Through somecodingwizardry,addition ofnoclippy /XIVAlexanderPicto isprimarilyinsta castslike SMNSubtle dropof hats forViera andHrothgar Jobs likeBRD loseDOTs or haveit combinedinto one DOTAST reworkremovescard RNGentirelyRemovalof damageon gapclosersUpdated jobaction VFXdue tographicalupdateJobsacross theboard aresimplifiedHealersget anactual dpsrotationDRG reworkshortens the 6button comboto make itsimplerFurther removal of"button bloat" willsee changes likeDelirium turninginto a continuationcomboTanks furtherlose identity /arehomogenizedBangermusic thatmakes meeat mywordsEnhanced TBN- gives bonusdamage to freeedge cast ORrefunds mana ifnot brokenALL jobs get alv100 capstoneability heavilyleaning intotheir unique jobidentityPicto has aSAM stickeror mudrasystemRemoval orcombinationof DH orCritMNK getsreworkedagainRemovalofpositionalsPicto LB isgonna be apaintedspriggan likethe DawntrailtrailerThe tanks get amassiveoverhaul tomake them feelunique fromone anotherRemovalof 2minutemetaViper is aclassic "buildgauge for 2mins andspend" job likeRPRNinja gets amini-rework tomudras/ninkigaugespendersThrough somecodingwizardry,addition ofnoclippy /XIVAlexanderPicto isprimarilyinsta castslike SMNSubtle dropof hats forViera andHrothgar Jobs likeBRD loseDOTs or haveit combinedinto one DOTAST reworkremovescard RNGentirelyRemovalof damageon gapclosersUpdated jobaction VFXdue tographicalupdateJobsacross theboard aresimplifiedHealersget anactual dpsrotationDRG reworkshortens the 6button comboto make itsimplerFurther removal of"button bloat" willsee changes likeDelirium turninginto a continuationcomboTanks furtherlose identity /arehomogenizedBangermusic thatmakes meeat mywordsEnhanced TBN- gives bonusdamage to freeedge cast ORrefunds mana ifnot brokenALL jobs get alv100 capstoneability heavilyleaning intotheir unique jobidentityPicto has aSAM stickeror mudrasystemRemoval orcombinationof DH orCritMNK getsreworkedagainRemovalofpositionalsPicto LB isgonna be apaintedspriggan likethe DawntrailtrailerThe tanks get amassiveoverhaul tomake them feelunique fromone anotherRemovalof 2minutemetaViper is aclassic "buildgauge for 2mins andspend" job likeRPRNinja gets amini-rework tomudras/ninkigaugespenders

Job Action Live Letter - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Through some coding wizardry, addition of noclippy / XIVAlexander
  2. Picto is primarily insta casts like SMN
  3. Subtle drop of hats for Viera and Hrothgar
  4. Jobs like BRD lose DOTs or have it combined into one DOT
  5. AST rework removes card RNG entirely
  6. Removal of damage on gap closers
  7. Updated job action VFX due to graphical update
  8. Jobs across the board are simplified
  9. Healers get an actual dps rotation
  10. DRG rework shortens the 6 button combo to make it simpler
  11. Further removal of "button bloat" will see changes like Delirium turning into a continuation combo
  12. Tanks further lose identity / are homogenized
  13. Banger music that makes me eat my words
  14. Enhanced TBN - gives bonus damage to free edge cast OR refunds mana if not broken
  15. ALL jobs get a lv100 capstone ability heavily leaning into their unique job identity
  16. Picto has a SAM sticker or mudra system
  17. Removal or combination of DH or Crit
  18. MNK gets reworked again
  19. Removal of positionals
  20. Picto LB is gonna be a painted spriggan like the Dawntrail trailer
  21. The tanks get a massive overhaul to make them feel unique from one another
  22. Removal of 2 minute meta
  23. Viper is a classic "build gauge for 2 mins and spend" job like RPR
  24. Ninja gets a mini-rework to mudras/ninki gauge spenders