"...thedark anddesolatevalley..."ALLITERATION: It'sreally catchy. Catchythings arememorable (andsometimes beautiful).All this helps themessage of the texthit harder."Go back to Mississippi, goback to Alabama, go backto South Carolina, go backto Georgia, go back toLouisiana, go back to theslums and ghettos of ourNorthern cities, knowingthat somehow this situationcan and will be changed."LISTING: Can be used toshow breadth (whenlisting nouns) or depth(when listing adjectives).It can be used to createa sense of grandeur,exhaustion, or evenexpertise...depends onthe context!METAPHOR:Describing one thing interms of another, aform of comparison.Good for explainingabstract concepts. Canbe beautiful andmemorable. Can haveconnotations."But we refuseto believe thatthe bank ofjustice isbankrupt.""Life's likea road thatyou travelon..."SIMILE: A metaphorwith commitmentissues. A softerform of comparison.Does everything ametaphor does."Who is hereso vile thatwill not lovehis country?"???"If any,speak, forhim have Ioffended."IMPERATIVE(CALL TOACTION):???"No, no, weare notsatisfied, andwe will not besatisfied..."REPETITION: Createsemphasis and impact.Makes key phrasesand ideas stick in anaudience's mind.Convinces people thatyou mean business!"Ojudgment!"INTERJECTION:???"...thedark anddesolatevalley..."ALLITERATION: It'sreally catchy. Catchythings arememorable (andsometimes beautiful).All this helps themessage of the texthit harder."Go back to Mississippi, goback to Alabama, go backto South Carolina, go backto Georgia, go back toLouisiana, go back to theslums and ghettos of ourNorthern cities, knowingthat somehow this situationcan and will be changed."LISTING: Can be used toshow breadth (whenlisting nouns) or depth(when listing adjectives).It can be used to createa sense of grandeur,exhaustion, or evenexpertise...depends onthe context!METAPHOR:Describing one thing interms of another, aform of comparison.Good for explainingabstract concepts. Canbe beautiful andmemorable. Can haveconnotations."But we refuseto believe thatthe bank ofjustice isbankrupt.""Life's likea road thatyou travelon..."SIMILE: A metaphorwith commitmentissues. A softerform of comparison.Does everything ametaphor does."Who is hereso vile thatwill not lovehis country?"???"If any,speak, forhim have Ioffended."IMPERATIVE(CALL TOACTION):???"No, no, weare notsatisfied, andwe will not besatisfied..."REPETITION: Createsemphasis and impact.Makes key phrasesand ideas stick in anaudience's mind.Convinces people thatyou mean business!"Ojudgment!"INTERJECTION:???


(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.