Free!Companyteasing with filiand readeroblivous toeach othersfeelingsFili asking tocourt reader,but theydon't feelworthyThorin kickingreader out ofErebor duringdragonsicknessFili, Kiliand readerantics onthe journeyFili thinksreader likes Kiliinstead(incorrectly andtries to besupportive)Fili meetingreader inlaketown asshe's the healertrying to saveKiliReadermeeting thecompany atBeorn's houseand joining theirjourneyReader beingcompany memberschild and they'revery overprotectiveof them (especiallywith potentialpartners)Readertrying to winDis approval,but alreadyhas itDis trying to set Filiup with reader (likeblinddate/matchmaking).Fili doesn't go alongwith it as he likesreaderReader helpinga companymember woosomeone andFili gettingjealousMisunderstoodbraiding (readerdoesn'tunderstand sigof hair &braiding)Reader beingin Bilbo'shouse whenthe companyarriveBaker readingbaking treatsfor thecompany, butspecial ones forFiliThorin notapproving of Filiand readerrelatonship onjourney atfirst...Free!Companyteasing with filiand readeroblivous toeach othersfeelingsFili asking tocourt reader,but theydon't feelworthyThorin kickingreader out ofErebor duringdragonsicknessFili, Kiliand readerantics onthe journeyFili thinksreader likes Kiliinstead(incorrectly andtries to besupportive)Fili meetingreader inlaketown asshe's the healertrying to saveKiliReadermeeting thecompany atBeorn's houseand joining theirjourneyReader beingcompany memberschild and they'revery overprotectiveof them (especiallywith potentialpartners)Readertrying to winDis approval,but alreadyhas itDis trying to set Filiup with reader (likeblinddate/matchmaking).Fili doesn't go alongwith it as he likesreaderReader helpinga companymember woosomeone andFili gettingjealousMisunderstoodbraiding (readerdoesn'tunderstand sigof hair &braiding)Reader beingin Bilbo'shouse whenthe companyarriveBaker readingbaking treatsfor thecompany, butspecial ones forFiliThorin notapproving of Filiand readerrelatonship onjourney atfirst...

Fili Biblo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Free!
  2. Company teasing with fili and reader oblivous to each others feelings
  3. Fili asking to court reader, but they don't feel worthy
  4. Thorin kicking reader out of Erebor during dragonsickness
  5. Fili, Kili and reader antics on the journey
  6. Fili thinks reader likes Kili instead (incorrectly and tries to be supportive)
  7. Fili meeting reader in laketown as she's the healer trying to save Kili
  8. Reader meeting the company at Beorn's house and joining their journey
  9. Reader being company members child and they're very overprotective of them (especially with potential partners)
  10. Reader trying to win Dis approval, but already has it
  11. Dis trying to set Fili up with reader (like blind date/matchmaking). Fili doesn't go along with it as he likes reader
  12. Reader helping a company member woo someone and Fili getting jealous
  13. Misunderstood braiding (reader doesn't understand sig of hair & braiding)
  14. Reader being in Bilbo's house when the company arrive
  15. Baker reading baking treats for the company, but special ones for Fili
  16. Thorin not approving of Fili and reader relatonship on journey at first...