HarrietTubmanEscapedslave,abolitionist,and spy duringthe Civil War.PaulRobesonAthlete andperforming artistwho becameinvolved in theCivil RightsMovement.MalcolmXMuslimminister andhuman rightsactivist. BornMalcolm Little.RubyBridgesFirst Black child todesegregate anall-whiteelementary schoolin New Orleans,Louisiana in 1960.BessieColemanFirst Blackwoman to holda pilot license.Known as"Queen Bess".KamalaHarrisThe 49thVicePresident ofthe UnitedStates.AngelaDavisResearchesfeminism, Blackstudies, popularmusic andsocialconsciousness.Dr.DorothyHeightBegan herspeakingcareer in highschool as ananti-lynchingactivist.HarlemRenaissanceA cultural,social, andartisticexplosion.BobMarleyJamaican,singer-songwriter,musician,guitarist, andactivist.BenjaminBannekerA self-taughtmathematician,astronomer,and farmer.MedgarEversCivil Rights activistfrom Mississippi.Worked for votingrights, economicopportunity, &access to publicfacilities.PercyJulianResearch chemist& pioneer in thechemical synthesisof medicinal drugsfrom plants.FrederickDouglassBorn enslavedin Maryland &learned to read& write at 12years old.JamesBaldwinNovelist,playwright,socialcritic.CarolMoseleyBraunU.S. attorney inChicago in 1973.First Black womanto be elected tothe U.S. Senate in1992.Ida B.WellsRaisedawarenessof theoppressionof women.MaryMcLeodBethuneEducator,stateswoman,philanthropist,humanitarian,and civil rightsactivist.OprahWinfreyMedia networkowner, talkshow host,actress,producer andphilanthropist.BarackObamaServed asthe 44thPresident ofthe UnitedStates.MontgomeryBus BoycottPolitical & socialprotest campaignagainst the racialsegregation with thepublic transit systemof Montgomery,lasted 381 days.SerenaWilliamsProfessionaltennis player andphilanthropist.Many consider herthe Greatest of AllTime (GOAT).MadamC.J.WalkerFirst Black femaleself-mademillionaire inAmerica.Developed beautyand hair productsfor Black women.MuhammadAliProfessionalboxer andactivist.Considered theGreatest of AllTime (GOAT).JosephineBakerEntertainer andFrench resistanceactivist. Spoke atthe March onWashington by theside of Dr. King.MarcusGarveyJamaican politicalleader, publisher,journalist,entrepreneur, orator,and proponent of thePan-Africanismmovement.JeanBaptistePointDuSableFounderofChicagoin 1779.NatTurnerEnslavedAfrican-American wholed a rebellionof slaves andfree Blacks.HaitianRevolutionSuccessful anti-slavery andanti-colonialinsurrectionoverthrowingthe French.BlackWallStreetOne of the mostsuccessful Blackeconomies inAmericanhistory.JackieJoynerKerseeTrack star whoovercameasthma andwon 6 Olympicmedals.ShirleyChisholmFirst Blackwomanelected toU.S.Congress.Carter G.WoodsonLaunched thecelebration of"Negro HistoryWeek" in 1926,later renamedBlack HistoryMonth.NinaSimoneJazz singer,songwriter, pianist,arranger, & civilright activist. Wrotesong "FeelingGood" and "I put aspell on you".MatthewHensonFirst personto reach theNorth Polein 1909.MistyCopelandAmericanballerina.ToniMorrisonFirst African-Americanwoman toreceive theNobel Prize inLiterature,RosaParksRefused to giveup her seat to awhite man onan Alabamabus in 1955.BillieHolidayConsidered oneof the best andmost influentialjazz vocalists ofall time.HattieMcDanielFirst Blackwoman to winan Oscar forportrayal in"Gone with theWind."ElijahMcCoySon of former slavesfrom Kentucky whoescaped to freedomvia the UndergroundRailroad. Held 57patents, many relatedto steam engines.HenriettaLacksWoman whosecancer cell culturewas used to createone of the mostimportant cell linesin cancer researchin 1951.SojournerTruthAbolitionist andCivil Rightsadvocate.Changed hername fromIsabella Bornfree.ClaudetteColvinNine monthsbefore RosaParks, sherefused tomove from herseat on a bus.Huey P.Newton,Ph.D.Co-founded theBlack PantherParty for Self-Defense in1966.WilmaRudolphFirst Americanwoman to win3 gold medalsin Track &Field.Free!ZoraNealeHurstonWrote her mostfamous novel"Their EyesWere WatchingGod" in Haiti.HarrietTubmanEscapedslave,abolitionist,and spy duringthe Civil