First nationspeople neverfarmed pre-colonializationThe RoyalProclamationof 1674 wasimportant inCanadaThe permitsystem wasadded to theIndian Act in1881A permit wasrequired toharvest andfarm productswithin reservesThe permitsystem didnot cover allof Canada atfirstThe permitsystem wasannulled in2014Indigenousfarmers weresuccessful incommunitiesThe law doesnot define theterm "Indian"until the Indianact came topowerThe IndianAct cameto powerin 1876TheIndian Actwas madein 1745TheConstitutionAct wasreleased in1867Indigenousfarmers werecompletelyindependentThe permitsystem wasinitialized in1880Thegovernmentsent farminstructors toteach FirstNationsThe permitand passsystem isstill intactAgriculturewas thechosen pathtoCivilizationTreaties 1-5 wereformed pre-Indian ActA permit wasrequired topurchasegroceriesand clothesThe permitsystemisolatedthose onreservesSettlers werebanned frompurchasingfrom nativefarmersThe permitsystemthreatened thelivelihood ofindigenousfarmersThe permitsystem was ineffect acrossCanada from1880The first act todefine whatconstitutesbeing "Indian"was in 1850Only onepersonchose toenfranchiseIf you refutethe IndianAgent youcould get jailtimeIndian Agentscould kickyou off thereserve if youdispute themIn 1951 thepermit systemexpanded toall FirstNationsThe RoyalProclamationof 1763 wasregarding theFirst NationsIndigenousPeople weregiven theability toenfranchiseFirst nationspeople neverfarmed pre-colonializationThe RoyalProclamationof 1674 wasimportant inCanadaThe permitsystem wasadded to theIndian Act in1881A permit wasrequired toharvest andfarm productswithin reservesThe permitsystem didnot cover allof Canada atfirstThe permitsystem wasannulled in2014Indigenousfarmers weresuccessful incommunitiesThe law doesnot define theterm "Indian"until the Indianact came topowerThe IndianAct cameto powerin 1876TheIndian Actwas madein 1745TheConstitutionAct wasreleased in1867Indigenousfarmers werecompletelyindependentThe permitsystem wasinitialized in1880Thegovernmentsent farminstructors toteach FirstNationsThe permitand passsystem isstill intactAgriculturewas thechosen pathtoCivilizationTreaties 1-5 wereformed pre-Indian ActA permit wasrequired topurchasegroceriesand clothesThe permitsystemisolatedthose onreservesSettlers werebanned frompurchasingfrom nativefarmersThe permitsystemthreatened thelivelihood ofindigenousfarmersThe permitsystem was ineffect acrossCanada from1880The first act todefine whatconstitutesbeing "Indian"was in 1850Only onepersonchose toenfranchiseIf you refutethe IndianAgent youcould get jailtimeIndian Agentscould kickyou off thereserve if youdispute themIn 1951 thepermit systemexpanded toall FirstNationsThe RoyalProclamationof 1763 wasregarding theFirst NationsIndigenousPeople weregiven theability toenfranchise

Permit System - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. First nations people never farmed pre-colonialization
  2. The Royal Proclamation of 1674 was important in Canada
  3. The permit system was added to the Indian Act in 1881
  4. A permit was required to harvest and farm products within reserves
  5. The permit system did not cover all of Canada at first
  6. The permit system was annulled in 2014
  7. Indigenous farmers were successful in communities
  8. The law does not define the term "Indian" until the Indian act came to power
  9. The Indian Act came to power in 1876
  10. The Indian Act was made in 1745
  11. The Constitution Act was released in 1867
  12. Indigenous farmers were completely independent
  13. The permit system was initialized in 1880
  14. The government sent farm instructors to teach First Nations
  15. The permit and pass system is still intact
  16. Agriculture was the chosen path to Civilization
  17. Treaties 1-5 were formed pre-Indian Act
  18. A permit was required to purchase groceries and clothes
  19. The permit system isolated those on reserves
  20. Settlers were banned from purchasing from native farmers
  21. The permit system threatened the livelihood of indigenous farmers
  22. The permit system was in effect across Canada from 1880
  23. The first act to define what constitutes being "Indian" was in 1850
  24. Only one person chose to enfranchise
  25. If you refute the Indian Agent you could get jail time
  26. Indian Agents could kick you off the reserve if you dispute them
  27. In 1951 the permit system expanded to all First Nations
  28. The Royal Proclamation of 1763 was regarding the First Nations
  29. Indigenous People were given the ability to enfranchise