DakotaHas a 92%AttendanceRate T/F The SRIAssessmentWill Always BeUsed with TitleStudents T/F SRI StandsFor SeriousReadingInventoryT/F UFLI HasNot Been AnEffectiveInterventionTool T/F AverageClassSize is 22T/F 25% ofStudents AreEmotionallyDisengagedT/F 100 FamiliesCompletedthe FamilySurvey T/F SpecializedCounselorGroups AreA ReformStrategy T/F 4 Classesmade 80%MathProficiencyT/F Parents SayWe Are AWelcomingSchool T/F 1st GradeReached87%ReadingProf. T/F 75% of AllGradeLevelsIncreased onORF T/F NDSAScience HadHighest % inAdvancedCategory T/F ReadingProficiencyIncreases asGrade LevelsIncrease T/F Title FundsCan BeSpent OnTravel for PDT/F The Purpose ofthe LocalAnnual Reviewis To ReviewOur SchoolwidePlan T/F DakotaHas a 92%AttendanceRate T/F The SRIAssessmentWill Always BeUsed with TitleStudents T/F SRI StandsFor SeriousReadingInventoryT/F UFLI HasNot Been AnEffectiveInterventionTool T/F AverageClassSize is 22T/F 25% ofStudents AreEmotionallyDisengagedT/F 100 FamiliesCompletedthe FamilySurvey T/F SpecializedCounselorGroups AreA ReformStrategy T/F 4 Classesmade 80%MathProficiencyT/F Parents SayWe Are AWelcomingSchool T/F 1st GradeReached87%ReadingProf. T/F 75% of AllGradeLevelsIncreased onORF T/F NDSAScience HadHighest % inAdvancedCategory T/F ReadingProficiencyIncreases asGrade LevelsIncrease T/F Title FundsCan BeSpent OnTravel for PDT/F The Purpose ofthe LocalAnnual Reviewis To ReviewOur SchoolwidePlan T/F 

LAR BINGO! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Dakota Has a 92% Attendance Rate T/F
  2. The SRI Assessment Will Always Be Used with Title Students T/F
  3. SRI Stands For Serious Reading Inventory T/F
  4. UFLI Has Not Been An Effective Intervention Tool T/F
  5. Average Class Size is 22 T/F
  6. 25% of Students Are Emotionally Disengaged T/F
  7. 100 Families Completed the Family Survey T/F
  8. Specialized Counselor Groups Are A Reform Strategy T/F
  9. 4 Classes made 80% Math Proficiency T/F
  10. Parents Say We Are A Welcoming School T/F
  11. 1st Grade Reached 87% Reading Prof. T/F
  12. 75% of All Grade Levels Increased on ORF T/F
  13. NDSA Science Had Highest % in Advanced Category T/F
  14. Reading Proficiency Increases as Grade Levels Increase T/F
  15. Title Funds Can Be Spent On Travel for PD T/F
  16. The Purpose of the Local Annual Review is To Review Our Schoolwide Plan T/F