HarlemRenaissanceNew Yorkneighborhood thatserved as the hubfor AfricanAmerican writers,Artists, andmusiciansDawesActcreated toassimilate NativeAmericans bydividing reservationland into plots ofland for individualIndian familiesNewDealPresidentRoosevelt'sprograms createdto bring Relief,Recovery, &Reform during theGreat Depression"JustSayNo"First ladyNancyReagan'scampaignagainst drugsBlackTuesdayOct. 29,1929 ... theday thestock marketcrashedTrumanDoctrinepart of U.S.containment policyduring the Cold War,stating that the U.S.would provide military& economic aid toanyone defendingagainst CommunismProgressiveEratime periodcharacterizedby Political &SocialReformBombing ofHiroshima& Nagasakievent thatbroughtWWII toan endPanamaCanalconstructed toshorten theroute from thePacific Oceanto the AtlanticOceanMexicanRepatriationActpassed duringthe GreatDepression tohelp reduce jobcompetition in theWestern U.S.Nativismwhen aperson favorsthose born inthe U.S. overimmigrantsStalematestandstill at thestart of WWIcaused byMachine Guns& TrenchWarfareTreaty ofVersaillesofficially endedWWI, and leftGermany'seconomycrumblingHenryFordEntrepreneurknown for usingthe assemblyline to massproduce theautomobileSandraDayO'ConnorFirst femaleSupremeCourtJusticeBarbedWireinnovation thatwas responsiblefor putting an endto the open range& long rangecattle drivesMuckrakerProgressiveEra journalistthat exposedinjusticeswithin societyU.S.becomesa WorldPowerU.S. statusat the end ofthe SpanishAmericanWarBessemerProcessinnovationthat allowsiron to betransformedinto steelOrganizedCrimedirect resultof thepassage ofthe 18thAmendment2000ElectionPresidentialelection thatresulted in theSupreme Courtruling Bush thewinner of Florida'selectoral votesTanksInnovation thathelped to bringan end to thestalemate ofWWIZimmermanNotetelegram sentfrom Germany toMexico proposingan alliance at thebeginning of WWIProhibitionof Alcohol18thAmendmentBarackObamaFirst AfricanAmericanelected aspresident ofthe U.S.Guam,Puerto,Rico, & thePhilippinesterritoriesacquired by theU.S. at the endof the SpanishAmerican War16thAmendmentlegislationstating thatcongresscan collectincome taxGermanInvasionof Polandevent thatstartedWWIIAmericanExpeditionaryForce (AEF)First Americanssoldiers sent tohelp alliedforces quicklyonce the U.S.entered WWIAssassinationof ArchdukeFerdinandthe "Spark"thatstartedWWICubanMissileCrisisCold War eventthat brought theU.S. & SovietUnion to thebrink of NuclearWarAirplanesinnovation usedmainly forreconnaissanceduring WWIShermanAntitrustActlaw thatregulated allmonopolisticpracticesAlfredT.Mahanadvocatedfor the U.S.to build apowerfulNavyDirectelection ofSenators17thAmendmentRecalllegislationthat allowedelectedofficials fromoffice9/11Al-Quaedaled terroristattackagainst theU.S.Bill ofRightsFirst 10Amendmentto the U.S.ConstitutionDeclaration ofIndependencedocument thatofficiallyannouncedU.S. separationfrom GreatBritainMartinLutherKing Jr.civil rightsadvocate thatpromoted non-violent civildisobedienceMassConsumerismThe RoaringTwenties ischaracterizedby thisHomesteadActcreated toencourage Westernsettlement, thisprovided 160 acresof federal land toanyone who agreedto farm it for 5 yearsMontgomeryBus Boycottevent that resultedfrom the arrest ofRosa Parks forrefusing to giveher seat up on apublic busWatergatepolitical scandalinvolving Nixon'sadministrationattempting to coverup their involvementin spying on theDemocratic NationalCommitteeHurricaneKatrinanatural disasterthat floodedNew Orleanswhen it's leveesystem failedSputnikevent thatsparked thestart of theCold WarSpace RaceNeutralitydeclaredby the U.S.at the startof WWITheJungleUpton Sinclair'sbook thatinfluenced thepassage of theMeat InspectionAct & The PureFood and Drug ActSinking ofthe U.S.S.Maineevent that ledto the start ofthe SpanishAmericanWarContainmentU.S. foreignpolicythroughoutthe Cold WarWilson's14PointsPresidentWilson's planfor Worldpeace at theend of WWIU.S.Constitutiondocument thatcreates t he roles &responsibilities of theFederal Governmentwhile protecting thefundamental rights ofcitizensWomen'sSuffrage19thAmendmentPearlHarborevent thatled toU.S. entryinto WWIIHarlemRenaissanceNew Yorkneighborhood thatserved as the hubfor AfricanAmerican writers,Artists, andmusiciansDawesActcreated toassimilate NativeAmericans bydividing reservationland into plots ofland for individualIndian familiesNewDealPresidentRoosevelt'sprograms createdto bring Relief,Recovery, &Reform during theGreat Depression"JustSayNo"First ladyNancyReagan'scampaignagainst drugsBlackTuesdayOct. 