ChewbaccaDefence Win a puzzle orIntelligence /Wisdom Challengeusing CharismaOverkill Roll maximumdamage on anattack or spellattack rollVolunteering asTribute Take damage oran attack intendedfor someone elseBrain and Brawn Have a MagicClass succeed ona STR-basedchallenge that aMelee Class failedGotta Catch 'emAll Have the entireparty succeed onan animal handlingcheckInconceivable! Beat a CharismaChallenge withan IntelligenceSkill Hulk Smash Have a Barbarianenter a rage anddefeat an enemyin the same roundBelieve in me, whobelieves in you! Have someonesucceed at acheck due toBardic InspirationNever tell me theodds! Succeedexclusivelybecause you rolleda Natural 20Can't believeyou done this! Take damagefrom 'friendly'fireIt's Levi-OH-sah Roll a 1 on aspell damagerollTubthumper Reach 0HPtwice in onesession OHS Officer Discover atrap before itdiscovers youTemptedMurphy Get a worseresult on areroll Anything you cando... Beat the Bard,Warlock or Paladinin a CharismaCheckHey, Listen! Roll anIntelligence orWisdom Checkduring battleDid I Stutter? Roll the samenumber on bothdice when rollingat Adv or D/APhoenix Down Be revived fromDeath SavingThrows.Four for GlenCoco Have the partyland four attackson a single enemyin one roundImperial Marksman Miss 3 times with aRanged Attack or aRanger Spell attackin one encounterOH YEAH! Make yourown doorPractically Perfect Succeed on acheck despitehavingDisadvantageFinish him! Personallydeliver akilling blow Hadouken! Lob a flamingor forcefulprojectile at anenemyChewbaccaDefence Win a puzzle orIntelligence /Wisdom Challengeusing CharismaOverkill Roll maximumdamage on anattack or spellattack rollVolunteering asTribute Take damage oran attack intendedfor someone elseBrain and Brawn Have a MagicClass succeed ona STR-basedchallenge that aMelee Class failedGotta Catch 'emAll Have the entireparty succeed onan animal handlingcheckInconceivable! Beat a CharismaChallenge withan IntelligenceSkill Hulk Smash Have a Barbarianenter a rage anddefeat an enemyin the same roundBelieve in me, whobelieves in you! Have someonesucceed at acheck due toBardic InspirationNever tell me theodds! Succeedexclusivelybecause you rolleda Natural 20Can't believeyou done this! Take damagefrom 'friendly'fireIt's Levi-OH-sah Roll a 1 on aspell damagerollTubthumper Reach 0HPtwice in onesession OHS Officer Discover atrap before itdiscovers youTemptedMurphy Get a worseresult on areroll Anything you cando... Beat the Bard,Warlock or Paladinin a CharismaCheckHey, Listen! Roll anIntelligence orWisdom Checkduring battleDid I Stutter? Roll the samenumber on bothdice when rollingat Adv or D/APhoenix Down Be revived fromDeath SavingThrows.Four for GlenCoco Have the partyland four attackson a single enemyin one roundImperial Marksman Miss 3 times with aRanged Attack or aRanger Spell attackin one encounterOH YEAH! Make yourown doorPractically Perfect Succeed on acheck despitehavingDisadvantageFinish him! Personallydeliver akilling blow Hadouken! Lob a flamingor forcefulprojectile at anenemy

Dungeons and Flagons - Trial - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Chewbacca Defence Win a puzzle or Intelligence / Wisdom Challenge using Charisma
  2. Overkill Roll maximum damage on an attack or spell attack roll
  3. Volunteering as Tribute Take damage or an attack intended for someone else
  4. Brain and Brawn Have a Magic Class succeed on a STR-based challenge that a Melee Class failed
  5. Gotta Catch 'em All Have the entire party succeed on an animal handling check
  6. Inconceivable! Beat a Charisma Challenge with an Intelligence Skill
  7. Hulk Smash Have a Barbarian enter a rage and defeat an enemy in the same round
  8. Believe in me, who believes in you! Have someone succeed at a check due to Bardic Inspiration
  9. Never tell me the odds! Succeed exclusively because you rolled a Natural 20
  10. Can't believe you done this! Take damage from 'friendly' fire
  11. It's Levi-OH-sah Roll a 1 on a spell damage roll
  12. Tubthumper Reach 0HP twice in one session
  13. OHS Officer Discover a trap before it discovers you
  14. Tempted Murphy Get a worse result on a reroll
  15. Anything you can do... Beat the Bard, Warlock or Paladin in a Charisma Check
  16. Hey, Listen! Roll an Intelligence or Wisdom Check during battle
  17. Did I Stutter? Roll the same number on both dice when rolling at Adv or D/A
  18. Phoenix Down Be revived from Death Saving Throws.
  19. Four for Glen Coco Have the party land four attacks on a single enemy in one round
  20. Imperial Marksman Miss 3 times with a Ranged Attack or a Ranger Spell attack in one encounter
  21. OH YEAH! Make your own door
  22. Practically Perfect Succeed on a check despite having Disadvantage
  23. Finish him! Personally deliver a killing blow
  24. Hadouken! Lob a flaming or forceful projectile at an enemy