I'm stilla unitedfanI came 5th inmy region forcrosscountryrunning at 14I can eata meal inunder aminute.I sometimesdo digitalart as ahobbyi lovecatsI have competedin universitymartial artstournamentsand won bothtimesI am aprofessionalclassicaldancer frompast 18 years.I was in a teamin WessexFootballLeaguePremierDivisionEasygoingI appearedon SunSea A&Etv programI cansleep for10 hourslongI have spent4 monthsliving in theAmazonIrollerskateI sang infront of theroyal familyin uniI took partin skiingcompetitionI travelled with asmall group ofstudents at theUniversity ofHertfordshire toCERN in Geneva.I am aqualifiedDiver downto 15 metersI am halfKiwi, anda quarterSwiss!I sailedacross theAtlanticMy schoolchoir sang thetheme song toan old quizschoolUsed tobe in aband atschoolThe nameof myblack catis BlueItechnicallyspeak 4.5languagesI've justjoined a semiprofessionalteam forVolleyballI've livedin fourcountriesI'm stilla unitedfanI came 5th inmy region forcrosscountryrunning at 14I can eata meal inunder aminute.I sometimesdo digitalart as ahobbyi lovecatsI have competedin universitymartial artstournamentsand won bothtimesI am aprofessionalclassicaldancer frompast 18 years.I was in a teamin WessexFootballLeaguePremierDivisionEasygoingI appearedon SunSea A&Etv programI cansleep for10 hourslongI have spent4 monthsliving in theAmazonIrollerskateI sang infront of theroyal familyin uniI took partin skiingcompetitionI travelled with asmall group ofstudents at theUniversity ofHertfordshire toCERN in Geneva.I am aqualifiedDiver downto 15 metersI am halfKiwi, anda quarterSwiss!I sailedacross theAtlanticMy schoolchoir sang thetheme song toan old quizschoolUsed tobe in aband atschoolThe nameof myblack catis BlueItechnicallyspeak 4.5languagesI've justjoined a semiprofessionalteam forVolleyballI've livedin fourcountries

Get to know each other - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I'm still a united fan
  2. I came 5th in my region for cross country running at 14
  3. I can eat a meal in under a minute.
  4. I sometimes do digital art as a hobby
  5. i love cats
  6. I have competed in university martial arts tournaments and won both times
  7. I am a professional classical dancer from past 18 years.
  8. I was in a team in Wessex Football League Premier Division
  9. Easy going
  10. I appeared on Sun Sea A&E tv program
  11. I can sleep for 10 hours long
  12. I have spent 4 months living in the Amazon
  13. I rollerskate
  14. I sang in front of the royal family in uni
  15. I took part in skiing competition
  16. I travelled with a small group of students at the University of Hertfordshire to CERN in Geneva.
  17. I am a qualified Diver down to 15 meters
  18. I am half Kiwi, and a quarter Swiss!
  19. I sailed across the Atlantic
  20. My school choir sang the theme song to an old quiz school
  21. Used to be in a band at school
  22. The name of my black cat is Blue
  23. I technically speak 4.5 languages
  24. I've just joined a semi professional team for Volleyball
  25. I've lived in four countries