Modifier62Append this modifierfor procedures thatwere performed bytwo primarysurgeons, bothperforming a distinctpart of the procedure.Modifier81Append this modifierif an assistantsurgeon was presentduring a part of theprocedure andassisted a principalor operating surgeon.Modifier95Append this modifierfor synchronous orreal–time audiovisualconference servicesthat allow the providerto provide healthcarefrom a differentlocation than thepatient.Modifier33Append thismodifier forpreventiveservicesModifier63This modifier canbe appended toproceduresperformed oninfants weighingless than fourkilograms.Modifier8PReport this modifierif a provider couldnot perform anaction but did notspecify the reasonfor not providing theaction for a patient.Modifier47Append this modifierto a service orprocedure when theperforming surgeonalso administeredgeneral or localanesthesia.ModifierP6Report this physicalstatus modifier toidentify anesthesiaservices provided by aphysician to a deaddeclared patient whoseorgans are removed tobe donated.Modifier77Append this modifier toa code if a differentprovider repeats aprocedure because theinitial same procedurewas not successful andwas performed byanother provider.Modifier51Append this modifier tomultiple subsequentprocedures ifperformed by the sameprovider, on the samepatient, and during thesame encounter.Modifier24Providerperformed it duringthe global surgeryperiod. The E/Mmust be unrelatedto the patient’ssurgery.ModifierP1Report this physicalstatus modifier toidentify anesthesiaservices providedby a physician to anormal and healthypatient.Modifier2PThis modifierindicates that aprovider couldn’tperform an actionfor patientreasons, such asrefusal.Modifier25When a providerperforms an E/Mservice on apatient on thesame day asanother procedureor service.Modifier32Third parties, such asa legislative,governmental, orregulatoryrequirement,mandate that aprovider performs aservice.Modifier26The professionalcomponent of aservice and showsthat a physicianprovides theinterpretation andsupervision of aprocedure.Modifier23unusualanesthesiaModifier22increasedproceduralservicesModifier76You can use thismodifier if thesame providerrepeats aprocedure afterthey performed theinitial procedure.Modifier52Append thismodifier toreducedservices.Modifier96Habilitativeservices canbe identifiedwith thismodifier.Modifier27Subsequent, separate,and distinct E/Mservice for patientswho received multipleE/M services withdifferent providers, onthe same day and inthe same hospital.Modifier50This modifier maybe used forbilateral radiology,diagnostic, orsurgicalprocedures.Modifier91You can use thismodifier forrepeated labtests for thesame patient andon the same day.Modifier62Append this modifierfor procedures thatwere performed bytwo primarysurgeons, bothperforming a distinctpart of the procedure.Modifier81Append this modifierif an assistantsurgeon was presentduring a part of theprocedure andassisted a principalor operating surgeon.Modifier95Append this modifierfor synchronous orreal–time audiovisualconference servicesthat allow the providerto provide healthcarefrom a differentlocation than thepatient.Modifier33Append thismodifier forpreventiveservicesModifier63This modifier canbe appended toproceduresperformed oninfants weighingless than fourkilograms.Modifier8PReport this modifierif a provider couldnot perform anaction but did notspecify the reasonfor not providing theaction for a patient.Modifier47Append this modifierto a service orprocedure when theperforming surgeonalso administeredgeneral or localanesthesia.ModifierP6Report this physicalstatus modifier toidentify anesthesiaservices provided by aphysician to a deaddeclared patient whoseorgans are removed tobe donated.Modifier77Append this modifier toa code if a differentprovider repeats aprocedure because theinitial same procedurewas not successful andwas performed byanother provider.Modifier51Append this modifier tomultiple subsequentprocedures ifperformed by the sameprovider, on the samepatient, and during thesame encounter.Modifier24Providerperformed it duringthe global surgeryperiod. The E/Mmust be unrelatedto the patient’ssurgery.ModifierP1Report this physicalstatus modifier toidentify anesthesiaservices providedby a physician to anormal and healthypatient.Modifier2PThis modifierindicates that aprovider couldn’tperform an actionfor patientreasons, such asrefusal.Modifier25When a providerperforms an E/Mservice on apatient on thesame day asanother procedureor service.Modifier32Third parties, such asa legislative,governmental, orregulatoryrequirement,mandate that aprovider performs aservice.Modifier26The professionalcomponent of aservice and showsthat a physicianprovides theinterpretation andsupervision of aprocedure.Modifier23unusualanesthesiaModifier22increasedproceduralservicesModifier76You can use thismodifier if thesame providerrepeats aprocedure afterthey performed theinitial procedure.Modifier52Append thismodifier toreducedservices.Modifier96Habilitativeservices canbe identifiedwith thismodifier.Modifier27Subsequent, separate,and distinct E/Mservice for patientswho received multipleE/M services withdifferent providers, onthe same day and inthe same hospital.Modifier50This modifier maybe used forbilateral radiology,diagnostic, orsurgicalprocedures.Modifier91You can use thismodifier forrepeated labtests for thesame patient andon the same day.

CPT Modifiers - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Append this modifier for procedures that were performed by two primary surgeons, both performing a distinct part of the procedure.
    Modifier 62
  2. Append this modifier if an assistant surgeon was present during a part of the procedure and assisted a principal or operating surgeon.
    Modifier 81
  3. Append this modifier for synchronous or real–time audiovisual conference services that allow the provider to provide healthcare from a different location than the patient.
    Modifier 95
  4. Append this modifier for preventive services
    Modifier 33
  5. This modifier can be appended to procedures performed on infants weighing less than four kilograms.
    Modifier 63
  6. Report this modifier if a provider could not perform an action but did not specify the reason for not providing the action for a patient.
    Modifier 8P
  7. Append this modifier to a service or procedure when the performing surgeon also administered general or local anesthesia.
    Modifier 47
  8. Report this physical status modifier to identify anesthesia services provided by a physician to a dead declared patient whose organs are removed to be donated.
    Modifier P6
  9. Append this modifier to a code if a different provider repeats a procedure because the initial same procedure was not successful and was performed by another provider.
    Modifier 77
  10. Append this modifier to multiple subsequent procedures if performed by the same provider, on the same patient, and during the same encounter.
    Modifier 51
  11. Provider performed it during the global surgery period. The E/M must be unrelated to the patient’s surgery.
    Modifier 24
  12. Report this physical status modifier to identify anesthesia services provided by a physician to a normal and healthy patient.
    Modifier P1
  13. This modifier indicates that a provider couldn’t perform an action for patient reasons, such as refusal.
    Modifier 2P
  14. When a provider performs an E/M service on a patient on the same day as another procedure or service.
    Modifier 25
  15. Third parties, such as a legislative, governmental, or regulatory requirement, mandate that a provider performs a service.
    Modifier 32
  16. The professional component of a service and shows that a physician provides the interpretation and supervision of a procedure.
    Modifier 26
  17. unusual anesthesia
    Modifier 23
  18. increased procedural services
    Modifier 22
  19. You can use this modifier if the same provider repeats a procedure after they performed the initial procedure.
    Modifier 76
  20. Append this modifier to reduced services.
    Modifier 52
  21. Habilitative services can be identified with this modifier.
    Modifier 96
  22. Subsequent, separate, and distinct E/M service for patients who received multiple E/M services with different providers, on the same day and in the same hospital.
    Modifier 27
  23. This modifier may be used for bilateral radiology, diagnostic, or surgical procedures.
    Modifier 50
  24. You can use this modifier for repeated lab tests for the same patient and on the same day.
    Modifier 91