Chico feelsproud andaccomplishedby the end ofthe day.Chico feelsmore confidentabout theirabilities by theend of the day.Free!The authorbelieves it's goodto work togetherand help eachother, like thecharacters do inthe story.The author wantsus to learn aboutthe hard workand dedication ofpeople who pickgrapes.Chico has littleexperiencewith grapesbased on theircuriosity.Students might inferthat the main characterhas little to noexperience with grapesbased on their curiosityand questions aboutthe grapes'appearance and taste.Chico valuesfeedbackandguidancepositively.The author tells usabout the maincharacter'sfeelings to help usunderstand andcare more aboutthe story.The author wantsus to understandthat trying newthings can bechallenging butrewarding.The authordoes notvalue hardwork orperservence.Chico does notlearn aboutteamwork andcommunityfrom the firstday.Chico's feelingstowards grapesbecome morepositive by theend.Chico feelsnervous oruncertain abouttheir first day inthe grapefields.The author showsus that not giving upand working hard isimportant by talkingabout the maincharacter'schallenges.Chico learnsaboutteamwork andcommunityfrom their firstday. The authordescribes thegrape fields tohelp us imaginewhat it's like tobe there.Chico feels outof place amongthe otherworkers due tounfamiliarroutines.Chico's feelingsabout the grapefields transformfromapprehensionto appreciation.Chicorealizes theimportance ofperseveranceand patience.Chico feelsproud andaccomplishedby the end ofthe day.Chico feelsmore confidentabout theirabilities by theend of the day.Free!The authorbelieves it's goodto work togetherand help eachother, like thecharacters do inthe story.The author wantsus to learn aboutthe hard workand dedication ofpeople who pickgrapes.Chico has littleexperiencewith grapesbased on theircuriosity.Students might inferthat the main characterhas little to noexperience with grapesbased on their curiosityand questions aboutthe grapes'appearance and taste.Chico valuesfeedbackandguidancepositively.The author tells usabout the maincharacter'sfeelings to help usunderstand andcare more aboutthe story.The author wantsus to understandthat trying newthings can bechallenging butrewarding.The authordoes notvalue hardwork orperservence.Chico does notlearn aboutteamwork andcommunityfrom the firstday.Chico's feelingstowards grapesbecome morepositive by theend.Chico feelsnervous oruncertain abouttheir first day inthe grapefields.The author showsus that not giving upand working hard isimportant by talkingabout the maincharacter'schallenges.Chico learnsaboutteamwork andcommunityfrom their firstday. The authordescribes thegrape fields tohelp us imaginewhat it's like tobe there.Chico feels outof place amongthe otherworkers due tounfamiliarroutines.Chico's feelingsabout the grapefields transformfromapprehensionto appreciation.Chicorealizes theimportance ofperseveranceand patience.

First Day in Grapes Bingo 3.6F - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Chico feels proud and accomplished by the end of the day.
  2. Chico feels more confident about their abilities by the end of the day.
  3. Free!
  4. The author believes it's good to work together and help each other, like the characters do in the story.
  5. The author wants us to learn about the hard work and dedication of people who pick grapes.
  6. Chico has little experience with grapes based on their curiosity.
  7. Students might infer that the main character has little to no experience with grapes based on their curiosity and questions about the grapes' appearance and taste.
  8. Chico values feedback and guidance positively.
  9. The author tells us about the main character's feelings to help us understand and care more about the story.
  10. The author wants us to understand that trying new things can be challenging but rewarding.
  11. The author does not value hard work or perservence.
  12. Chico does not learn about teamwork and community from the first day.
  13. Chico's feelings towards grapes become more positive by the end.
  14. Chico feels nervous or uncertain about their first day in the grape fields.
  15. The author shows us that not giving up and working hard is important by talking about the main character's challenges.
  16. Chico learns about teamwork and community from their first day.
  17. The author describes the grape fields to help us imagine what it's like to be there.
  18. Chico feels out of place among the other workers due to unfamiliar routines.
  19. Chico's feelings about the grape fields transform from apprehension to appreciation.
  20. Chico realizes the importance of perseverance and patience.