Which famousEngineer builtthe suspensionbridge toCincinnati?What yeardid the KYDerbyFestivalBegin ?I canname 3collegesin N. KYI knowsomeone herewho played inaband/orchestraI can namethe currentMayor ofRabbit HashKYI am wearingred nail polishor knowsomeone herewho isKYstatebird?I can name3 USpresidentsborn in KYI knowsomeone herewith an out ofstate drivers'licenseFamoussinger fromButcherHollow KY:I can name theOrganizationthat establishedCenter TablecateringTwo animalsthatrepresent thedemocraticpartyOriginal namefor the statecapital of KY(before it wasFrankfort)?I knowGovernorBeshears'dog's breedor nameI am wearingred nail polishor knowsomeone herewho isI have a photoof the FlorenceY'all iconic signin my photos onmy phoneI canproduce alotteryticketI knowsomeone herewho completeda 5K in thepast year I knowsomeone herewho played amusicalinstrument on astageKYstatebird?Which famousEngineer builtthe suspensionbridge toCincinnati?I knowGovernorBeshears'dog's breedor nameDemocraticWoman's Clubof Kentuckydates back towhat year?Firstfemalegovernorof KYI knowsomeonehere who isleft-handedI knowsomeone herewho played inaband/orchestraI knowsomeonehere who isleft-handedDemocraticWoman's Clubof Kentuckydates back towhat year? I can state thehourly wage forCincinnatiironworkers whenthe Korean WarstartedI know thename of theFlorencebaseballteamLongestcavesystem inthe worldWhat citywas KFCstartedin?I am theoldestchild ofmy familyTwo animalsthatrepresent thedemocraticpartyI knowsomeone herewho was bornin the samemonth as meI canproduce alotteryticketI knowsomeone herewith an out ofstate drivers'licenseI can name3 USpresidentsborn in KYI know thename of theFlorencebaseballteamI knowsomeonehere whosenames startswith "K"I know theyearIronworkersUnion wasestablishedI have a photoof the FlorenceY'all iconic signin my photos onmy phoneI can state thehourly wage forCincinnatiironworkers whenthe Korean WarstartedKYstateflower:Famoussinger fromButcherHollow KYI can namethe currentMayor ofRabbit HashKYLongestcavesystem inthe worldName the firstpermanentsettlement inthe Kentucky(1774)I know theyearIronworkersUnion wasestablishedI knowhow KYderived itsnameKYnickname:Firstfemalegovernorof KYI knowsomeonehere whobowled a300 gameI can name theOrganizationthat establishedCenter TablecateringI canproduce abusinesscardWhat yeardid the KYDerbyFestivalBegin ?I know whothe presidentis of LocalIronworkers44I am theoldestchild ofmy familyI knowsomeone herewho completeda 5K in thepast yearI know whothe presidentis of LocalIronworkers44I knowsomeonehere whosenames startswith "K"Where was thefirst DemocraticNationalConventionheld in 1832?I canproduce abusinesscardI canname 3collegesin N. KY:I knowsomeone herewho played amusicalinstrument on astageI knowsomeone herewho was bornin the samemonth as meWhich famousEngineer builtthe suspensionbridge toCincinnati?What yeardid the KYDerbyFestivalBegin ?I canname 3collegesin N. KYI knowsomeone herewho played inaband/orchestraI can namethe currentMayor ofRabbit HashKYI am wearingred nail polishor knowsomeone herewho isKYstatebird?I can name3 USpresidentsborn in KYI knowsomeone herewith an out ofstate drivers'licenseFamoussinger fromButcherHollow KY:I can name theOrganizationthat establishedCenter TablecateringTwo animalsthatrepresent thedemocraticpartyOriginal namefor the statecapital of KY(before it wasFrankfort)?I knowGovernorBeshears'dog's breedor nameI am wearingred nail polishor knowsomeone herewho isI have a photoof the FlorenceY'all iconic signin my photos onmy phoneI canproduce alotteryticketI knowsomeone herewho completeda 5K in thepast year I knowsomeone herewho played amusicalinstrument on astageKYstatebird?Which famousEngineer builtthe suspensionbridge toCincinnati?I knowGovernorBeshears'dog's breedor nameDemocraticWoman's Clubof Kentuckydates back towhat year?Firstfemalegovernorof KYI knowsomeonehere who isleft-handedI knowsomeone herewho played inaband/orchestraI knowsomeonehere who isleft-handedDemocraticWoman's Clubof Kentuckydates back towhat year? I can state thehourly wage forCincinnatiironworkers whenthe Korean WarstartedI know thename of theFlorencebaseballteamLongestcavesystem inthe worldWhat citywas KFCstartedin?I am theoldestchild ofmy familyTwo animalsthatrepresent thedemocraticpartyI knowsomeone herewho was bornin the samemonth as meI canproduce alotteryticketI knowsomeone herewith an out ofstate drivers'licenseI can name3 USpresidentsborn in KYI know thename of theFlorencebaseballteamI knowsomeonehere whosenames startswith "K"I know theyearIronworkersUnion wasestablishedI