Interruptthe DMwith aquestionDescribe howyour characteris emotionallyimpacted inthe momentCreate anew personin yourbackstory onthe spot(in character)Ask an NPC aquestion aboutthem (unrelatedto plot)Describesomething yourcharacter doesafter everyonehas gone tosleepDescribe yourcharacter'sthoughtprocess to aproblem(in character)Respondemotionally tosomethingsomeone says(non-verbally)Describewhat yourcharacterdoes whenthey wake up(in character)Share an eventhat happenedin yourbackstory(in character)Try to getinformation outof anunfriendly NPC(in character)Ask anothercharacter abouta detail of theirappearance(in character)Ask anothercharacter howthey feel aboutsomethingCreate anew quirk foryourcharacter onthe spot(in character)Do somethingyou think is abad idea, butyour characterwould doAsk fora skillcheck(in character)Initiate aconversationwith anunknown NPCDescribe whatit looks likewhen yourcharacter doessomethingDescribe howyour characterwasemotionallyimpacted by arecent eventDescribehow yourcharacterrelates to anNPC(in character)Respondemotionally tosomethingsomeone says(verbally)(in character)Speak from aconvictionyourcharacter hasDescribe howyour characterrelates toanothercharacter(in character)Ask an NPCa questionrelated to aplot thread(in character)Share ananecdote fromsomeoneimpactful inyour backstoryInterruptthe DMwith aquestionDescribe howyour characteris emotionallyimpacted inthe momentCreate anew personin yourbackstory onthe spot(in character)Ask an NPC aquestion aboutthem (unrelatedto plot)Describesomething yourcharacter doesafter everyonehas gone tosleepDescribe yourcharacter'sthoughtprocess to aproblem(in character)Respondemotionally tosomethingsomeone says(non-verbally)Describewhat yourcharacterdoes whenthey wake up(in character)Share an eventhat happenedin yourbackstory(in character)Try to getinformation outof anunfriendly NPC(in character)Ask anothercharacter abouta detail of theirappearance(in character)Ask anothercharacter howthey feel aboutsomethingCreate anew quirk foryourcharacter onthe spot(in character)Do somethingyou think is abad idea, butyour characterwould doAsk fora skillcheck(in character)Initiate aconversationwith anunknown NPCDescribe whatit looks likewhen yourcharacter doessomethingDescribe howyour characterwasemotionallyimpacted by arecent eventDescribehow yourcharacterrelates to anNPC(in character)Respondemotionally tosomethingsomeone says(verbally)(in character)Speak from aconvictionyourcharacter hasDescribe howyour characterrelates toanothercharacter(in character)Ask an NPCa questionrelated to aplot thread(in character)Share ananecdote fromsomeoneimpactful inyour backstory

Role-Play Chaos Bingo! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Interrupt the DM with a question
  2. Describe how your character is emotionally impacted in the moment
  3. Create a new person in your backstory on the spot
  4. (in character) Ask an NPC a question about them (unrelated to plot)
  5. Describe something your character does after everyone has gone to sleep
  6. Describe your character's thought process to a problem
  7. (in character) Respond emotionally to something someone says (non-verbally)
  8. Describe what your character does when they wake up
  9. (in character) Share an even that happened in your backstory
  10. (in character) Try to get information out of an unfriendly NPC
  11. (in character) Ask another character about a detail of their appearance
  12. (in character) Ask another character how they feel about something
  13. Create a new quirk for your character on the spot
  14. (in character) Do something you think is a bad idea, but your character would do
  15. Ask for a skill check
  16. (in character) Initiate a conversation with an unknown NPC
  17. Describe what it looks like when your character does something
  18. Describe how your character was emotionally impacted by a recent event
  19. Describe how your character relates to an NPC
  20. (in character) Respond emotionally to something someone says (verbally)
  21. (in character) Speak from a conviction your character has
  22. Describe how your character relates to another character
  23. (in character) Ask an NPC a question related to a plot thread
  24. (in character) Share an anecdote from someone impactful in your backstory