quadraturewhen asuperior planetis 1/4 of theway around thezodiac from theSuneclipticpath of the sunand planetsthat includesthe zodiacconstellationsoccultationwhen a celestialbody passes infront of anotherand appears tohide anothercelestial bodysuperiorplanetsPlanets fartherfrom the Sunthan Earth(Mars, Jupiter,Saturn, Uranus,Neptune)greatestelongationthe point whenan inferiorplanet isfarthest fromthe Sun andeasiest to viewretrogrademotiona planetappears tomovebackwardsplanetaryconjunctiona closeapproach oftwo or moreplanetslunarconjunctiona closeapproach ofthe moonand a planetor starwanderingstarsanothername forplanetsoppositionThe point when asuperior planet ison the oppositeside of Earth fromthe Sun and iseasiest to view.inferiorconjunctionan inferiorplanet isbetween theEarth andthe Suninferiorplanetsplanets closerto the sunthan earth(Mercury andVenus)conjunctionWhen two celestialbodies lie alongthe same line ofsight, so that theyappear near eachother in the sky.elongationA planet'sapparentseparationfrom the Sun​.stationa point in aplanet's motionwhere it appearsto stops and stayin place beforereversingdirection.superiorconjunctionan inferior orsuperior planetis on the farside of the Sunfrom Earthquadraturewhen asuperior planetis 1/4 of theway around thezodiac from theSuneclipticpath of the sunand planetsthat includesthe zodiacconstellationsoccultationwhen a celestialbody passes infront of anotherand appears tohide anothercelestial bodysuperiorplanetsPlanets fartherfrom the Sunthan Earth(Mars, Jupiter,Saturn, Uranus,Neptune)greatestelongationthe point whenan inferiorplanet isfarthest fromthe Sun andeasiest to viewretrogrademotiona planetappears tomovebackwardsplanetaryconjunctiona closeapproach oftwo or moreplanetslunarconjunctiona closeapproach ofthe moonand a planetor starwanderingstarsanothername forplanetsoppositionThe point when asuperior planet ison the oppositeside of Earth fromthe Sun and iseasiest to view.inferiorconjunctionan inferiorplanet isbetween theEarth andthe Suninferiorplanetsplanets closerto the sunthan earth(Mercury andVenus)conjunctionWhen two celestialbodies lie alongthe same line ofsight, so that theyappear near eachother in the sky.elongationA planet'sapparentseparationfrom the Sun​.stationa point in aplanet's motionwhere it appearsto stops and stayin place beforereversingdirection.superiorconjunctionan inferior orsuperior planetis on the farside of the Sunfrom Earth

Chapter 7 Vocabulary - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. when a superior planet is 1/4 of the way around the zodiac from the Sun
  2. path of the sun and planets that includes the zodiac constellations
  3. when a celestial body passes in front of another and appears to hide another celestial body
  4. Planets farther from the Sun than Earth (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune)
    superior planets
  5. the point when an inferior planet is farthest from the Sun and easiest to view
    greatest elongation
  6. a planet appears to move backwards
    retrograde motion
  7. a close approach of two or more planets
    planetary conjunction
  8. a close approach of the moon and a planet or star
    lunar conjunction
  9. another name for planets
    wandering stars
  10. The point when a superior planet is on the opposite side of Earth from the Sun and is easiest to view.
  11. an inferior planet is between the Earth and the Sun
    inferior conjunction
  12. planets closer to the sun than earth (Mercury and Venus)
    inferior planets
  13. When two celestial bodies lie along the same line of sight, so that they appear near each other in the sky.
  14. A planet's apparent separation from the Sun​.
  15. a point in a planet's motion where it appears to stops and stay in place before reversing direction.
  16. an inferior or superior planet is on the far side of the Sun from Earth
    superior conjunction