Teamcelebratesmeeting sprintgoal or othermilestonesOne teammember'sabsence stronglyimpacts theteam's ability tomake decisionsTeam avoidsconflict ordisagreementMeaning of"businessvalue" iscloudySprint goals areset without inputfrom thedevelopmentteam, leading tounrealistic targetsDeliveringbusinessvalue is notpossible mostof the timeRetro resultsin ongoingimprovementTeam isfocused ondeliveringbusiness valueeach sprintTeam membersare assignedwork andevaluated basedon individualtask completionProgresstoward thesprint goal isnotdiscussedTeam worksdirectly withbusinessstakeholderswheneverpossibleTeam membersare more focusedon completingindividual tasksvs meeting sprintgoalSprint goal is notused as a guidefor decisionmaking and sprintback prioritizationduring sprintSprint goalseemsarbitraryor vagueSprint goalreflects astep towarda largerproduct goalMeaning ofterm"businessvalue" isclearLack ofclarity onproject visioncausesconfusionOwnership andresponsibility isnot shared evenlyamong teammembers, leadingto bottlenecksSprint goalsare notrelated todemo-ablesoftwareWhen a specificmember of theteam proposesan idea, othershesitate tochallenge itTeam onlyspeaks tostakeholdersthru Product orScrum masterTeam omitsto celebratewhenmilestonesare achievedTeam feelscomplacent;does notactively seekto improveProduct anddev teamcollaborate torefine andprioritizebacklogTeamcelebratesmeeting sprintgoal or othermilestonesOne teammember'sabsence stronglyimpacts theteam's ability tomake decisionsTeam avoidsconflict ordisagreementMeaning of"businessvalue" iscloudySprint goals areset without inputfrom thedevelopmentteam, leading tounrealistic targetsDeliveringbusinessvalue is notpossible mostof the timeRetro resultsin ongoingimprovementTeam isfocused ondeliveringbusiness valueeach sprintTeam membersare assignedwork andevaluated basedon individualtask completionProgresstoward thesprint goal isnotdiscussedTeam worksdirectly withbusinessstakeholderswheneverpossibleTeam membersare more focusedon completingindividual tasksvs meeting sprintgoalSprint goal is notused as a guidefor decisionmaking and sprintback prioritizationduring sprintSprint goalseemsarbitraryor vagueSprint goalreflects astep towarda largerproduct goalMeaning ofterm"businessvalue" isclearLack ofclarity onproject visioncausesconfusionOwnership andresponsibility isnot shared evenlyamong teammembers, leadingto bottlenecksSprint goalsare notrelated todemo-ablesoftwareWhen a specificmember of theteam proposesan idea, othershesitate tochallenge itTeam onlyspeaks tostakeholdersthru Product orScrum masterTeam omitsto celebratewhenmilestonesare achievedTeam feelscomplacent;does notactively seekto improveProduct anddev teamcollaborate torefine andprioritizebacklog

Scrum-Boss Bingo! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Team celebrates meeting sprint goal or other milestones
  2. One team member's absence strongly impacts the team's ability to make decisions
  3. Team avoids conflict or disagreement
  4. Meaning of "business value" is cloudy
  5. Sprint goals are set without input from the development team, leading to unrealistic targets
  6. Delivering business value is not possible most of the time
  7. Retro results in ongoing improvement
  8. Team is focused on delivering business value each sprint
  9. Team members are assigned work and evaluated based on individual task completion
  10. Progress toward the sprint goal is not discussed
  11. Team works directly with business stakeholders whenever possible
  12. Team members are more focused on completing individual tasks vs meeting sprint goal
  13. Sprint goal is not used as a guide for decision making and sprint back prioritization during sprint
  14. Sprint goal seems arbitrary or vague
  15. Sprint goal reflects a step toward a larger product goal
  16. Meaning of term "business value" is clear
  17. Lack of clarity on project vision causes confusion
  18. Ownership and responsibility is not shared evenly among team members, leading to bottlenecks
  19. Sprint goals are not related to demo-able software
  20. When a specific member of the team proposes an idea, others hesitate to challenge it
  21. Team only speaks to stakeholders thru Product or Scrum master
  22. Team omits to celebrate when milestones are achieved
  23. Team feels complacent; does not actively seek to improve
  24. Product and dev team collaborate to refine and prioritize backlog