If a member is in aSTS for 60 daysand goes out tothe hospital for afew days, is a newSTS auth needed?How long youdo have todocumentyour visit andupload in CA?How long doyou have toreturn yourmember'sphone call?Does an IEA needto be completed ifmember isreceiving nohands-onservices?If you needassistance on ETitem or the process,who should yououtreach (Who isour ET champion)?What is duewhen a MIST isdue when amember is in theNF on Medicaredays or STS?What docs,assessments,and visitsneed to becompliant?Is it requiredthat memberhas a back-upplan to live inthe community?If a member, Gp2or Gp3, doesn’tmeet NF LOC andneeds a STS,what does CCneed to do, to getapproved?How often do yousee your HCBSmember while inthe hospital or NF(despite payorsource)?The member's ADL tooland their PCSP (POC -hours requested) needto be within so manyhours of one another.How many hours ofdifference is allowedwithout MDrounds/discussion?If a POA letter isneeded for a DSNPmember (not withVSHP), traditionalMedicare, or BConly members, whodo you task?When completing anew member PCSP,do you have totoggle, checking andincluding dates foreach section(Navigating MYPCSP section)?When doyoucomplete apost-hospitalvisit?18.) IF memberlives alone anddischarges to thecommunity aftera STS, when isvisit due?How long do youhave and what doyouaddress/documentregarding the ADTalert for Choice’smember and DSNPmembers?How long canmember remainin CDenrollmentbefore beingdisenrolled?What is neededfor BCCHOICESapproval prior toa NF admissionfor STS?IF a verbal PCSPis completed for aDSNP or FIDEmember, is itautomaticallytasked?Do you useadmission/dischargedates forcomprehensive gapsnotes?CLS visitrequirements(include modeand how oftenfor monthly andquarterly).When tosend anUTRletter?How manyattempts (includingwhen and who)need to be donefor a non-compliant item tobe compliant?IF member lives inCBRA or with arelative/caregiver,and discharges to thecommunity after STS,when does the CCcomplete visit?If you answer 'No' toany IEA questions, ithas to beaddressed/supportedin the PCSP? True orFalse?Are observationsand routinescheduledproceduresincluded in thereassessment afterin-pt discharge?When a Gp 1member showsinterest intransitioning, howlong does the CChave to visit themember, completinga transition visit?If a member is in aSTS for 60 daysand goes out tothe hospital for afew days, is a newSTS auth needed?How long youdo have todocumentyour visit andupload in CA?How long doyou have toreturn yourmember'sphone call?Does an IEA needto be completed ifmember isreceiving nohands-onservices?If you needassistance on ETitem or the process,who should yououtreach (Who isour ET champion)?What is duewhen a MIST isdue when amember is in theNF on Medicaredays or STS?What docs,assessments,and visitsneed to becompliant?Is it requiredthat memberhas a back-upplan to live inthe community?If a member, Gp2or Gp3, doesn’tmeet NF LOC andneeds a STS,what does CCneed to do, to getapproved?How often do yousee your HCBSmember while inthe hospital or NF(despite payorsource)?The member's ADL tooland their PCSP (POC -hours requested) needto be within so manyhours of one another.How many hours ofdifference is allowedwithout MDrounds/discussion?If a POA letter isneeded for a DSNPmember (not withVSHP), traditionalMedicare, or BConly members, whodo you task?When completing anew member PCSP,do you have totoggle, checking andincluding dates foreach section(Navigating MYPCSP section)?When doyoucomplete apost-hospitalvisit?18.) IF memberlives alone anddischarges to thecommunity aftera STS, when isvisit due?How long do youhave and what doyouaddress/documentregarding the ADTalert for Choice’smember and DSNPmembers?How long canmember remainin CDenrollmentbefore beingdisenrolled?What is neededfor BCCHOICESapproval prior toa NF admissionfor STS?IF a verbal PCSPis completed for aDSNP or FIDEmember, is itautomaticallytasked?Do you useadmission/dischargedates forcomprehensive gapsnotes?CLS visitrequirements(include modeand how oftenfor monthly andquarterly).When tosend anUTRletter?How manyattempts (includingwhen and who)need to be donefor a non-compliant item tobe compliant?IF member lives inCBRA or with arelative/caregiver,and discharges to thecommunity after STS,when does the CCcomplete visit?If you answer 'No' toany IEA questions, ithas to beaddressed/supportedin the PCSP? True orFalse?Are observationsand routinescheduledproceduresincluded in thereassessment afterin-pt discharge?When a Gp 1member showsinterest intransitioning, howlong does the CChave to visit themember, completinga transition visit?

Q&A BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. If a member is in a STS for 60 days and goes out to the hospital for a few days, is a new STS auth needed?
  2. How long you do have to document your visit and upload in CA?
  3. How long do you have to return your member's phone call?
  4. Does an IEA need to be completed if member is receiving no hands-on services?
  5. If you need assistance on ET item or the process, who should you outreach (Who is our ET champion)?
  6. What is due when a MIST is due when a member is in the NF on Medicare days or STS?
  7. What docs, assessments, and visits need to be compliant?
  8. Is it required that member has a back-up plan to live in the community?
  9. If a member, Gp2 or Gp3, doesn’t meet NF LOC and needs a STS, what does CC need to do, to get approved?
  10. How often do you see your HCBS member while in the hospital or NF (despite payor source)?
  11. The member's ADL tool and their PCSP (POC - hours requested) need to be within so many hours of one another. How many hours of difference is allowed without MD rounds/discussion?
  12. If a POA letter is needed for a DSNP member (not with VSHP), traditional Medicare, or BC only members, who do you task?
  13. When completing a new member PCSP, do you have to toggle, checking and including dates for each section (Navigating MY PCSP section)?
  14. When do you complete a post-hospital visit?
  15. 18.) IF member lives alone and discharges to the community after a STS, when is visit due?
  16. How long do you have and what do you address/document regarding the ADT alert for Choice’s member and DSNP members?
  17. How long can member remain in CD enrollment before being disenrolled?
  18. What is needed for BC CHOICES approval prior to a NF admission for STS?
  19. IF a verbal PCSP is completed for a DSNP or FIDE member, is it automatically tasked?
  20. Do you use admission/discharge dates for comprehensive gaps notes?
  21. CLS visit requirements (include mode and how often for monthly and quarterly).
  22. When to send an UTR letter?
  23. How many attempts (including when and who) need to be done for a non-compliant item to be compliant?
  24. IF member lives in CBRA or with a relative/caregiver, and discharges to the community after STS, when does the CC complete visit?
  25. If you answer 'No' to any IEA questions, it has to be addressed/supported in the PCSP? True or False?
  26. Are observations and routine scheduled procedures included in the reassessment after in-pt discharge?
  27. When a Gp 1 member shows interest in transitioning, how long does the CC have to visit the member, completing a transition visit?