29,1929 ... theday thestock marketcrashedTrumanDoctrinepart of U.S.containment policyduring the Cold War,stating that the U.S.would provide military& economic aid toanyone defendingagainst CommunismProgressiveEratime periodcharacterizedby Political &SocialReformBombing ofHiroshima& Nagasakievent thatbroughtWWII toan endPanamaCanalconstructed toshorten theroute from thePacific Oceanto the AtlanticOceanMexicanRepatriationActpassed duringthe GreatDepression tohelp reduce jobcompetition in theWestern U.S.Nativismwhen aperson favorsthose born inthe U.S. overimmigrantsStalematestandstill at thestart of WWIcaused byMachine Guns& TrenchWarfareTreaty ofVersaillesofficially endedWWI, and leftGermany'seconomycrumblingHenryFordEntrepreneurknown for usingthe assemblyline to massproduce theautomobileSandraDayO'ConnorFirst femaleSupremeCourtJusticeBarbedWireinnovation thatwas responsiblefor putting an endto the open range& long rangecattle drivesMuckrakerProgressiveEra journalistthat exposedinjusticeswithin societyU.S.becomesa WorldPowerU.S. statusat the end ofthe SpanishAmericanWarBessemerProcessinnovationthat allowsiron to betransformedinto steelOrganizedCrimedirect resultof thepassage ofthe 18thAmendment2000ElectionPresidentialelection thatresulted in theSupreme Courtruling Bush thewinner of Florida'selectoral votesTanksInnovation thathelped to bringan end to thestalemate ofWWIZimmermanNotetelegram sentfrom Germany toMexico proposingan alliance at thebeginning of WWIProhibitionof Alcohol18thAmendmentBarackObamaFirst AfricanAmericanelected aspresident ofthe U.S.Guam,Puerto,Rico, & thePhilippinesterritoriesacquired by theU.S. at the endof the SpanishAmerican War16thAmendmentlegislationstating thatcongresscan collectincome taxGermanInvasionof Polandevent thatstartedWWIIAmericanExpeditionaryForce (AEF)First Americanssoldiers sent tohelp alliedforces quicklyonce the U.S.entered WWIAssassinationof ArchdukeFerdinandthe "Spark"thatstartedWWICubanMissileCrisisCold War eventthat brought theU.S. & SovietUnion to thebrink of NuclearWarAirplanesinnovation usedmainly forreconnaissanceduring WWIShermanAntitrustActlaw thatregulated allmonopolisticpracticesAlfredT.Mahanadvocatedfor the U.S.to build apowerfulNavyDirectelection ofSenators17thAmendmentRecalllegislationthat allowedelectedofficials fromoffice9/11Al-Quaedaled terroristattackagainst theU.S.Bill ofRightsFirst 10Amendmentto the U.S.ConstitutionDeclaration ofIndependencedocument thatofficiallyannouncedU.S. separationfrom GreatBritainMartinLutherKing Jr.civil rightsadvocate thatpromoted non-violent civildisobedienceMassConsumerismThe RoaringTwenties ischaracterizedby thisHomesteadActcreated toencourage Westernsettlement, thisprovided 160 acresof federal land toanyone who agreedto farm it for 5 yearsMontgomeryBus Boycottevent that resultedfrom the arrest ofRosa Parks forrefusing to giveher seat up on apublic busWatergatepolitical scandalinvolving Nixon'sadministrationattempting to coverup their involvementin spying on theDemocratic NationalCommitteeHurricaneKatrinanatural disasterthat floodedNew Orleanswhen it's leveesystem failedSputnikevent thatsparked thestart of theCold WarSpace RaceNeutralitydeclaredby the U.S.at the startof WWITheJungleUpton Sinclair'sbook thatinfluenced thepassage of theMeat InspectionAct & The PureFood and Drug ActSinking ofthe U.S.S.Maineevent that ledto the start ofthe SpanishAmericanWarContainmentU.S. foreignpolicythroughoutthe Cold WarWilson's14PointsPresidentWilson's planfor Worldpeace at theend of WWIU.S.Constitutiondocument thatcreates t he roles &responsibilities of theFederal Governmentwhile protecting thefundamental rights ofcitizensWomen'sSuffrage19thAmendmentPearlHarborevent thatled toU.S. entryinto WWII

STAAR Review Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. New York neighborhood that served as the hub for African American writers, Artists, and musicians
    Harlem Renaissance
  2. created to assimilate Native Americans by dividing reservation land into plots of land for individual Indian families
    Dawes Act
  3. President Roosevelt's programs created to bring Relief, Recovery, & Reform during the Great Depression
    New Deal
  4. First lady Nancy Reagan's campaign against drugs
    "Just Say No"
  5. Oct. 29, 1929 ... the day the stock market crashed
    Black Tuesday
  6. part of U.S. containment policy during the Cold War, stating that the U.S. would provide military & economic aid to anyone defending against Communism
    Truman Doctrine
  7. time period characterized by Political & Social Reform
    Progressive Era
  8. event that brought WWII to an end
    Bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki
  9. constructed to shorten the route from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean
    Panama Canal
  10. passed during the Great Depression to help reduce job competition in the Western U.S.
