A huge starthat gives usheat, lightand energy The 4thplanet inour solarsystem Is the largestplanet in oursolar system andis the 5th planetfrom the sun  An instrumentwhich is usedto study thestars and theplanets it's a secondplanet fromthe sun andhas nomoon. Scientists whostudy thestars, planetsand galaxiesare called? The firstplanet inour solarsystem The planet isdescribed as ared planet. it has2 moons and isthe 4th planetfrom the sun it takes365.25 daysfor earth tofully revolvearound it A planetwhich iscovered with70% water Naturalsatellite thatorbits the earthin 29 daysapproximately A planet whichhas life andwater in it. ithas 1 moonand 3rd planetfrom the sun The farthestplanet fromthe sun inthe solarsystem. Name thefirst and lastplanet in thesolar system How muchof the Earthis coveredwith water? Name the3rd planetin our solarsystem The secondlargest planet inour solarsystem which issurrounded byrings The 7thplanetfrom thesun. A small planetwhich orbitscloser to the sunthan any otherplanet in oursolar system Is the suna planet,a star or acomet? A huge starthat gives usheat, lightand energy The 4thplanet inour solarsystem Is the largestplanet in oursolar system andis the 5th planetfrom the sun  An instrumentwhich is usedto study thestars and theplanets it's a secondplanet fromthe sun andhas nomoon. Scientists whostudy thestars, planetsand galaxiesare called? The firstplanet inour solarsystem The planet isdescribed as ared planet. it has2 moons and isthe 4th planetfrom the sun it takes365.25 daysfor earth tofully revolvearound it A planetwhich iscovered with70% water Naturalsatellite thatorbits the earthin 29 daysapproximately A planet whichhas life andwater in it. ithas 1 moonand 3rd planetfrom the sun The farthestplanet fromthe sun inthe solarsystem. Name thefirst and lastplanet in thesolar system How muchof the Earthis coveredwith water? Name the3rd planetin our solarsystem The secondlargest planet inour solarsystem which issurrounded byrings The 7thplanetfrom thesun. A small planetwhich orbitscloser to the sunthan any otherplanet in oursolar system Is the suna planet,a star or acomet? 

All about our Solar System - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. A huge star that gives us heat, light and energy
  2. The 4th planet in our solar system
  3. Is the largest planet in our solar system and is the 5th planet from the sun
  4. An instrument which is used to study the stars and the planets

  5. it's a second planet from the sun and has no moon.
  6. Scientists who study the stars, planets and galaxies are called?
  7. The first planet in our solar system
  8. The planet is described as a red planet. it has 2 moons and is the 4th planet from the sun

  9. it takes 365.25 days for earth to fully revolve around it
  10. A planet which is covered with 70% water

  11. Natural satellite that orbits the earth in 29 days approximately
  12. A planet which has life and water in it. it has 1 moon and 3rd planet from the sun
  13. The farthest planet from the sun in the solar system.
  14. Name the first and last planet in the solar system
  15. How much of the Earth is covered with water?
  16. Name the 3rd planet in our solar system
  17. The second largest planet in our solar system which is surrounded by rings
  18. The 7th planet from the sun.
  19. A small planet which orbits closer to the sun than any other planet in our solar system
  20. Is the sun a planet, a star or a comet?