Partake inboycotts tofurther showyour support!Get involvedwith a socialjustice-focusedcommunitygroup! Donate to acommunity-basedorganization thatserves those whoare marginalized! Participate inchallengingdiscourses onsocial justicewith others!Boostunderrepresentedvoices on socialmedia to showyour support! Write lettersurgingchange to thegoverningbodies! Constantlyeducatingyourself on thehistories ofcurrent socialmovements!Examine yourposition ofpower and theinfluence it hason thosearound you!Partake inboycotts tofurther showyour support!Get involvedwith a socialjustice-focusedcommunitygroup! Donate to acommunity-basedorganization thatserves those whoare marginalized! Participate inchallengingdiscourses onsocial justicewith others!Boostunderrepresentedvoices on socialmedia to showyour support! Write lettersurgingchange to thegoverningbodies! Constantlyeducatingyourself on thehistories ofcurrent socialmovements!Examine yourposition ofpower and theinfluence it hason thosearound you!

Social Movement Bingo! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Partake in boycotts to further show your support!
  2. Get involved with a social justice-focused community group!
  3. Donate to a community-based organization that serves those who are marginalized!
  4. Participate in challenging discourses on social justice with others!
  5. Boost underrepresented voices on social media to show your support!
  6. Write letters urging change to the governing bodies!
  7. Constantly educating yourself on the histories of current social movements!
  8. Examine your position of power and the influence it has on those around you!