    Mexican Repatriation Act
  11. when a person favors those born in the U.S. over immigrants
  12. standstill at the start of WWI caused by Machine Guns & Trench Warfare
  13. officially ended WWI, and left Germany's economy crumbling
    Treaty of Versailles
  14. Entrepreneur known for using the assembly line to mass produce the automobile
    Henry Ford
  15. First female Supreme Court Justice
    Sandra Day O'Connor
  16. innovation that was responsible for putting an end to the open range & long range cattle drives
    Barbed Wire
  17. Progressive Era journalist that exposed injustices within society
  18. U.S. status at the end of the Spanish American War
    U.S. becomes a World Power
  19. innovation that allows iron to be transformed into steel
    Bessemer Process
  20. direct result of the passage of the 18th Amendment
    Organized Crime
  21. Presidential election that resulted in the Supreme Court ruling Bush the winner of Florida's electoral votes
    2000 Election
  22. Innovation that helped to bring an end to the stalemate of WWI
  23. telegram sent from Germany to Mexico proposing an alliance at the beginning of WWI
    Zimmerman Note
  24. 18th Amendment
    Prohibition of Alcohol
  25. First African American elected as president of the U.S.
    Barack Obama
  26. territories acquired by the U.S. at the end of the Spanish American War
    Guam, Puerto, Rico, & the Philippines
  27. legislation stating that congress can collect income tax
    16th Amendment
  28. event that started WWII
    German Invasion of Poland
  29. First Americans soldiers sent to help allied forces quickly once the U.S. entered WWI
    American Expeditionary Force (AEF)
  30. the "Spark" that started WWI
    Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
  31. Cold War event that brought the U.S. & Soviet Union to the brink of Nuclear War
    Cuban Missile Crisis
  32. innovation used mainly for reconnaissance during WWI
  33. law that regulated all monopolistic practices
    Sherman Antitrust Act
  34. advocated for the U.S. to build a powerful Navy
    Alfred T. Mahan
  35. 17th Amendment
    Direct election of Senators
  36. legislation that allowed elected officials from office
  37. Al-Quaeda led terrorist attack against the U.S.
  38. First 10 Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
    Bill of Rights
  39. document that officially announced U.S. separation from Great Britain
    Declaration of Independence
  40. civil rights advocate that promoted non-violent civil disobedience
    Martin Luther King Jr.
  41. The Roaring Twenties is characterized by this
    Mass Consumerism
  42. created to encourage Western settlement, this provided 160 acres of federal land to anyone who agreed to farm it for 5 years
    Homestead Act
  43. event that resulted from the arrest of Rosa Parks for refusing to give her seat up on a public bus
    Montgomery Bus Boycott
  44. political scandal involving Nixon's administration attempting to cover up their involvement in spying on the Democratic National Committee
  45. natural disaster that flooded New Orleans when it's levee system failed
    Hurricane Katrina
  46. event that sparked the start of the Cold War Space Race
  47. declared by the U.S. at the start of WWI
  48. Upton Sinclair's book that influenced the passage of the Meat Inspection Act & The Pure Food and Drug Act
    The Jungle
  49. event that led to the start of the Spanish American War
    Sinking of the U.S.S. Maine
  50. U.S. foreign policy throughout the Cold War
  51. President Wilson's plan for World peace at the end of WWI
    Wilson's 14 Points
  52. document that creates t he roles & responsibilities of the Federal Government while protecting the fundamental rights of citizens
    U.S. Constitution
  53. 19th Amendment
    Women's Suffrage
  54. event that led to U.S. entry into WWII
    Pearl Harbor