I will behonest aboutmy internetand socialmedia useI won't use theinternet orsocial mediawithoutpermissionWhat I postonlineimpacts mylife offlineMemesI will notparticipate inonline bullyingor meanmessagingI can thinkcautiouslyabout whatI post onlineI can ask adultsfor help when Ihave questionsabout internetsafetyI will usesafepasswordsonlineI can behonestabout whatI do onlineI won't meetup withpeople Imeet onlineNoteverythingthat I readonline is trueI can be awareof what I'mposting andhow it impactsmyself andothersI will nevershare where Ilive or go toschool withpeople onlineI won't givemy accountusernamesto people Idon't knowI won't putmy personalinformationonlineI can ignoreand reportonlinebulliesI won't playonlinegameswithoutpermissionClicking onpop-ups andunknownlinks is notsafeI will getpermission todownloadthings safelyfrom theinternetI won'taccept friendrequestsfrom people Idon't knowYouTubeI can keepother peoplefrom postingon myaccountsI won'tuse off-limitwebsitesI can tell atrusted adultif I see onlinebullying ordangerI can setprivacyrestrictions onmy socialmedia accountsWhat Ishare onlinestays onlineforeverBy understandingonline safety, Ican have morefun while on myphone orcomputerI don't have touseinappropriate orharsh languageonlineOnlineGamesI can settime limitson myscreen timeI won't shareother people'sphotos orinformationonline withoutpermissionInstagramOnlineHomeworkTikTokI have the rightto block peoplewho aredisrespectful tome onlineI can take amoment tothink clearlybefore I actI won't buythings onlinewithoutpermissionI can respectotherpeople'sprivacyonlineI can use theinternet tolearn withoutusing it tocheatI will nevershare mypasswordswith othersI will notuse AIdishonestlyor unsafelyI can berespectful toother peopleonlineI have theright tofeel safeonlineI won't sendpictures ofmyself topeopleonlineI will behonest aboutmy internetand socialmedia useI won't use theinternet orsocial mediawithoutpermissionWhat I postonlineimpacts mylife offlineMemesI will notparticipate inonline bullyingor meanmessagingI can thinkcautiouslyabout whatI post onlineI can ask adultsfor help when Ihave questionsabout internetsafetyI will usesafepasswordsonlineI can behonestabout whatI do onlineI won't meetup withpeople Imeet onlineNoteverythingthat I readonline is trueI can be awareof what I'mposting andhow it impactsmyself andothersI will nevershare where Ilive or go toschool withpeople onlineI won't givemy accountusernamesto people Idon't knowI won't putmy personalinformationonlineI can ignoreand reportonlinebulliesI won't playonlinegameswithoutpermissionClicking onpop-ups andunknownlinks is notsafeI will getpermission todownloadthings safelyfrom theinternetI won'taccept friendrequestsfrom people Idon't knowYouTubeI can keepother peoplefrom postingon myaccountsI won'tuse off-limitwebsitesI can tell atrusted adultif I see onlinebullying ordangerI can setprivacyrestrictions onmy socialmedia accountsWhat Ishare onlinestays onlineforeverBy understandingonline safety, Ican have morefun while on myphone orcomputerI don't have touseinappropriate orharsh languageonlineOnlineGamesI can settime limitson myscreen timeI won't shareother people'sphotos orinformationonline withoutpermissionInstagramOnlineHomeworkTikTokI have the rightto block peoplewho aredisrespectful tome onlineI can take amoment tothink clearlybefore I actI won't buythings onlinewithoutpermissionI can respectotherpeople'sprivacyonlineI can use theinternet tolearn withoutusing it tocheatI will nevershare mypasswordswith othersI will notuse AIdishonestlyor unsafelyI can berespectful toother peopleonlineI have theright tofeel safeonlineI won't sendpictures ofmyself topeopleonline

Online Safety - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I will be honest about my internet and social media use
  2. I won't use the internet or social media without permission
  3. What I post online impacts my life offline
  4. Memes
  5. I will not participate in online bullying or mean messaging
  6. I can think cautiously about what I post online
  7. I can ask adults for help when I have questions about internet safety
  8. I will use safe passwords online
  9. I can be honest about what I do online
  10. I won't meet up with people I meet online
  11. Not everything that I read online is true
  12. I can be aware of what I'm posting and how it impacts myself and others
  13. I will never share where I live or go to school with people online
  14. I won't give my account usernames to people I don't know
  15. I won't put my personal information online
  16. I can ignore and report online bullies
  17. I won't play online games without permission
  18. Clicking on pop-ups and unknown links is not safe
  19. I will get permission to download things safely from the internet
  20. I won't accept friend requests from people I don't know
  21. YouTube
  22. I can keep other people from posting on my accounts
  23. I won't use off-limit websites
  24. I can tell a trusted adult if I see online bullying or danger
  25. I can set privacy restrictions on my social media accounts
  26. What I share online stays online forever
  27. By understanding online safety, I can have more fun while on my phone or computer
  28. I don't have to use inappropriate or harsh language online
  29. Online Games
  30. I can set time limits on my screen time
  31. I won't share other people's photos or information online without permission
  32. Instagram
  33. Online Homework
  34. TikTok
  35. I have the right to block people who are disrespectful to me online
  36. I can take a moment to think clearly before I act
  37. I won't buy things online without permission
  38. I can respect other people's privacy online
  39. I can use the internet to learn without using it to cheat
  40. I will never share my passwords with others
  41. I will not use AI dishonestly or unsafely
  42. I can be respectful to other people online
  43. I have the right to feel safe online
  44. I won't send pictures of myself to people online