asking to sharpenor needing apencil just afterwe finish handingout or sharpeningpencilsAsking whattime we're goingto lunch despitethe fact it hasnot changed in 9monthson a website/gamethey should not beon at the time andquickly trying toswitch or close thetabasking if thething they'reworking onis, "for agrade."fartingstudent asks togo to thebathroom within15 minutes ofthe class goingto the bathroomthrowingupshadowboxingothers duringclassasking fordirectionsright afterreceivingdirectionskickingchairslosing apencil within10 minutesof receivinga pencilanswering aquestion withsomething thathas nothing to dowith the subjectyou're teaching atthe timeanotherteacher tellsyou how manydays you haveleft in the yearyelling outan answerafter askingthem to raisetheir handsspillingwater, juiceor foodinside theclassroomasking "Dowe reallyhave to dothis?"callingyou momor dad bymistakecryingcomplainingthey are toocold when theirsweatshirt orcoat is withinarm's reachforgetting theirlunch orbookbag intheir parentscar or on thebusjumping totry and touchthe doorframe orceilingasking whetherwe are goingout to recesswhen it's clearlypouring rainoutsidecomplainingthey are too hotwhile wearing asweatshirt orcoatbumping into thefire-door whilewaiting in lineand causing themagnet toreleaseasking to sharpenor needing apencil just afterwe finish handingout or sharpeningpencilsAsking whattime we're goingto lunch despitethe fact it hasnot changed in 9monthson a website/gamethey should not beon at the time andquickly trying toswitch or close thetabasking if thething they'reworking onis, "for agrade."fartingstudent asks togo to thebathroom within15 minutes ofthe class goingto the bathroomthrowingupshadowboxingothers duringclassasking fordirectionsright afterreceivingdirectionskickingchairslosing apencil within10 minutesof receivinga pencilanswering aquestion withsomething thathas nothing to dowith the subjectyou're teaching atthe timeanotherteacher tellsyou how manydays you haveleft in the yearyelling outan answerafter askingthem to raisetheir handsspillingwater, juiceor foodinside theclassroomasking "Dowe reallyhave to dothis?"callingyou momor dad bymistakecryingcomplainingthey are toocold when theirsweatshirt orcoat is withinarm's reachforgetting theirlunch orbookbag intheir parentscar or on thebusjumping totry and touchthe doorframe orceilingasking whetherwe are goingout to recesswhen it's clearlypouring rainoutsidecomplainingthey are too hotwhile wearing asweatshirt orcoatbumping into thefire-door whilewaiting in lineand causing themagnet torelease

End of Year Teacher Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. asking to sharpen or needing a pencil just after we finish handing out or sharpening pencils
  2. Asking what time we're going to lunch despite the fact it has not changed in 9 months
  3. on a website/game they should not be on at the time and quickly trying to switch or close the tab
  4. asking if the thing they're working on is, "for a grade."
  5. farting
  6. student asks to go to the bathroom within 15 minutes of the class going to the bathroom
  7. throwing up
  8. shadowboxing others during class
  9. asking for directions right after receiving directions
  10. kicking chairs
  11. losing a pencil within 10 minutes of receiving a pencil
  12. answering a question with something that has nothing to do with the subject you're teaching at the time
  13. another teacher tells you how many days you have left in the year
  14. yelling out an answer after asking them to raise their hands
  15. spilling water, juice or food inside the classroom
  16. asking "Do we really have to do this?"
  17. calling you mom or dad by mistake
  18. crying
  19. complaining they are too cold when their sweatshirt or coat is within arm's reach
  20. forgetting their lunch or bookbag in their parents car or on the bus
  21. jumping to try and touch the door frame or ceiling
  22. asking whether we are going out to recess when it's clearly pouring rain outside
  23. complaining they are too hot while wearing a sweatshirt or coat
  24. bumping into the fire-door while waiting in line and causing the magnet to release