Snapchat userswere told thatthey would benotified if_____________Up until ______ userscould connect theirmobile device to acomputer and users couldconnect their mobiledevice to a computer anduse file browsing tools tolocate and save videofiles sent to them.In 2006 The__________________was passed.A FaceBookemployee isnotified ifrelationship________ andphrase materialadd upBitmoji is an app thatrequires users to__________________.Lawmakers want tomake it so the ______can only request awarrant for the datafrom specific persons ofinterest rather thaneveryone in general.In 2013, afterinterviewing for ajob, one man hadfull, _________access to allcustomer data forthe full dayIf someone had anApple device with anoperating system olderthan _____, they couldtake a screenshot andthe sender would notget an alert.Free!Clear Channelpartnered with______ phonecompany to collectand analyze thedataUber hasexamined__________ ofreporters whocould writecritically about thecompany.Each day millionsof Americans have_______________and they may noteven be aware ofit.The new consumertracking technologyused by ClearChannel OutdoorAmericas is called_________.Snapchat is subjectto________________for the next 20 yearsWells Fargo________calls withoutnotifyingcustomers firstSnapchat isadvertised as a_______________Give an exampleof some of thedata Starbuckscollects when youare on their WiFiInformationsurroundinga call iscalled__________Article ___ inthe UDHRcoversprivacy rightsArticle ___ inthe UDHRcoversprivacy rights__________________ isan act that gives lawenforcement andintelligence authoritiesthe permission to lookinto people's phone,email and internetrecords for information ifthey suspect a terroristattack.Uber tracksusers in realtime using_____________.Governmentbegan tosecretly collectmetadata in______.__ Newtownstudents werearrested for theirinvolvement in thesexting scandalFull access allowsthe developer to_______________.Snapchat userswere told thatthey would benotified if_____________Up until ______ userscould connect theirmobile device to acomputer and users couldconnect their mobiledevice to a computer anduse file browsing tools tolocate and save videofiles sent to them.In 2006 The__________________was passed.A FaceBookemployee isnotified ifrelationship________ andphrase materialadd upBitmoji is an app thatrequires users to__________________.Lawmakers want tomake it so the ______can only request awarrant for the datafrom specific persons ofinterest rather thaneveryone in general.In 2013, afterinterviewing for ajob, one man hadfull, _________access to allcustomer data forthe full dayIf someone had anApple device with anoperating system olderthan _____, they couldtake a screenshot andthe sender would notget an alert.Free!Clear Channelpartnered with______ phonecompany to collectand analyze thedataUber hasexamined__________ ofreporters whocould writecritically about thecompany.Each day millionsof Americans have_______________and they may noteven be aware ofit.The new consumertracking technologyused by ClearChannel OutdoorAmericas is called_________.Snapchat is subjectto________________for the next 20 yearsWells Fargo________calls withoutnotifyingcustomers firstSnapchat isadvertised as a_______________Give an exampleof some of thedata Starbuckscollects when youare on their WiFiInformationsurroundinga call iscalled__________Article ___ inthe UDHRcoversprivacy rightsArticle ___ inthe UDHRcoversprivacy rights__________________ isan act that gives lawenforcement andintelligence authoritiesthe permission to lookinto people's phone,email and internetrecords for information ifthey suspect a terroristattack.Uber tracksusers in realtime using_____________.Governmentbegan tosecretly collectmetadata in______.__ Newtownstudents werearrested for theirinvolvement in thesexting scandalFull access allowsthe developer to_______________.

Privacy Laws Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Snapchat users were told that they would be notified if _____________
  2. Up until ______ users could connect their mobile device to a computer and users could connect their mobile device to a computer and use file browsing tools to locate and save video files sent to them.
  3. In 2006 The __________________ was passed.
  4. A FaceBook employee is notified if relationship ________ and phrase material add up
  5. Bitmoji is an app that requires users to __________________.
  6. Lawmakers want to make it so the ______ can only request a warrant for the data from specific persons of interest rather than everyone in general.
  7. In 2013, after interviewing for a job, one man had full, _________ access to all customer data for the full day
  8. If someone had an Apple device with an operating system older than _____, they could take a screenshot and the sender would not get an alert.
  9. Free!
  10. Clear Channel partnered with ______ phone company to collect and analyze the data
  11. Uber has examined __________ of reporters who could write critically about the company.
  12. Each day millions of Americans have _______________ and they may not even be aware of it.
  13. The new consumer tracking technology used by Clear Channel Outdoor Americas is called _________.
  14. Snapchat is subject to ________________ for the next 20 years
  15. Wells Fargo ________ calls without notifying customers first
  16. Snapchat is advertised as a _______________
  17. Give an example of some of the data Starbucks collects when you are on their WiFi
  18. Information surrounding a call is called __________
  19. Article ___ in the UDHR covers privacy rights
  20. Article ___ in the UDHR covers privacy rights
  21. __________________ is an act that gives law enforcement and intelligence authorities the permission to look into people's phone, email and internet records for information if they suspect a terrorist attack.
  22. Uber tracks users in real time using _____________.
  23. Government began to secretly collect metadata in ______.
  24. __ Newtown students were arrested for their involvement in the sexting scandal
  25. Full access allows the developer to _______________.