War.PaulRobesonAthlete andperforming artistwho becameinvolved in theCivil RightsMovement.MalcolmXMuslimminister andhuman rightsactivist. BornMalcolm Little.RubyBridgesFirst Black child todesegregate anall-whiteelementary schoolin New Orleans,Louisiana in 1960.BessieColemanFirst Blackwoman to holda pilot license.Known as"Queen Bess".KamalaHarrisThe 49thVicePresident ofthe UnitedStates.AngelaDavisResearchesfeminism, Blackstudies, popularmusic andsocialconsciousness.Dr.DorothyHeightBegan herspeakingcareer in highschool as ananti-lynchingactivist.HarlemRenaissanceA cultural,social, andartisticexplosion.BobMarleyJamaican,singer-songwriter,musician,guitarist, andactivist.BenjaminBannekerA self-taughtmathematician,astronomer,and farmer.MedgarEversCivil Rights activistfrom Mississippi.Worked for votingrights, economicopportunity, &access to publicfacilities.PercyJulianResearch chemist& pioneer in thechemical synthesisof medicinal drugsfrom plants.FrederickDouglassBorn enslavedin Maryland &learned to read& write at 12years old.JamesBaldwinNovelist,playwright,socialcritic.CarolMoseleyBraunU.S. attorney inChicago in 1973.First Black womanto be elected tothe U.S. Senate in1992.Ida B.WellsRaisedawarenessof theoppressionof women.MaryMcLeodBethuneEducator,stateswoman,philanthropist,humanitarian,and civil rightsactivist.OprahWinfreyMedia networkowner, talkshow host,actress,producer andphilanthropist.BarackObamaServed asthe 44thPresident ofthe UnitedStates.MontgomeryBus BoycottPolitical & socialprotest campaignagainst the racialsegregation with thepublic transit systemof Montgomery,lasted 381 days.SerenaWilliamsProfessionaltennis player andphilanthropist.Many consider herthe Greatest of AllTime (GOAT).MadamC.J.WalkerFirst Black femaleself-mademillionaire inAmerica.Developed beautyand hair productsfor Black women.MuhammadAliProfessionalboxer andactivist.Considered theGreatest of AllTime (GOAT).JosephineBakerEntertainer andFrench resistanceactivist. Spoke atthe March onWashington by theside of Dr. King.MarcusGarveyJamaican politicalleader, publisher,journalist,entrepreneur, orator,and proponent of thePan-Africanismmovement.JeanBaptistePointDuSableFounderofChicagoin 1779.NatTurnerEnslavedAfrican-American wholed a rebellionof slaves andfree Blacks.HaitianRevolutionSuccessful anti-slavery andanti-colonialinsurrectionoverthrowingthe French.BlackWallStreetOne of the mostsuccessful Blackeconomies inAmericanhistory.JackieJoynerKerseeTrack star whoovercameasthma andwon 6 Olympicmedals.ShirleyChisholmFirst Blackwomanelected toU.S.Congress.Carter G.WoodsonLaunched thecelebration of"Negro HistoryWeek" in 1926,later renamedBlack HistoryMonth.NinaSimoneJazz singer,songwriter, pianist,arranger, & civilright activist. Wrotesong "FeelingGood" and "I put aspell on you".MatthewHensonFirst personto reach theNorth Polein 1909.MistyCopelandAmericanballerina.ToniMorrisonFirst African-Americanwoman toreceive theNobel Prize inLiterature,RosaParksRefused to giveup her seat to awhite man onan Alabamabus in 1955.BillieHolidayConsidered oneof the best andmost influentialjazz vocalists ofall time.HattieMcDanielFirst Blackwoman to winan Oscar forportrayal in"Gone with theWind."ElijahMcCoySon of former slavesfrom Kentucky whoescaped to freedomvia the UndergroundRailroad. Held 57patents, many relatedto steam engines.HenriettaLacksWoman whosecancer cell culturewas used to createone of the mostimportant cell linesin cancer researchin 1951.SojournerTruthAbolitionist andCivil Rightsadvocate.Changed hername fromIsabella Bornfree.ClaudetteColvinNine monthsbefore RosaParks, sherefused tomove from herseat on a bus.Huey P.Newton,Ph.D.Co-founded theBlack PantherParty for Self-Defense in1966.WilmaRudolphFirst Americanwoman to win3 gold medalsin Track &Field.Free!ZoraNealeHurstonWrote her mostfamous novel"Their EyesWere WatchingGod" in Haiti.

Black Culture Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Escaped slave, abolitionist, and spy during the Civil War.
