Should you feelawkward whenwriting a CV andfind you almostdid nothing afterhigh school?What advicewould you havefor someonewhen decidinga researchfocus?What kind ofjobs can I getwith a graduatedegree inchemistry?Why didyou chooseto come toUW?Do you haveany advice forhow to choosea graduateschool?What do youwant to dowith yourgraduatedegree?How isgraduatestudent lifedifferent fromlife as anundergrad?What is the best(or at least good)decision thatyou've maderegarding yourresearch career?What do I doif I want toswitch labsas anundergrad?Do you oftenfeeloverwhelmedas a graduatestudent?What was yourundergraduateresearchexperiencelike?What aregraduateschoolapplicationslike?What was yourpath indiscovering whatresearch/field ofstudy interestedyou?Is researchfrustrating?Is it worthit?How do you askyour professoror TA to write arecommendationletter for you?What qualitiesshould I lookfor in a PI asanundergrad?Do you haveany advicefor gettingsummerresearch?How do youdistribute yourtime between yourresponsibilities(research,teaching, etc.)?Is itmanageable tobalance yourresponsibilitieswith a sociallife?As a graduatestudent, whatqualities do youlook for inundergraduateresearchers?How did youchoose graduateschool over medschool/otheroptions?What are somethings abouttransitioning fromundergrad to gradschool that youfound particularlychallenging?How do Igetinvolved inresearch?What does atypical day looklike for you as agraduatestudent?Should you feelawkward whenwriting a CV andfind you almostdid nothing afterhigh school?What advicewould you havefor someonewhen decidinga researchfocus?What kind ofjobs can I getwith a graduatedegree inchemistry?Why didyou chooseto come toUW?Do you haveany advice forhow to choosea graduateschool?What do youwant to dowith yourgraduatedegree?How isgraduatestudent lifedifferent fromlife as anundergrad?What is the best(or at least good)decision thatyou've maderegarding yourresearch career?What do I doif I want toswitch labsas anundergrad?Do you oftenfeeloverwhelmedas a graduatestudent?What was yourundergraduateresearchexperiencelike?What aregraduateschoolapplicationslike?What was yourpath indiscovering whatresearch/field ofstudy interestedyou?Is researchfrustrating?Is it worthit?How do you askyour professoror TA to write arecommendationletter for you?What qualitiesshould I lookfor in a PI asanundergrad?Do you haveany advicefor gettingsummerresearch?How do youdistribute yourtime between yourresponsibilities(research,teaching, etc.)?Is itmanageable tobalance yourresponsibilitieswith a sociallife?As a graduatestudent, whatqualities do youlook for inundergraduateresearchers?How did youchoose graduateschool over medschool/otheroptions?What are somethings abouttransitioning fromundergrad to gradschool that youfound particularlychallenging?How do Igetinvolved inresearch?What does atypical day looklike for you as agraduatestudent?

For Grad Students - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Should you feel awkward when writing a CV and find you almost did nothing after high school?
  2. What advice would you have for someone when deciding a research focus?
  3. What kind of jobs can I get with a graduate degree in chemistry?
  4. Why did you choose to come to UW?
  5. Do you have any advice for how to choose a graduate school?
  6. What do you want to do with your graduate degree?
  7. How is graduate student life different from life as an undergrad?
  8. What is the best (or at least good) decision that you've made regarding your research career?
  9. What do I do if I want to switch labs as an undergrad?
  10. Do you often feel overwhelmed as a graduate student?
  11. What was your undergraduate research experience like?
  12. What are graduate school applications like?
  13. What was your path in discovering what research/field of study interested you?
  14. Is research frustrating? Is it worth it?
  15. How do you ask your professor or TA to write a recommendation letter for you?
  16. What qualities should I look for in a PI as an undergrad?
  17. Do you have any advice for getting summer research?
  18. How do you distribute your time between your responsibilities (research, teaching, etc.)?
  19. Is it manageable to balance your responsibilities with a social life?
  20. As a graduate student, what qualities do you look for in undergraduate researchers?
  21. How did you choose graduate school over med school/other options?
  22. What are some things about transitioning from undergrad to grad school that you found particularly challenging?
  23. How do I get involved in research?
  24. What does a typical day look like for you as a graduate student?