Find aperson wholives in theSouthernhemisphere.Free!Find aperson whois PADIcertified.Find aperson whohas cleanedALDFG forrecycling.Find someonewho has doneALDFGremoval work.Find someonewho hascontributed tothe GGGIBPF.Find someonewho had morethan twolayovers toget here.Find aSeafoodIndustrymember.Findsomeonewho speaksat least threelanguages.Find someonewho hasworked on aGG predictivemodel.Find someonewho is going tovisit anotherisland in HIafter thismeeting.Find agovernmentmember.Find someonewho has been aGGGI memberfor less than ayear.Find someonewho hasentered datainto the GGGIdata portal. Find someonewho has beenin a fishing boatin the lastmonth.Find someonewith the GGreporter appon theirphone.Find aperson wholives in theSouthernhemisphere.Free!Find aperson whois PADIcertified.Find aperson whohas cleanedALDFG forrecycling.Find someonewho has doneALDFGremoval work.Find someonewho hascontributed tothe GGGIBPF.Find someonewho had morethan twolayovers toget here.Find aSeafoodIndustrymember.Findsomeonewho speaksat least threelanguages.Find someonewho hasworked on aGG predictivemodel.Find someonewho is going tovisit anotherisland in HIafter thismeeting.Find agovernmentmember.Find someonewho has been aGGGI memberfor less than ayear.Find someonewho hasentered datainto the GGGIdata portal. Find someonewho has beenin a fishing boatin the lastmonth.Find someonewith the GGreporter appon theirphone.

GGGI Annual Meeting Scavenger Hunt - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Find a person who lives in the Southern hemisphere.
  2. Free!
  3. Find a person who is PADI certified.
  4. Find a person who has cleaned ALDFG for recycling.
  5. Find someone who has done ALDFG removal work.
  6. Find someone who has contributed to the GGGI BPF.
  7. Find someone who had more than two layovers to get here.
  8. Find a Seafood Industry member.
  9. Find someone who speaks at least three languages.
  10. Find someone who has worked on a GG predictive model.
  11. Find someone who is going to visit another island in HI after this meeting.
  12. Find a government member.
  13. Find someone who has been a GGGI member for less than a year.
  14. Find someone who has entered data into the GGGI data portal.
  15. Find someone who has been in a fishing boat in the last month.
  16. Find someone with the GG reporter app on their phone.