IroquoisConfederacySeneca CayugaOnondagaOneida andMohawk peopemake up whattribe?TheColumbianExchangeOranges,Coffeebeans anddiseasesBrought tothe Americasvia theColumbianExchangeTeepeesPeople fromthe GreatPlains livedin theseFree!LandbridgeA narrow stripof land that wasused by the firstsettlers comingto America fromAsiaArtifactHuman madeobjects thatgive cluesabout thepastAnimalskin suchas bisonTribes livingon the GreatPlains madehomes out ofwhat ?Compassand astrolobe(measuresposition ofstars)Advancementsin technologythatencouragedEuropeanexplorationSoilandClayWhat materialdid the tribesfrom theSouthwest useto make theirhomes?GreatBritainWho gainedland in theAmericas as aresult of theFrench IndianWarNewEnglandColoniesShorter growingseason, rockysoil,subsisistencefarmingSecondarySourceCreated bysomeone whowas not livingat the time ofthe eventPrintingPressAllowed peopleto have accessto books andmaps that gavenew ideas aboutlands far away13ColoniesWhere GreatBritainsettled afterlanding inthe AmericasMaize,pumpkinsand vanillabeansBrought toEurope viatheColumbianExchangeSubsistenceFarmingFarming thatprovidesfood for ownfamily onlyGeographyNative americantribes from differentregions would makehomes out ofdifferent materials.This is an influenceof ?HenryHudsonWho firstexplored NewYork and hada river namedafter himNomadsPeople whomove fromplace to placeprimarily forfoodThe sternrudder andtriangularsailAdvances inship design liketheseencouragedEuropeanexplorationCultureReligion,music, food,dress,language,traditionsPrimarysourceA diary,journal,photo,newspaper,videoThe IroquoisConfedration andother EasternWoodland tribesmade homes outof wood and barkcalled?AdobesPeople fromtheSouthwesttribes lived inthese homesIroquoisConfederacySeneca CayugaOnondagaOneida andMohawk peopemake up whattribe?TheColumbianExchangeOranges,Coffeebeans anddiseasesBrought tothe Americasvia theColumbianExchangeTeepeesPeople fromthe GreatPlains livedin theseFree!LandbridgeA narrow stripof land that wasused by the firstsettlers comingto America fromAsiaArtifactHuman madeobjects thatgive cluesabout thepastAnimalskin suchas bisonTribes livingon the GreatPlains madehomes out ofwhat ?Compassand astrolobe(measuresposition ofstars)Advancementsin technologythatencouragedEuropeanexplorationSoilandClayWhat materialdid the tribesfrom theSouthwest useto make theirhomes?GreatBritainWho gainedland in theAmericas as aresult of theFrench IndianWarNewEnglandColoniesShorter growingseason, rockysoil,subsisistencefarmingSecondarySourceCreated bysomeone whowas not livingat the time ofthe eventPrintingPressAllowed peopleto have accessto books andmaps that gavenew ideas aboutlands far away13ColoniesWhere GreatBritainsettled afterlanding inthe AmericasMaize,pumpkinsand vanillabeansBrought toEurope viatheColumbianExchangeSubsistenceFarmingFarming thatprovidesfood for ownfamily onlyGeographyNative americantribes from differentregions would makehomes out ofdifferent materials.This is an influenceof ?HenryHudsonWho firstexplored NewYork and hada river namedafter himNomadsPeople whomove fromplace to placeprimarily forfoodThe sternrudder andtriangularsailAdvances inship design liketheseencouragedEuropeanexplorationCultureReligion,music, food,dress,language,traditionsPrimarysourceA diary,journal,photo,newspaper,videoThe IroquoisConfedration andother EasternWoodland tribesmade homes outof wood and barkcalled?AdobesPeople fromtheSouthwesttribes lived inthese homes

Social Studies Review 1 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Seneca Cayuga Onondaga Oneida and Mohawk peope make up what tribe?
    Iroquois Confederacy
  2. The Columbian Exchange
  3. Brought to the Americas via the Columbian Exchange
    Oranges, Coffee beans and diseases
  4. People from the Great Plains lived in these
  5. Free!
  6. A narrow strip of land that was used by the first settlers coming to America from Asia
    Land bridge
  7. Human made objects that give clues about the past
  8. Tribes living on the Great Plains made homes out of what ?
    Animal skin such as bison
  9. Advancements in technology that encouraged European exploration
    Compass and astrolobe (measures position of stars)
  10. What material did the tribes from the Southwest use to make their homes?
    Soil and Clay
  11. Who gained land in the Americas as a result of the French Indian War
    Great Britain
  12. Shorter growing season, rocky soil, subsisistence farming
    New England Colonies
  13. Created by someone who was not living at the time of the event
    Secondary Source
  14. Allowed people to have access to books and maps that gave new ideas about lands far away
    Printing Press
  15. Where Great Britain settled after landing in the Americas
    13 Colonies
  16. Brought to Europe via the Columbian Exchange
    Maize, pumpkins and vanilla beans
  17. Farming that provides food for own family only
    Subsistence Farming
  18. Native american tribes from different regions would make homes out of different materials. This is an influence of ?
  19. Who first explored New York and had a river named after him
    Henry Hudson
  20. People who move from place to place primarily for food
  21. Advances in ship design like these encouraged European exploration
    The stern rudder and triangular sail
  22. Religion, music, food, dress, language, traditions
  23. A diary, journal, photo, newspaper, video
    Primary source
  24. The Iroquois Confedration and other Eastern Woodland tribes made homes out of wood and bark called?
  25. People from the Southwest tribes lived in these homes