"You didn'ttell us weneeded torememberthat.'Kids blaringTIKTOK ontheirphones"Can wejust watcha movieinstead?""I'm justgoing tohave mymom call meout"An emailto explain whyyou're affectingtheir sporteligibility nextyear"Thiselective isharder thanmy realclasses"Sob story fromparent at the lastminuteexplaining mykid hasn't doneanythingKidsvaping inthebathroom Kid bringspresent and,wink wink, asksabout gradesKid bringsyou bakedgood that ishighlysuspect.Fridayinterventionappearance"This is theonly classwhere I haveto doanything.""Can Iuse mynotes?"Another staffmembercomplains theyhave "nothingto do thisweek".Kid gone on familyvacation duringfinal and wantingto know when theycan make it up.Kid saysthank youfor thesemesterSomeoneasks you toexcuse"unnecessarywork""What's thelowest grade Ican get beforemy gradedrops?""Can Iretake thisif I don'tpass?""It's justmy momon thephone.""When will youput it all mylateassignments?"Recentlygraduated studentcomes back tovisit and takes allof your gradingtimeKid asks ifthey can turnin project afternoon. onFridayNewlygraduated kidcomes in duringyour final todistract yourclassKid walks inwith handfulof missingyouassignments."I came tointerventionbut youweren'tthere.""Can I leavewhen I'mdone withmy test?""When willyou postthegrades?""I definitelyturned that in...it was awhileago..." definitelydid NOT turn itin."You didn'ttell us weneeded torememberthat.'Kids blaringTIKTOK ontheirphones"Can wejust watcha movieinstead?""I'm justgoing tohave mymom call meout"An emailto explain whyyou're affectingtheir sporteligibility nextyear"Thiselective isharder thanmy realclasses"Sob story fromparent at the lastminuteexplaining mykid hasn't doneanythingKidsvaping inthebathroom Kid bringspresent and,wink wink, asksabout gradesKid bringsyou bakedgood that ishighlysuspect.Fridayinterventionappearance"This is theonly classwhere I haveto doanything.""Can Iuse mynotes?"Another staffmembercomplains theyhave "nothingto do thisweek".Kid gone on familyvacation duringfinal and wantingto know when theycan make it up.Kid saysthank youfor thesemesterSomeoneasks you toexcuse"unnecessarywork""What's thelowest grade Ican get beforemy gradedrops?""Can Iretake thisif I don'tpass?""It's justmy momon thephone.""When will youput it all mylateassignments?"Recentlygraduated studentcomes back tovisit and takes allof your gradingtimeKid asks ifthey can turnin project afternoon. onFridayNewlygraduated kidcomes in duringyour final todistract yourclassKid walks inwith handfulof missingyouassignments."I came tointerventionbut youweren'tthere.""Can I leavewhen I'mdone withmy test?""When willyou postthegrades?""I definitelyturned that in...it was awhileago..." definitelydid NOT turn itin.

Spring Finals Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. "You didn't tell us we needed to remember that.'
  2. Kids blaring TIKTOK on their phones
  3. "Can we just watch a movie instead?"
  4. "I'm just going to have my mom call me out"
  5. An email to explain why you're affecting their sport eligibility next year
  6. "This elective is harder than my real classes"
  7. Sob story from parent at the last minute explaining my kid hasn't done anything
  8. Kids vaping in the bathroom
  9. Kid brings present and, wink wink, asks about grades
  10. Kid brings you baked good that is highly suspect.
  11. Friday intervention appearance
  12. "This is the only class where I have to do anything."
  13. "Can I use my notes?"
  14. Another staff member complains they have "nothing to do this week".
  15. Kid gone on family vacation during final and wanting to know when they can make it up.
  16. Kid says thank you for the semester
  17. Someone asks you to excuse "unnecessary work"
  18. "What's the lowest grade I can get before my grade drops?"
  19. "Can I retake this if I don't pass?"
  20. "It's just my mom on the phone."
  21. "When will you put it all my late assignments?"
  22. Recently graduated student comes back to visit and takes all of your grading time
  23. Kid asks if they can turn in project after noon. on Friday
  24. Newly graduated kid comes in during your final to distract your class
  25. Kid walks in with handful of missing you assignments.
  26. "I came to intervention but you weren't there."
  27. "Can I leave when I'm done with my test?"
  28. "When will you post the grades?"
  29. "I definitely turned that in... it was awhile ago..." definitely did NOT turn it in.