convection iswhat happenswhen smokegoes in whatdirectionif 5 waves passa certain point in1 second, howmany hearts arethe wavestraveling atwhat isasystemby whichprocessdoes a liquidturn into agaswhat isaccelerationiron will buildup a flaky redcrust throughoxidation, whatis this flaky redcrust calledwhat kindof wavesdoes soundtravel inby which isthe processwhere aliquid turnsto a solidtrue or false,magnetsattractplasticwhat type ofthermal heattransfer happenswhen a lizardwarms its bellyon a hot rock.what isenergymoleculesareconstantlyin ____what is thename of theforce that pullsthings towardsthe groundwhat type ofreactionoccurs whenmild spoils andemits an odorwhat typeof energydo atomscarrywhat is theprocess bywhich solidchanges to aliquidname the threesubatomicparticles thatmake up anatomtrue of false,forces act onobjects onlyin the aira highnote is___frequencyis freezingwater aphysical orchemicalreactiontrue or false,everything ismade up ofmattertwo negativechargesattract trueor falsewhathappens tomoleculeswhen theyheat upname thethree typesof heattransferwhat iswork? (inscience)what ispotentialenergywhat is net forceA. one force actingon an object. B. all ofthe forces acting onan object. C. none ofthe forces acting onan object. D. none ofthe aboveby whichprocessdoes gasturn into aliquid.if you were to lift astack of books youwould do (more orless) work thansomeone lifting asingle book thesame amountname thethreestages ofmatterwhat happens whenyou cut a magnet inhalf. A. only the northpole still attracts. B.the bottom of thenorth pole becomesthe south pole. C. themagnet much oftheelectromagneticspectrum canwe see.what arethe polesof amagnetwhat isvelocitywhat isaNewtonamplitudeis whatpart of thewavewhat is amajor causeof thermalenergyisphotosynthesisa chemical orphysicalreactionmolecules ofmatteralways dowhat to eachotheris a matchlightingconsidered aphysical orchemicalreactionconvection iswhat happenswhen smokegoes in whatdirectionif 5 waves passa certain point in1 second, howmany hearts arethe wavestraveling atwhat isasystemby whichprocessdoes a liquidturn into agaswhat isaccelerationiron will buildup a flaky redcrust throughoxidation, whatis this flaky redcrust calledwhat kindof wavesdoes soundtravel inby which isthe processwhere aliquid turnsto a solidtrue or false,magnetsattractplasticwhat type ofthermal heattransfer happenswhen a lizardwarms its bellyon a hot rock.what isenergymoleculesareconstantlyin ____what is thename of theforce that pullsthings towardsthe groundwhat type ofreactionoccurs whenmild spoils andemits an odorwhat typeof energydo atomscarrywhat is theprocess bywhich solidchanges to aliquidname the threesubatomicparticles thatmake up anatomtrue of false,forces act onobjects onlyin the aira highnote is___frequencyis freezingwater aphysical orchemicalreactiontrue or false,everything ismade up ofmattertwo negativechargesattract trueor falsewhathappens tomoleculeswhen theyheat upname thethree typesof heattransferwhat iswork? (inscience)what ispotentialenergywhat is net forceA. one force actingon an object. B. all ofthe forces acting onan object. C. none ofthe forces acting onan object. D. none ofthe aboveby whichprocessdoes gasturn into aliquid.if you were to lift astack of books youwould do (more orless) work thansomeone lifting asingle book thesame amountname thethreestages ofmatterwhat happens whenyou cut a magnet inhalf. A. only the northpole still attracts. B.the bottom of thenorth pole becomesthe south pole. C. themagnet much oftheelectromagneticspectrum canwe see.what arethe polesof amagnetwhat isvelocitywhat isaNewtonamplitudeis whatpart of thewavewhat is amajor causeof thermalenergyisphotosynthesisa chemical orphysicalreactionmolecules ofmatteralways dowhat to eachotheris a matchlightingconsidered aphysical orchemicalreaction


(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. convection is what happens when smoke goes in what direction
  2. if 5 waves pass a certain point in 1 second, how many hearts are the waves traveling at
  3. what is a system
  4. by which process does a liquid turn into a gas
  5. what is acceleration
  6. iron will build up a flaky red crust through oxidation, what is this flaky red crust called
  7. what kind of waves does sound travel in
  8. by which is the process where a liquid turns to a solid
  9. true or false, magnets attract plastic
  10. what type of thermal heat transfer happens when a lizard warms its belly on a hot rock.
  11. what is energy
  12. molecules are constantly in ____
  13. what is the name of the force that pulls things towards the ground
  14. what type of reaction occurs when mild spoils and emits an odor
  15. what type of energy do atoms carry
  16. what is the process by which solid changes to a liquid
  17. name the three subatomic particles that make up an atom
  18. true of false, forces act on objects only in the air
  19. a high note is ___ frequency
  20. is freezing water a physical or chemical reaction
  21. true or false, everything is made up of matter
  22. two negative charges attract true or false
  23. what happens to molecules when they heat up
  24. name the three types of heat transfer
  25. what is work? (in science)
  26. what is potential energy
  27. what is net force A. one force acting on an object. B. all of the forces acting on an object. C. none of the forces acting on an object. D. none of the above
  28. by which process does gas turn into a liquid.
  29. if you were to lift a stack of books you would do (more or less) work than someone lifting a single book the same amount
  30. name the three stages of matter
  31. what happens when you cut a magnet in half. A. only the north pole still attracts. B. the bottom of the north pole becomes the south pole. C. the magnet explodes.
  32. how much of the electromagnetic spectrum can we see.
  33. what are the poles of a magnet
  34. what is velocity
  35. what is a Newton
  36. amplitude is what part of the wave
  37. what is a major cause of thermal energy
  38. is photosynthesis a chemical or physical reaction
  39. molecules of matter always do what to each other
  40. is a match lighting considered a physical or chemical reaction