26. What naturalresource is used tocreate spear tips inMilsettcenttrentoto?___________17. What naturalresource isextremelyimportant inMordor?___________5. In LexieHarbor inSivianna, whatit the name oftheir currency?___________29. What areswords inMulato coatedwith on theoutside?___________23. In the letter fromGeneral Romulus ofStruzzlyndia, wheredoes General Romulusorder his troops to sendsurviving Barbarians?___________10. Does the modelof a Sammisianhouse show anupper class or lowerclass home?___________31. How manysails are on anItromeanmerchant ship?___________1. In the letterfrom CaNathia,what isMichael'sfather's job?___________20. What is thename of theunique type ofsword produced inZigius?___________2. What is theMad Landssword madeout of?___________27. What coloris the bowlfound in theruins ofSibana?___________11. In CaNathia,whose life isdescribed in thepoem by the famousphilosopher EdgarDescales?___________13. In Ellifornia,what does apink appleblossomsymbolize?___________12. What civilizationused a politicaltalking stick to keeporder in governmentmeetings?___________9. How manypeople arestanding on thedock in Ianna'sharbor?___________15. What civilizationproduces beautifultapestries likeLandscapetapestries andPortrait tapestries?___________21. The city-stateof McEwen islocated on thebanks of whatriver?___________3. In the city-stateof Don't Know,how many U.S.dollars is oneNBOUR worth?___________19. How manymarket standsare in theSibana MarketSquare?___________30. In Egyptica,what dangersface merchantstraveling on theNile River?___________16. Whoproduced armknives inRomaur?___________4. In the City ofGloriousChickens, what isthe name of thegod of good andevil?___________28. Whatcivilization uses aTomahawk knifefor commondefense?___________18. Who is in ahigher socialclass in Mulato- a soldier or ablacksmith?___________25. Whichcivilization worerings for religiouspractices and tobring good luckand fortune?___________26. What naturalresource is used tocreate spear tips inMilsettcenttrentoto?___________17. What naturalresource isextremelyimportant inMordor?___________5. In LexieHarbor inSivianna, whatit the name oftheir currency?___________29. What areswords inMulato coatedwith on theoutside?___________23. In the letter fromGeneral Romulus ofStruzzlyndia, wheredoes General Romulusorder his troops to sendsurviving Barbarians?___________10. Does the modelof a Sammisianhouse show anupper class or lowerclass home?___________31. How manysails are on anItromeanmerchant ship?___________1. In the letterfrom CaNathia,what isMichael'sfather's job?___________20. What is thename of theunique type ofsword produced inZigius?___________2. What is theMad Landssword madeout of?___________27. What coloris the bowlfound in theruins ofSibana?___________11. In CaNathia,whose life isdescribed in thepoem by the famousphilosopher EdgarDescales?___________13. In Ellifornia,what does apink appleblossomsymbolize?___________12. What civilizationused a politicaltalking stick to keeporder in governmentmeetings?___________9. How manypeople arestanding on thedock in Ianna'sharbor?___________15. What civilizationproduces beautifultapestries likeLandscapetapestries andPortrait tapestries?___________21. The city-stateof McEwen islocated on thebanks of whatriver?___________3. In the city-stateof Don't Know,how many U.S.dollars is oneNBOUR worth?___________19. How manymarket standsare in theSibana MarketSquare?___________30. In Egyptica,what dangersface merchantstraveling on theNile River?___________16. Whoproduced armknives inRomaur?___________4. In the City ofGloriousChickens, what isthe name of thegod of good andevil?___________28. Whatcivilization uses aTomahawk knifefor commondefense?___________18. Who is in ahigher socialclass in Mulato- a soldier or ablacksmith?___________25. Whichcivilization worerings for religiouspractices and tobring good luckand fortune?___________

Museum Exhibit Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. 26. What natural resource is used to create spear tips in Milsettcenttrentoto? ___________
  2. 17. What natural resource is extremely important in Mordor? ___________
  3. 5. In Lexie Harbor in Sivianna, what it the name of their currency? ___________
  4. 29. What are swords in Mulato coated with on the outside? ___________
  5. 23. In the letter from General Romulus of Struzzlyndia, where does General Romulus order his troops to send surviving Barbarians? ___________
  6. 10. Does the model of a Sammisian house show an upper class or lower class home? ___________
  7. 31. How many sails are on an Itromean merchant ship? ___________
  8. 1. In the letter from CaNathia, what is Michael's father's job? ___________
  9. 20. What is the name of the unique type of sword produced in Zigius? ___________
  10. 2. What is the Mad Lands sword made out of? ___________
  11. 27. What color is the bowl found in the ruins of Sibana? ___________
  12. 11. In CaNathia, whose life is described in the poem by the famous philosopher Edgar Descales? ___________
  13. 13. In Ellifornia, what does a pink apple blossom symbolize? ___________
  14. 12. What civilization used a political talking stick to keep order in government meetings? ___________
  15. 9. How many people are standing on the dock in Ianna's harbor? ___________
  16. 15. What civilization produces beautiful tapestries like Landscape tapestries and Portrait tapestries? ___________
  17. 21. The city-state of McEwen is located on the banks of what river? ___________
  18. 3. In the city-state of Don't Know, how many U.S. dollars is one NBOUR worth? ___________
  19. 19. How many market stands are in the Sibana Market Square? ___________
  20. 30. In Egyptica, what dangers face merchants traveling on the Nile River? ___________
  21. 16. Who produced arm knives in Romaur? ___________
  22. 4. In the City of Glorious Chickens, what is the name of the god of good and evil? ___________
  23. 28. What civilization uses a Tomahawk knife for common defense? ___________
  24. 18. Who is in a higher social class in Mulato - a soldier or a blacksmith? ___________
  25. 25. Which civilization wore rings for religious practices and to bring good luck and fortune? ___________