Play threescales orpentascalesMemorizeyourfavoritesongOpen your bookand say the notename of everynote on the firstpage of yoursongDraw a picturewith quarternotes, halfnotes, dottedhalf notes, andwhole notesSend yourpiano teachera recording ofyou playing asong!Practicepiano fivedays in arow!Play asong foryourfriend!Recordyourselfplaying a songand send it toa grandparent!Complete oneactivity onclassicsforkids.comMake amusic videowhile youplay yourfavorite songWrite yourown originalsong on staffpaper. Nameit and play it!Draw aGrand Staffand practiceyour notenamesCompletethreepages ofTheoryDraw apicture ofa pianowith a cat!Listen to"Summer"by VivaldiCreate a pagedescribing theItalian musicterms you know(forte, piano,legato, etc.)Listen to 3songs by thePiano Guys onYouTube withyour parentsPick acomposer andresearch someinterestingfactsAttend a livemusic concert.Write down theinstruments youheard at theconcert.Make a concertfor your family(make aprogram, playall your songs)Practicedrawing notes,rests, a TrebleClef, and abass Clef on apiece of paperSight reada newsong all byyourself!Play ascale (orpentascale)staccato!Open yourpiano bookand clap therhythm toyour songPlay threescales orpentascalesMemorizeyourfavoritesongOpen your bookand say the notename of everynote on the firstpage of yoursongDraw a picturewith quarternotes, halfnotes, dottedhalf notes, andwhole notesSend yourpiano teachera recording ofyou playing asong!Practicepiano fivedays in arow!Play asong foryourfriend!Recordyourselfplaying a songand send it toa grandparent!Complete oneactivity onclassicsforkids.comMake amusic videowhile youplay yourfavorite songWrite yourown originalsong on staffpaper. Nameit and play it!Draw aGrand Staffand practiceyour notenamesCompletethreepages ofTheoryDraw apicture ofa pianowith a cat!Listen to"Summer"by VivaldiCreate a pagedescribing theItalian musicterms you know(forte, piano,legato, etc.)Listen to 3songs by thePiano Guys onYouTube withyour parentsPick acomposer andresearch someinterestingfactsAttend a livemusic concert.Write down theinstruments youheard at theconcert.Make a concertfor your family(make aprogram, playall your songs)Practicedrawing notes,rests, a TrebleClef, and abass Clef on apiece of paperSight reada newsong all byyourself!Play ascale (orpentascale)staccato!Open yourpiano bookand clap therhythm toyour song

Summer Piano Bingo Challenge! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Play three scales or pentascales
  2. Memorize your favorite song
  3. Open your book and say the note name of every note on the first page of your song
  4. Draw a picture with quarter notes, half notes, dotted half notes, and whole notes
  5. Send your piano teacher a recording of you playing a song!
  6. Practice piano five days in a row!
  7. Play a song for your friend!
  8. Record yourself playing a song and send it to a grandparent!
  9. Complete one activity on
  10. Make a music video while you play your favorite song
  11. Write your own original song on staff paper. Name it and play it!
  12. Draw a Grand Staff and practice your note names
  13. Complete three pages of Theory
  14. Draw a picture of a piano with a cat!
  15. Listen to "Summer" by Vivaldi
  16. Create a page describing the Italian music terms you know (forte, piano, legato, etc.)
  17. Listen to 3 songs by the Piano Guys on YouTube with your parents
  18. Pick a composer and research some interesting facts
  19. Attend a live music concert. Write down the instruments you heard at the concert.
  20. Make a concert for your family (make a program, play all your songs)
  21. Practice drawing notes, rests, a Treble Clef, and a bass Clef on a piece of paper
  22. Sight read a new song all by yourself!
  23. Play a scale (or pentascale) staccato!
  24. Open your piano book and clap the rhythm to your song