commutativeproperty ofmultiplicationstates that twomore morenumbers can bemultiplied in anyorder with outchanging theproductterms with thesame variablesraised to thesameexponentliketermsthe property thatstates that for allreal numbers, theirproduct is alwaysthe same,regardless of theirgroupingassociativeproperty ofmultiplicationequationa mathematicalsentence thatshows that twoexpressions areequivalentthe sum of theitems in a dataset divided by thenumber of itemsin the set, alsocalled "average"meanthe middlenumber, or themean of the twomiddle umbersin an orderedset of datamediancompatiblenumbernumbers that areclose to the givennumbers thatmake estimationor mentalcalculation easierexperimentalprobabilitythe ratio of thenumber of timesan event occurs tothe total number oftrials, or times thatthe activity isperformedinequalitya mathematicalsentence thatshows therelationshipbetween twoquantities that arenot equivalentcoefficientthe number thatis multiplied bythe variable inan algebraicexpressionan expressionthat contains atleast onevariable4(m - b)x+8algebraicexpressiondependenteventsevents for whichthe outcome ofone eventaffects theprobability of thesecond eventequivalenthavingthe samevalueintegersthe set ofwholenumbers andtheiroppositesconstant ofproportionalitya constantratio of twovariablesrelatedproportionallyevaluatefind thevalue of anumerical oralgebraicexpressiongratuitya tip or mentallypercentage thatis given or paidin addition tothe price of aserviceassociativeproperty ofadditionstate that for allreal numbers, thesum is always thesame, regardlessof their groupingcommissiona fee paidto. personfor makinga salefrequencythe numberof times thevalueappears in adata setcomplexfractiona fraction thatcontains one ormore fractions inthe numerator,denominator, orbothareathe numberof squareunits neededto cover agiven surfacebiaswhen asample doesnot accuratelyrepresent thepopulationinverseoperationsoperationsthat undoeachotheridentitypropertythe sum ofzero and anynumber isthat numberinversepropertyof additionthe sum of anumber and itsopposite(additiveinverse) is zerofirstquartilethe medianof the lowerhalf of adata seteventan outcome ofset ofoutcomes ofan experimentor situationa(b+c)= ab +ac distributivepropertyalgebraicinequalityan inequalitythat containsat least onevariablecommutativeproperty ofadditionstates that two ormore numberscan be added inany order withoutchanging the sumexperimentin probability,any activitybased onchance, suchas tossing acoincompoundeventan eventmade up oftwo or moreeventsthe product of anonzeronumber and itsreciprocal(multiplicativeinverse) is 1inverseproperty ofmultiplicationcommutativeproperty ofmultiplicationstates that twomore morenumbers can bemultiplied in anyorder with outchanging theproductterms with thesame variablesraised to thesameexponentliketermsthe property thatstates that for allreal numbers, theirproduct is alwaysthe same,regardless of theirgroupingassociativeproperty ofmultiplicationequationa mathematicalsentence thatshows that twoexpressions areequivalentthe sum of theitems in a dataset divided by thenumber of itemsin the set, alsocalled "average"meanthe middlenumber, or themean of the twomiddle umbersin an orderedset of datamediancompatiblenumbernumbers that areclose to the givennumbers thatmake estimationor mentalcalculation easierexperimentalprobabilitythe ratio of thenumber of timesan event occurs tothe total number oftrials, or times thatthe activity isperformedinequalitya mathematicalsentence thatshows therelationshipbetween twoquantities that arenot equivalentcoefficientthe number thatis multiplied bythe variable inan algebraicexpressionan expressionthat contains atleast onevariable4(m - b)x+8algebraicexpressiondependenteventsevents for whichthe outcome ofone eventaffects theprobability of thesecond eventequivalenthavingthe samevalueintegersthe set ofwholenumbers andtheiroppositesconstant ofproportionalitya constantratio of twovariablesrelatedproportionallyevaluatefind thevalue of anumerical oralgebraicexpressiongratuitya tip or mentallypercentage thatis given or paidin addition tothe price of aserviceassociativeproperty ofadditionstate that for allreal numbers, thesum is always thesame, regardlessof their groupingcommissiona fee paidto. personfor makinga salefrequencythe numberof times thevalueappears in adata setcomplexfractiona fraction thatcontains one ormore fractions inthe numerator,denominator, orbothareathe numberof squareunits neededto cover agiven surfacebiaswhen asample doesnot accuratelyrepresent thepopulationinverseoperationsoperationsthat undoeachotheridentitypropertythe sum ofzero and anynumber isthat numberinversepropertyof additionthe sum of anumber and itsopposite(additiveinverse) is zerofirstquartilethe medianof the lowerhalf of adata seteventan outcome ofset ofoutcomes ofan experimentor situationa(b+c)= ab +ac distributivepropertyalgebraicinequalityan inequalitythat containsat least onevariablecommutativeproperty ofadditionstates that two ormore numberscan be added inany order withoutchanging the sumexperimentin probability,any activitybased onchance, suchas tossing acoincompoundeventan eventmade up oftwo or moreeventsthe product of anonzeronumber and itsreciprocal(multiplicativeinverse) is 1inverseproperty ofmultiplication

Math Review - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. states that two more more numbers can be multiplied in any order with out changing the product
    commutative property of multiplication
  2. like terms
    terms with the same variables raised to the same exponent
  3. associative property of multiplication
    the property that states that for all real numbers, their product is always the same, regardless of their grouping
  4. a mathematical sentence that shows that two expressions are equivalent
  5. mean
    the sum of the items in a data set divided by the number of items in the set, also called "average"
  6. median
    the middle number, or the mean of the two middle umbers in an ordered set of data
  7. numbers that are close to the given numbers that make estimation or mental calculation easier
    compatible number
  8. the ratio of the number of times an event occurs to the total number of trials, or times that the activity is performed
    experimental probability
  9. a mathematical sentence that shows the relationship between two quantities that are not equivalent
  10. the number that is multiplied by the variable in an algebraic expression
  11. algebraic expression
    an expression that contains at least one variable 4(m - b) x+8
  12. events for which the outcome of one event affects the probability of the second event
    dependent events
  13. having the same value
  14. the set of whole numbers and their opposites
  15. a constant ratio of two variables related proportionally
    constant of proportionality
  16. find the value of a numerical or algebraic expression
  17. a tip or mentally percentage that is given or paid in addition to the price of a service
  18. state that for all real numbers, the sum is always the same, regardless of their grouping
    associative property of addition
  19. a fee paid to. person for making a sale
  20. the number of times the value appears in a data set
  21. a fraction that contains one or more fractions in the numerator, denominator, or both
    complex fraction
  22. the number of square units needed to cover a given surface
  23. when a sample does not accurately represent the population
  24. operations that undo each other
    inverse operations
  25. the sum of zero and any number is that number
    identity property
  26. the sum of a number and its opposite (additive inverse) is zero
    inverse property of addition
  27. the median of the lower half of a data set
    first quartile
  28. an outcome of set of outcomes of an experiment or situation
  29. distributive property
    a(b+c) = ab + ac
  30. an inequality that contains at least one variable
    algebraic inequality
  31. states that two or more numbers can be added in any order without changing the sum
    commutative property of addition
  32. in probability, any activity based on chance, such as tossing a coin
  33. an event made up of two or more events
    compound event
  34. inverse property of multiplication
    the product of a nonzero number and its reciprocal (multiplicative inverse) is 1