Draw apicture of thekind of moneyanothercountry usesHas apiggybankDraw apicture ofan $100billPlan yoursummerlemonadestandList 3 billsan adulthas to payforSave $10 andopen a savingsaccount withyour guardian'shelpMake abudget planto budget fora bigpurchasecreate asavings planto save $400for collegeby May 2025Research withyour parentsthe yearlysalary for whatyou want to beDraw apicture ofwhat a familymember doesfor workResearch withyour parentsthe differencebetween a debitand credit cardMake agrocery listwith an$100 budgetHas a listof wantsandneedsMake asaving planto save $75dollars byOctoberDraw apicture ofsomethingyou wantSpendsall of yourlunchmoneyResearchwith yourparents howinvestingworksGet 2 piggybank and createa savings andspending planfor yourallowanceList want youwant to bewhen youget olderDraw a pictureof somethingyou would beable to buy ifyou were given$10Has anallowanceResearch withyour parentsthe differencebetween acredit unionand a bankResearch withyour parentsthe differentretirementplan optionsFind outwhat bank orcredit unionyour parentsuseDraw apicture of thekind of moneyanothercountry usesHas apiggybankDraw apicture ofan $100billPlan yoursummerlemonadestandList 3 billsan adulthas to payforSave $10 andopen a savingsaccount withyour guardian'shelpMake abudget planto budget fora bigpurchasecreate asavings planto save $400for collegeby May 2025Research withyour parentsthe yearlysalary for whatyou want to beDraw apicture ofwhat a familymember doesfor workResearch withyour parentsthe differencebetween a debitand credit cardMake agrocery listwith an$100 budgetHas a listof wantsandneedsMake asaving planto save $75dollars byOctoberDraw apicture ofsomethingyou wantSpendsall of yourlunchmoneyResearchwith yourparents howinvestingworksGet 2 piggybank and createa savings andspending planfor yourallowanceList want youwant to bewhen youget olderDraw a pictureof somethingyou would beable to buy ifyou were given$10Has anallowanceResearch withyour parentsthe differencebetween acredit unionand a bankResearch withyour parentsthe differentretirementplan optionsFind outwhat bank orcredit unionyour parentsuse

Money Habits Bingo for Kids - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Draw a picture of the kind of money another country uses
  2. Has a piggy bank
  3. Draw a picture of an $100 bill
  4. Plan your summer lemonade stand
  5. List 3 bills an adult has to pay for
  6. Save $10 and open a savings account with your guardian's help
  7. Make a budget plan to budget for a big purchase
  8. create a savings plan to save $400 for college by May 2025
  9. Research with your parents the yearly salary for what you want to be
  10. Draw a picture of what a family member does for work
  11. Research with your parents the difference between a debit and credit card
  12. Make a grocery list with an $100 budget
  13. Has a list of wants and needs
  14. Make a saving plan to save $75 dollars by October
  15. Draw a picture of something you want
  16. Spends all of your lunch money
  17. Research with your parents how investing works
  18. Get 2 piggy bank and create a savings and spending plan for your allowance
  19. List want you want to be when you get older
  20. Draw a picture of something you would be able to buy if you were given $10
  21. Has an allowance
  22. Research with your parents the difference between a credit union and a bank
  23. Research with your parents the different retirement plan options
  24. Find out what bank or credit union your parents use