Has watchedan Asian filmor movies inthe pastmonthHas takenpart in atraditionalAsian boardgame or sportHas been inspiredAsian, or EastAsian activist,advocate, orhistorical figure forsocial justice.Has everattempted a K-popdance routine infront of the mirrorand convincedthemselves theynailed it.Has participated ina tea ceremony, orhas a favorite typeof tea such asChinese tea, orJapanese matcha.Speaksmore thanone AsianlanguagefluentlyHas visited amosque,temple,gurdwara, orother religioussite from AsiaIs knowledgeableabout Asian historybeyond what wastaught in school,including the MughalEmpire, the PersianEmpire, the SilkRoadCan name 5different Asiancountries in 10secondswithout usingGoogleHas attended aworkshop on Asianmeditation ormindfulness practices,such as Sufimeditation, yoga,Vipassana, Zenmeditation, or Qigong.Has learned atraditional Asian,craft, such ashenna art, pottery,calligraphy,origami, orembroidery.Has visited atraditionalAsian marketor bazaarHas tried Asian,dessert, such asbaklava, gulabjamun, mochi, ormango stickyrice.Celebrates Eid,Diwali, LunarNew Year, oranother majorfestival fromAsiaCan name afamous Asianor fashiondesigner orclothing brandHas learned atraditional Asiandance or musicalinstrument, such astabla, sitar, dhol,erhu, shamisen, orfan dance.Has a go-tokaraoke songfrom an Asianartist belts itout like a pro.Can cook atraditionalAsian dishfrom scratchPractices anAsian dance,such as bellydancing orbhangraHas experiencedAsian hospitalityfirsthand, includingbeing welcomedinto someone'shome for a meal.Has visiteda Asiancountry inthe last yearHasvolunteered foran organizationthat supportsAsiancommunities.Is familiar with atraditional Asian,or East Asian formof storytelling,Chinese folk tales,or Japanesefolklore.Has read abook by anAsian authorin the pastmonthHasparticipated ina Asian festivaloutside of theirown cultureHas watchedan Asian filmor movies inthe pastmonthHas takenpart in atraditionalAsian boardgame or sportHas been inspiredAsian, or EastAsian activist,advocate, orhistorical figure forsocial justice.Has everattempted a K-popdance routine infront of the mirrorand convincedthemselves theynailed it.Has participated ina tea ceremony, orhas a favorite typeof tea such asChinese tea, orJapanese matcha.Speaksmore thanone AsianlanguagefluentlyHas visited amosque,temple,gurdwara, orother religioussite from AsiaIs knowledgeableabout Asian historybeyond what wastaught in school,including the MughalEmpire, the PersianEmpire, the SilkRoadCan name 5different Asiancountries in 10secondswithout usingGoogleHas attended aworkshop on Asianmeditation ormindfulness practices,such as Sufimeditation, yoga,Vipassana, Zenmeditation, or Qigong.Has learned atraditional Asian,craft, such ashenna art, pottery,calligraphy,origami, orembroidery.Has visited atraditionalAsian marketor bazaarHas tried Asian,dessert, such asbaklava, gulabjamun, mochi, ormango stickyrice.Celebrates Eid,Diwali, LunarNew Year, oranother majorfestival fromAsiaCan name afamous Asianor fashiondesigner orclothing brandHas learned atraditional Asiandance or musicalinstrument, such astabla, sitar, dhol,erhu, shamisen, orfan dance.Has a go-tokaraoke songfrom an Asianartist belts itout like a pro.Can cook atraditionalAsian dishfrom scratchPractices anAsian dance,such as bellydancing orbhangraHas experiencedAsian hospitalityfirsthand, includingbeing welcomedinto someone'shome for a meal.Has visiteda Asiancountry inthe last yearHasvolunteered foran organizationthat supportsAsiancommunities.Is familiar with atraditional Asian,or East Asian formof storytelling,Chinese folk tales,or Japanesefolklore.Has read abook by anAsian authorin the pastmonthHasparticipated ina Asian festivaloutside of theirown culture


(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Has watched an Asian film or movies in the past month
  2. Has taken part in a traditional Asian board game or sport
  3. Has been inspired Asian, or East Asian activist, advocate, or historical figure for social justice.
  4. Has ever attempted a K-pop dance routine in front of the mirror and convinced themselves they nailed it.
  5. Has participated in a tea ceremony, or has a favorite type of tea such as Chinese tea, or Japanese matcha.
  6. Speaks more than one Asian language fluently
  7. Has visited a mosque, temple, gurdwara, or other religious site from Asia
  8. Is knowledgeable about Asian history beyond what was taught in school, including the Mughal Empire, the Persian Empire, the Silk Road
  9. Can name 5 different Asian countries in 10 seconds without using Google
  10. Has attended a workshop on Asian meditation or mindfulness practices, such as Sufi meditation, yoga, Vipassana, Zen meditation, or Qigong.
  11. Has learned a traditional Asian, craft, such as henna art, pottery, calligraphy, origami, or embroidery.
  12. Has visited a traditional Asian market or bazaar
  13. Has tried Asian, dessert, such as baklava, gulab jamun, mochi, or mango sticky rice.
  14. Celebrates Eid, Diwali, Lunar New Year, or another major festival from Asia
  15. Can name a famous Asian or fashion designer or clothing brand
  16. Has learned a traditional Asian dance or musical instrument, such as tabla, sitar, dhol, erhu, shamisen, or fan dance.
  17. Has a go-to karaoke song from an Asian artist belts it out like a pro.
  18. Can cook a traditional Asian dish from scratch
  19. Practices an Asian dance, such as belly dancing or bhangra
  20. Has experienced Asian hospitality firsthand, including being welcomed into someone's home for a meal.
  21. Has visited a Asian country in the last year
  22. Has volunteered for an organization that supports Asian communities.
  23. Is familiar with a traditional Asian, or East Asian form of storytelling, Chinese folk tales, or Japanese folklore.
  24. Has read a book by an Asian author in the past month
  25. Has participated in a Asian festival outside of their own culture