Loyalistsstart inscoutingshipRebelsstart inGeodeIslesAt least 3corruptedrebelsThat oneperson triesfreeing allthe prisonersSomeonerandomlybreaks out oftheir cell andcausesmayhemPeople tryingto join theRP in themiddle of thebig fightTraitor eitherdoes nothingor leavesbefore theclimaxPowerplayersRebel xLoyalshippingHost leavesimmediatelybefore orafter theclimaxNo militiaGems inthe loyalistcrewSpeedtypersEveryonein the RPwants tobe a rebel2/3 of thepeople leavehalfwaythroughHalf ofeither sideconsistsof spiesPeopleawkwardlystandingaside duringthe big fightClimacticfight goeson for toolongRP moves tooquickly for anycharacterdevelopmentto occurRebel basegetsattacked 2minutes afterthe RP startsRP basically endsafter the rebelsare delivered toTheta orLunar/SolarstationHost spends halfan hourconvincingpeople to switchroles and balancethings outCapturedGems areforgottenaboutLiterally anyGem but anAqua, Beryl, orAmber is theloyalist leaderEither sidetakes foreverto progressthe plotLoyalistsstart inscoutingshipRebelsstart inGeodeIslesAt least 3corruptedrebelsThat oneperson triesfreeing allthe prisonersSomeonerandomlybreaks out oftheir cell andcausesmayhemPeople tryingto join theRP in themiddle of thebig fightTraitor eitherdoes nothingor leavesbefore theclimaxPowerplayersRebel xLoyalshippingHost leavesimmediatelybefore orafter theclimaxNo militiaGems inthe loyalistcrewSpeedtypersEveryonein the RPwants tobe a rebel2/3 of thepeople leavehalfwaythroughHalf ofeither sideconsistsof spiesPeopleawkwardlystandingaside duringthe big fightClimacticfight goeson for toolongRP moves tooquickly for anycharacterdevelopmentto occurRebel basegetsattacked 2minutes afterthe RP startsRP basically endsafter the rebelsare delivered toTheta orLunar/SolarstationHost spends halfan hourconvincingpeople to switchroles and balancethings outCapturedGems areforgottenaboutLiterally anyGem but anAqua, Beryl, orAmber is theloyalist leaderEither sidetakes foreverto progressthe plot

Rebel vs. Loyals RP Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Loyalists start in scouting ship
  2. Rebels start in Geode Isles
  3. At least 3 corrupted rebels
  4. That one person tries freeing all the prisoners
  5. Someone randomly breaks out of their cell and causes mayhem
  6. People trying to join the RP in the middle of the big fight
  7. Traitor either does nothing or leaves before the climax
  8. Powerplayers
  9. Rebel x Loyal shipping
  10. Host leaves immediately before or after the climax
  11. No militia Gems in the loyalist crew
  12. Speedtypers
  13. Everyone in the RP wants to be a rebel
  14. 2/3 of the people leave halfway through
  15. Half of either side consists of spies
  16. People awkwardly standing aside during the big fight
  17. Climactic fight goes on for too long
  18. RP moves too quickly for any character development to occur
  19. Rebel base gets attacked 2 minutes after the RP starts
  20. RP basically ends after the rebels are delivered to Theta or Lunar/Solar station
  21. Host spends half an hour convincing people to switch roles and balance things out
  22. Captured Gems are forgotten about
  23. Literally any Gem but an Aqua, Beryl, or Amber is the loyalist leader
  24. Either side takes forever to progress the plot