    Harriet Tubman
  2. Athlete and performing artist who became involved in the Civil Rights Movement.
    Paul Robeson
  3. Muslim minister and human rights activist. Born Malcolm Little.
    Malcolm X
  4. First Black child to desegregate an all-white elementary school in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1960.
    Ruby Bridges
  5. First Black woman to hold a pilot license. Known as "Queen Bess".
    Bessie Coleman
  6. The 49th Vice President of the United States.
    Kamala Harris
  7. Researches feminism, Black studies, popular music and social consciousness.
    Angela Davis
  8. Began her speaking career in high school as an anti-lynching activist.
    Dr. Dorothy Height
  9. A cultural, social, and artistic explosion.
    Harlem Renaissance
  10. Jamaican, singer-songwriter, musician, guitarist, and activist.
    Bob Marley
  11. A self-taught mathematician, astronomer, and farmer.
    Benjamin Banneker
  12. Civil Rights activist from Mississippi. Worked for voting rights, economic opportunity, & access to public facilities.
    Medgar Evers
  13. Research chemist & pioneer in the chemical synthesis of medicinal drugs from plants.
    Percy Julian
  14. Born enslaved in Maryland & learned to read & write at 12 years old.
    Frederick Douglass
  15. Novelist, playwright, social critic.
    James Baldwin
  16. U.S. attorney in Chicago in 1973. First Black woman to be elected to the U.S. Senate in 1992.
    Carol Moseley Braun
  17. Raised awareness of the oppression of women.
    Ida B. Wells
  18. Educator, stateswoman, philanthropist, humanitarian, and civil rights activist.
    Mary McLeod Bethune
  19. Media network owner, talk show host, actress, producer and philanthropist.
    Oprah Winfrey
  20. Served as the 44th President of the United States.
    Barack Obama
  21. Political & social protest campaign against the racial segregation with the public transit system of Montgomery, lasted 381 days.
    Montgomery Bus Boycott
  22. Professional tennis player and philanthropist. Many consider her the Greatest of All Time (GOAT).
    Serena Williams
  23. First Black female self-made millionaire in America. Developed beauty and hair products for Black women.
    Madam C.J. Walker
  24. Professional boxer and activist. Considered the Greatest of All Time (GOAT).
    Muhammad Ali
  25. Entertainer and French resistance activist. Spoke at the March on Washington by the side of Dr. King.
    Josephine Baker
  26. Jamaican political leader, publisher, journalist, entrepreneur, orator, and proponent of the Pan-Africanism movement.
    Marcus Garvey
  27. Founder of Chicago in 1779.
    Jean Baptiste Point DuSable
  28. Enslaved African-American who led a rebellion of slaves and free Blacks.
    Nat Turner
  29. Successful anti-slavery and anti-colonial insurrection overthrowing the French.
    Haitian Revolution
  30. One of the most successful Black economies in American history.
    Black Wall Street
  31. Track star who overcame asthma and won 6 Olympic medals.
    Jackie Joyner Kersee
  32. First Black woman elected to U.S. Congress.
    Shirley Chisholm
  33. Launched the celebration of "Negro History Week" in 1926, later renamed Black History Month.
    Carter G. Woodson
  34. Jazz singer, songwriter, pianist, arranger, & civil right activist. Wrote song "Feeling Good" and "I put a spell on you".
    Nina Simone
  35. First person to reach the North Pole in 1909.
    Matthew Henson
  36. American ballerina.
    Misty Copeland
  37. First African-American woman to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature,
    Toni Morrison
  38. Refused to give up her seat to a white man on an Alabama bus in 1955.
    Rosa Parks
  39. Considered one of the best and most influential jazz vocalists of all time.
    Billie Holiday
  40. First Black woman to win an Oscar for portrayal in "Gone with the Wind."
    Hattie McDaniel
  41. Son of former slaves from Kentucky who escaped to freedom via the Underground Railroad. Held 57 patents, many related to steam engines.
    Elijah McCoy
  42. Woman whose cancer cell culture was used to create one of the most important cell lines in cancer research in 1951.
    Henrietta Lacks
  43. Abolitionist and Civil Rights advocate. Changed her name from Isabella Bornfree.
    Sojourner Truth
  44. Nine months before Rosa Parks, she refused to move from her seat on a bus.
    Claudette Colvin
  45. Co-founded the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense in 1966.
    Huey P. Newton, Ph.D.
  46. First American woman to win 3 gold medals in Track & Field.
    Wilma Rudolph
  47. Free!
  48. Wrote her most famous novel "Their Eyes Were Watching God" in Haiti.
    Zora Neale Hurston