A collection ofindividualapplicationsavailabletogether as aunit.Destructiveevent orprank a viruswas createdto deliver.A programdesigned to makeusers moreproductive and/orassist them withpersonal tasks.Detects andprotects acomputer andits data fromunauthorizedintrusions.Software thatdetermineswhere usersare spendingtheir money.A collection ofdata organizedto allow access,retrieval, anduse of data.The overlay ofinformation anddigital contenton top ofphysical objectsor locations.The process ofreorganizing ahard disk's file sothat the files arestored incontiguoussectors.A square-shapedcoded graphicthat correspondsto a web addressor otherinformation.A tool thatremoves aprogram as well asany associatedentries in thesystem files.Software thatprovides thecapabilities ofpaint software andmodification ofexisting graphics.Malware thatresides in activememory andreplicates itselfover a network toinfect computersand devices.An application thatenables designers tocreate sophisticatedpublications thatcontain text,graphics, and manycolors.A programdesigned tomake usersmoreproductive.Malware that canhide and allowsomeone to takefull control of acomputer from aremote location.A program thatwarns or blocks auser frompotentiallyfraudulent orsuspiciouswebsites.A scam that sendsan official lookingemail messagesthat attempts toobtainfinanical/personalinformation.A separate areaof a hard diskthat holds aninfected file untilthe infection canbe removed.A collectionof drawings,photos, andotherimages.An application thatassist professionalsand designers increating engineering,architectural, andscientific designs andmodels.A program thatenables a userto performmaintenancetype tasks.Copyrightedsoftware thatis distributedat no cost fora trial period.Software thatcreates andanalyzes anindividual'stax forms.Software that isprovided for use,modification, andredistribution thathas norestrictions.A collection ofindividualapplicationsavailabletogether as aunit.Destructiveevent orprank a viruswas createdto deliver.A programdesigned to makeusers moreproductive and/orassist them withpersonal tasks.Detects andprotects acomputer andits data fromunauthorizedintrusions.Software thatdetermineswhere usersare spendingtheir money.A collection ofdata organizedto allow access,retrieval, anduse of data.The overlay ofinformation anddigital contenton top ofphysical objectsor locations.The process ofreorganizing ahard disk's file sothat the files arestored incontiguoussectors.A square-shapedcoded graphicthat correspondsto a web addressor otherinformation.A tool thatremoves aprogram as well asany associatedentries in thesystem files.Software thatprovides thecapabilities ofpaint software andmodification ofexisting graphics.Malware thatresides in activememory andreplicates itselfover a network toinfect computersand devices.An application thatenables designers tocreate sophisticatedpublications thatcontain text,graphics, and manycolors.A programdesigned tomake usersmoreproductive.Malware that canhide and allowsomeone to takefull control of acomputer from aremote location.A program thatwarns or blocks auser frompotentiallyfraudulent orsuspiciouswebsites.A scam that sendsan official lookingemail messagesthat attempts toobtainfinanical/personalinformation.A separate areaof a hard diskthat holds aninfected file untilthe infection canbe removed.A collectionof drawings,photos, andotherimages.An application thatassist professionalsand designers increating engineering,architectural, andscientific designs andmodels.A program thatenables a userto performmaintenancetype tasks.Copyrightedsoftware thatis distributedat no cost fora trial period.Software thatcreates andanalyzes anindividual'stax forms.Software that isprovided for use,modification, andredistribution thathas norestrictions.

Module 4: Programs and Applications - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. A collection of individual applications available together as a unit.
  2. Destructive event or prank a virus was created to deliver.
  3. A program designed to make users more productive and/or assist them with personal tasks.
  4. Detects and protects a computer and its data from unauthorized intrusions.
  5. Software that determines where users are spending their money.
  6. A collection of data organized to allow access, retrieval, and use of data.
  7. The overlay of information and digital content on top of physical objects or locations.
  8. The process of reorganizing a hard disk's file so that the files are stored in contiguous sectors.
  9. A square-shaped coded graphic that corresponds to a web address or other information.
  10. A tool that removes a program as well as any associated entries in the system files.
  11. Software that provides the capabilities of paint software and modification of existing graphics.
  12. Malware that resides in active memory and replicates itself over a network to infect computers and devices.
  13. An application that enables designers to create sophisticated publications that contain text, graphics, and many colors.
  14. A program designed to make users more productive.
  15. Malware that can hide and allow someone to take full control of a computer from a remote location.
  16. A program that warns or blocks a user from potentially fraudulent or suspicious websites.
  17. A scam that sends an official looking email messages that attempts to obtain finanical/personal information.
  18. A separate area of a hard disk that holds an infected file until the infection can be removed.
  19. A collection of drawings, photos, and other images.
  20. An application that assist professionals and designers in creating engineering, architectural, and scientific designs and models.
  21. A program that enables a user to perform maintenance type tasks.
  22. Copyrighted software that is distributed at no cost for a trial period.
  23. Software that creates and analyzes an individual's tax forms.
  24. Software that is provided for use, modification, and redistribution that has no restrictions.