have a photoof the FlorenceY'all iconic signin my photos onmy phoneI can state thehourly wage forCincinnatiironworkers whenthe Korean WarstartedKYstateflower:Famoussinger fromButcherHollow KYI can namethe currentMayor ofRabbit HashKYLongestcavesystem inthe worldName the firstpermanentsettlement inthe Kentucky(1774)I know theyearIronworkersUnion wasestablishedI knowhow KYderived itsnameKYnickname:Firstfemalegovernorof KYI knowsomeonehere whobowled a300 gameI can name theOrganizationthat establishedCenter TablecateringI canproduce abusinesscardWhat yeardid the KYDerbyFestivalBegin ?I know whothe presidentis of LocalIronworkers44I am theoldestchild ofmy familyI knowsomeone herewho completeda 5K in thepast yearI know whothe presidentis of LocalIronworkers44I knowsomeonehere whosenames startswith "K"Where was thefirst DemocraticNationalConventionheld in 1832?I canproduce abusinesscardI canname 3collegesin N. KY:I knowsomeone herewho played amusicalinstrument on astageI knowsomeone herewho was bornin the samemonth as me

BCDWC - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Which famous Engineer built the suspension bridge to Cincinnati?
  2. What year did the KY Derby Festival Begin ?
  3. I can name 3 colleges in N. KY
  4. I know someone here who played in a band/orchestra
  5. I can name the current Mayor of Rabbit Hash KY
  6. I am wearing red nail polish or know someone here who is
  7. KY state bird?
  8. I can name 3 US presidents born in KY
  9. I know someone here with an out of state drivers' license
  10. Famous singer from Butcher Hollow KY:
  11. I can name the Organization that established Center Table catering
  12. Two animals that represent the democratic party
  13. Original name for the state capital of KY (before it was Frankfort)?
  14. I know Governor Beshears' dog's breed or name
  15. I am wearing red nail polish or know someone here who is
  16. I have a photo of the Florence Y'all iconic sign in my photos on my phone
  17. I can produce a lottery ticket
  18. I know someone here who completed a 5K in the past year
  19. I know someone here who played a musical instrument on a stage
  20. KY state bird?
  21. Which famous Engineer built the suspension bridge to Cincinnati?
  22. I know Governor Beshears' dog's breed or name
  23. Democratic Woman's Club of Kentucky dates back to what year?
  24. First female governor of KY
  25. I know someone here who is left-handed
  26. I know someone here who played in a band/orchestra
  27. I know someone here who is left-handed
  28. Democratic Woman's Club of Kentucky dates back to what year?
  29. I can state the hourly wage for Cincinnati ironworkers when the Korean War started
  30. I know the name of the Florence baseball team
  31. Longest cave system in the world
  32. What city was KFC started in?
  33. I am the oldest child of my family
  34. Two animals that represent the democratic party
  35. I know someone here who was born in the same month as me
  36. I can produce a lottery ticket
  37. I know someone here with an out of state drivers' license
  38. I can name 3 US presidents born in KY
  39. I know the name of the Florence baseball team
  40. I know someone here whose names starts with "K"
  41. I know the year Ironworkers Union was established
  42. I have a photo of the Florence Y'all iconic sign in my photos on my phone
  43. I can state the hourly wage for Cincinnati ironworkers when the Korean War started
  44. KY state flower:
  45. Famous singer from Butcher Hollow KY
  46. I can name the current Mayor of Rabbit Hash KY
  47. Longest cave system in the world
  48. Name the first permanent settlement in the Kentucky (1774)
  49. I know the year Ironworkers Union was established
  50. I know how KY derived its name
  51. KY nickname:
  52. First female governor of KY
  53. I know someone here who bowled a 300 game
  54. I can name the Organization that established Center Table catering
  55. I can produce a business card
  56. What year did the KY Derby Festival Begin ?
  57. I know who the president is of Local Ironworkers 44
  58. I am the oldest child of my family
  59. I know someone here who completed a 5K in the past year
  60. I know who the president is of Local Ironworkers 44
  61. I know someone here whose names starts with "K"
  62. Where was the first Democratic National Convention held in 1832?
  63. I can produce a business card
  64. I can name 3 colleges in N. KY:
  65. I know someone here who played a musical instrument on a stage
  66. I know someone here who was born in the same month as me