Find someonewho has beenon a fishingboat in thelast month.Find someonewho hascontributed tothe GGGIBPF.Find someonewho hasparticipated ina GGGI fisherworkshop.Find someonewho hasattended aGGGI annualmeeting beforethis.Findsomeonewho likespineapple onpizza.Findsomeonefrom thesouthernhemisphere.Findsomeonewhofacilitates GGrecycling.Find someonewho has doneGG removalwork.Find aseafoodindustrymember.Findsomeonewho lives onan island.Find anacademicmember.Find someonewho speaks alanguageother than youown.Find someonewho hasentered datainto the GGGIdata portal.Find agovernmentmember.Find a personwith the GGReporter appon theirphone.Findsomeonewho speaksthreelanguages.Find anNGOmember.Findsomeonewho hasalready beensnorkeling.Find someonewho has been aGGGI memberfor less than ayear.Find someonewho has notattended aGGGI annualmeeting beforethis.Find someonewho had morethan twolayovers toget here.FindsomeonewhoattendedINC-4.Find aperson whois PadiCertified.Find someonewho hasworked on aGG predictivemodel.Find someonewho has beenon a fishingboat in thelast month.Find someonewho hascontributed tothe GGGIBPF.Find someonewho hasparticipated ina GGGI fisherworkshop.Find someonewho hasattended aGGGI annualmeeting beforethis.Findsomeonewho likespineapple onpizza.Findsomeonefrom thesouthernhemisphere.Findsomeonewhofacilitates GGrecycling.Find someonewho has doneGG removalwork.Find aseafoodindustrymember.Findsomeonewho lives onan island.Find anacademicmember.Find someonewho speaks alanguageother than youown.Find someonewho hasentered datainto the GGGIdata portal.Find agovernmentmember.Find a personwith the GGReporter appon theirphone.Findsomeonewho speaksthreelanguages.Find anNGOmember.Findsomeonewho hasalready beensnorkeling.Find someonewho has been aGGGI memberfor less than ayear.Find someonewho has notattended aGGGI annualmeeting beforethis.Find someonewho had morethan twolayovers toget here.FindsomeonewhoattendedINC-4.Find aperson whois PadiCertified.Find someonewho hasworked on aGG predictivemodel.

GGGI Annual Meeting Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Find someone who has been on a fishing boat in the last month.
  2. Find someone who has contributed to the GGGI BPF.
  3. Find someone who has participated in a GGGI fisher workshop.
  4. Find someone who has attended a GGGI annual meeting before this.
  5. Find someone who likes pineapple on pizza.
  6. Find someone from the southern hemisphere.
  7. Find someone who facilitates GG recycling.
  8. Find someone who has done GG removal work.
  9. Find a seafood industry member.
  10. Find someone who lives on an island.
  11. Find an academic member.
  12. Find someone who speaks a language other than you own.
  13. Find someone who has entered data into the GGGI data portal.
  14. Find a government member.
  15. Find a person with the GG Reporter app on their phone.
  16. Find someone who speaks three languages.
  17. Find an NGO member.
  18. Find someone who has already been snorkeling.
  19. Find someone who has been a GGGI member for less than a year.
  20. Find someone who has not attended a GGGI annual meeting before this.
  21. Find someone who had more than two layovers to get here.
  22. Find someone who attended INC-4.
  23. Find a person who is Padi Certified.
  24. Find someone who has worked on a GG predictive model.