We usedto writeessays.Escribíamosensayos.Youlistened tothe music.Escuchastemúsica.You werelisteningto music.escuchabasmúsica.He workedonChristmas.Él trabajóenNavidad.Shewalkedthe dog.Ellacaminócon elperro.They atepizzayesterday.Elloscomieronpizzaayer.YouwatchedTV.Mirastela tele.She waswriting apoem.Ellaescribíaunpoema.I used toplay soccerwith myfriends.Yo jugabafútbol conmisamigos.You usedto preparedinner.preparabasla cena.I playedsoccerwith myfriends.Yo juguéfútbolcon misamigos.Shewrote apoem.Ellaescribióunpoema.They wouldalwaysdrink waterat dinner.Ellossiemprebebían aguaen la cena.Theywouldsometimeseat pizza.Ellos avecescomíanpizza.I wasdancingwith myhusband.Yo bailabacon miesposo.He usedto work onChristmas.ÉltrabajabaenNavidad.Youprepareddinner theother day.preparastela cena elotro día.They drankwater atdinner lastnight.Ellosbebieronagua en lacenaanoche.Wewrote anessay.Escribimosun ensayo.I dancedwith myhusband.Yo bailécon miesposo.We wererunning tothe park.Corríamosal parque.You werewatchingTV.Mirabasla tele.She waswalkingthe dog.Ellacaminabacon elperro.We ranto thepark.Corrimosalparque.We usedto writeessays.Escribíamosensayos.Youlistened tothe music.Escuchastemúsica.You werelisteningto music.escuchabasmúsica.He workedonChristmas.Él trabajóenNavidad.Shewalkedthe dog.Ellacaminócon elperro.They atepizzayesterday.Elloscomieronpizzaayer.YouwatchedTV.Mirastela tele.She waswriting apoem.Ellaescribíaunpoema.I used toplay soccerwith myfriends.Yo jugabafútbol conmisamigos.You usedto preparedinner.preparabasla cena.I playedsoccerwith myfriends.Yo juguéfútbolcon misamigos.Shewrote apoem.Ellaescribióunpoema.They wouldalwaysdrink waterat dinner.Ellossiemprebebían aguaen la cena.Theywouldsometimeseat pizza.Ellos avecescomíanpizza.I wasdancingwith myhusband.Yo bailabacon miesposo.He usedto work onChristmas.ÉltrabajabaenNavidad.Youprepareddinner theother day.preparastela cena elotro día.They drankwater atdinner lastnight.Ellosbebieronagua en lacenaanoche.Wewrote anessay.Escribimosun ensayo.I dancedwith myhusband.Yo bailécon miesposo.We wererunning tothe park.Corríamosal parque.You werewatchingTV.Mirabasla tele.She waswalkingthe dog.Ellacaminabacon elperro.We ranto thepark.Corrimosalparque.

Pretérito vs Imperfecto - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Escribíamos ensayos.
    We used to write essays.
  2. Escuchaste música.
    You listened to the music.
  3. Tú escuchabas música.
    You were listening to music.
  4. Él trabajó en Navidad.
    He worked on Christmas.
  5. Ella caminó con el perro.
    She walked the dog.
  6. Ellos comieron pizza ayer.
    They ate pizza yesterday.
  7. Miraste la tele.
    You watched TV.
  8. Ella escribía un poema.
    She was writing a poem.
  9. Yo jugaba fútbol con mis amigos.
    I used to play soccer with my friends.
  10. Tú preparabas la cena.
    You used to prepare dinner.
  11. Yo jugué fútbol con mis amigos.
    I played soccer with my friends.
  12. Ella escribió un poema.
    She wrote a poem.
  13. Ellos siempre bebían agua en la cena.
    They would always drink water at dinner.
  14. Ellos a veces comían pizza.
    They would sometimes eat pizza.
  15. Yo bailaba con mi esposo.
    I was dancing with my husband.
  16. Él trabajaba en Navidad.
    He used to work on Christmas.
  17. Tú preparaste la cena el otro día.
    You prepared dinner the other day.
  18. Ellos bebieron agua en la cena anoche.
    They drank water at dinner last night.
  19. Escribimos un ensayo.
    We wrote an essay.
  20. Yo bailé con mi esposo.
    I danced with my husband.
  21. Corríamos al parque.
    We were running to the park.
  22. Mirabas la tele.
    You were watching TV.
  23. Ella caminaba con el perro.
    She was walking the dog.
  24. Corrimos al parque.
    We ran to the park.