Roll blankon 8 dicein a singlerollHave allSenate Deckmotionspass in yourgameHave thesame unit usethe TheedTruett everysingle round.Occupy AllSenate seats ina game.IncludingSupremeChancellor.Use TheFamba tonegate 4crits in asingle attackHearsomeone fromanother tablesinging "DuelOf The Fates"Roll painton 8 dicein a singlerollHave One ofthe specialunits becomethe supremechancellor inyour match.Drink aPepsiLooseAGameLoose 2units to thepodracer in asingle matchFight anotherforce user withyour force userin melee on aplatform in Duelof the fatesUsing yourNaboosecurity gundefeat a unitFight Againstsomeone whois using a unitthat was in"The PhantomMenace"Win AGameHearsomeonedoing a JarJar BinksImpressionHave yourunit be thesupremechancellorfor 6 rounds.A unit in yourgame getsdefeated in asingle attack fromfull health.(Doesn't have tobe your unit)Successfullygain 9 VP inPod RacingWith Jar JarBinks have 3blanks turnedinto saves usinghis uncanny luckin a single rollDefeat aunit usingthe BoomaGrenadeHave aunit usethe PaceAction.Have all your unitsgo to the samedeployment zonein the NabooSwamps at theend of the gameHave yourpod racerrun intovehicleRoll blankon 8 dicein a singlerollHave allSenate Deckmotionspass in yourgameHave thesame unit usethe TheedTruett everysingle round.Occupy AllSenate seats ina game.IncludingSupremeChancellor.Use TheFamba tonegate 4crits in asingle attackHearsomeone fromanother tablesinging "DuelOf The Fates"Roll painton 8 dicein a singlerollHave One ofthe specialunits becomethe supremechancellor inyour match.Drink aPepsiLooseAGameLoose 2units to thepodracer in asingle matchFight anotherforce user withyour force userin melee on aplatform in Duelof the fatesUsing yourNaboosecurity gundefeat a unitFight Againstsomeone whois using a unitthat was in"The PhantomMenace"Win AGameHearsomeonedoing a JarJar BinksImpressionHave yourunit be thesupremechancellorfor 6 rounds.A unit in yourgame getsdefeated in asingle attack fromfull health.(Doesn't have tobe your unit)Successfullygain 9 VP inPod RacingWith Jar JarBinks have 3blanks turnedinto saves usinghis uncanny luckin a single rollDefeat aunit usingthe BoomaGrenadeHave aunit usethe PaceAction.Have all your unitsgo to the samedeployment zonein the NabooSwamps at theend of the gameHave yourpod racerrun intovehicle

Phantom Menace - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Roll blank on 8 dice in a single roll
  2. Have all Senate Deck motions pass in your game
  3. Have the same unit use the Theed Truett every single round.
  4. Occupy All Senate seats in a game. Including Supreme Chancellor.
  5. Use The Famba to negate 4 crits in a single attack
  6. Hear someone from another table singing "Duel Of The Fates"
  7. Roll paint on 8 dice in a single roll
  8. Have One of the special units become the supreme chancellor in your match.
  9. Drink a Pepsi
  10. Loose A Game
  11. Loose 2 units to the podracer in a single match
  12. Fight another force user with your force user in melee on a platform in Duel of the fates
  13. Using your Naboo security gun defeat a unit
  14. Fight Against someone who is using a unit that was in "The Phantom Menace"
  15. Win A Game
  16. Hear someone doing a Jar Jar Binks Impression
  17. Have your unit be the supreme chancellor for 6 rounds.
  18. A unit in your game gets defeated in a single attack from full health. (Doesn't have to be your unit)
  19. Successfully gain 9 VP in Pod Racing
  20. With Jar Jar Binks have 3 blanks turned into saves using his uncanny luck in a single roll
  21. Defeat a unit using the Booma Grenade
  22. Have a unit use the Pace Action.
  23. Have all your units go to the same deployment zone in the Naboo Swamps at the end of the game
  24. Have your pod racer run into vehicle