seeds for medicinal plants, as well as the plants themselves, which he was known to give to Native Americans.
  30. I have 1 brother and 1 sister
  31. Orange juice is great in the morning
  32. 60 5-letter arrangements can be made with the word apple
  33. Apples are associated with fall, along with pears and pumpkin
  34. Chapman owned an astonishing 1,200 acres of tree nurseries
  35. He was a legendary tree planter
  36. The skin is the most nutrient dense part of an apple
  37. I lost a tooth once while eating a apple
  38. Chapman considered himself a missionary of the New Church, a Christian denomination that became established the late 18th century
  39. Learn a new hobby over the summer