Find a friendwho atecereal thismorningFind a friendwho wasborn inanotherstate.Find a friendwho rodethe bus toschool.Find a friendwho has abrother orsister.Find a friendwho likeschocolateice cream.Find afriend wholikes scarymovies.Find afriend whohas a cat.Find afriend wholikespickles.Find afriend whohas gonefishing.Find afriend whohas a "y" intheir name.Find afriend wholikesscience.Find afriend whoowns askateboard.Find a friendwho has theletter "L" intheir nameFind a friendwho likes toplay videogamesFind afriend wholike tocamp.Find a friendwho iswearing orethan threecolors.Find afriend wholikes toread.Find a friendwho has abirthday asthe samemonth as you!Find a friendwho has atleast 2 petsat home.Find afriend wholikesgreen.Find afriend whohas adog.Find a friendwho can sayhello in adifferentlanguage.Find afriend whoplaysbaseball.Find afriend wholikes toswimFind a friendwho atecereal thismorningFind a friendwho wasborn inanotherstate.Find a friendwho rodethe bus toschool.Find a friendwho has abrother orsister.Find a friendwho likeschocolateice cream.Find afriend wholikes scarymovies.Find afriend whohas a cat.Find afriend wholikespickles.Find afriend whohas gonefishing.Find afriend whohas a "y" intheir name.Find afriend wholikesscience.Find afriend whoowns askateboard.Find a friendwho has theletter "L" intheir nameFind a friendwho likes toplay videogamesFind afriend wholike tocamp.Find a friendwho iswearing orethan threecolors.Find afriend wholikes toread.Find a friendwho has abirthday asthe samemonth as you!Find a friendwho has atleast 2 petsat home.Find afriend wholikesgreen.Find afriend whohas adog.Find a friendwho can sayhello in adifferentlanguage.Find afriend whoplaysbaseball.Find afriend wholikes toswim

Find a Friend - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Find a friend who ate cereal this morning
  2. Find a friend who was born in another state.
  3. Find a friend who rode the bus to school.
  4. Find a friend who has a brother or sister.
  5. Find a friend who likes chocolate ice cream.
  6. Find a friend who likes scary movies.
  7. Find a friend who has a cat.
  8. Find a friend who likes pickles.
  9. Find a friend who has gone fishing.
  10. Find a friend who has a "y" in their name.
  11. Find a friend who likes science.
  12. Find a friend who owns a skateboard.
  13. Find a friend who has the letter "L" in their name
  14. Find a friend who likes to play video games
  15. Find a friend who like to camp.
  16. Find a friend who is wearing ore than three colors.
  17. Find a friend who likes to read.
  18. Find a friend who has a birthday as the same month as you!
  19. Find a friend who has at least 2 pets at home.
  20. Find a friend who likes green.
  21. Find a friend who has a dog.
  22. Find a friend who can say hello in a different language.
  23. Find a friend who plays baseball.
  24. Find a friend who likes to swim