Stable,changeA system can be________ even as thingsare being added to andremoved from it. If theamounts being addedand being removed arenot equal, then thesystem will ________.  Born,dyingWithin apopulationorganisms arealways being________ and________.  AffectsthesizeTwo populations cancompete for the sameresource population. Achange to one of thesepopulations______________ ofthe other.  DeathsThe larger theconsumer population,the more energystorage molecules itwill need. Therefore, itwill eat more, causingmore ________ in theresource population.  Consumerpopulationa populationthat eatsorganisms fromanotherpopulation  Reproductionthe processof creatingoffspring  DecomposerAn organismthat breaksdown wastesand deadorganisms  ConsumerAn organismthat obtainsenergy byfeeding on otherorganisms  ProducerAn organismthat canmake its ownfood.  Populationa group of thesame type oforganism livingin the samearea  StableIf the number ofbirths and deathsin a given time areequal, then thepopulation size willbe ________.  Samplea small partthat is meant toshow what thewhole is like  Ecosystemall the livingand nonlivingthingsinteracting in aparticular area  Changewhensomethingbecomesdifferent overtime  Resourcepopulationa populationthat is eaten byorganisms fromanotherpopulation  DecreaseIf there are more birthsthan deaths in a giventime, then the size of thepopulation will increase.If there are fewer birthsthan deaths, then thesize of the population will________.  LargerThe ________ theresource population,the more energystorage moleculesare available for itsconsumerpopulations.  Energystoragemoleculea molecule thatorganisms canuse to releasethe energy theyneed to survive  Indirecteffectthe result of onecause leading toan effect thatcauses one ormore other effects  Competitionwhen two or morepopulations usethe sameresource, such asthe same foodsource  FoodwebThe size of apopulation can beaffected by anypopulation that isconnected to it in a______________,even if they are notdirectly connected.  Stable,changeA system can be________ even as thingsare being added to andremoved from it. If theamounts being addedand being removed arenot equal, then thesystem will ________.  Born,dyingWithin apopulationorganisms arealways being________ and________.  AffectsthesizeTwo populations cancompete for the sameresource population. Achange to one of thesepopulations______________ ofthe other.  DeathsThe larger theconsumer population,the more energystorage molecules itwill need. Therefore, itwill eat more, causingmore ________ in theresource population.  Consumerpopulationa populationthat eatsorganisms fromanotherpopulation  Reproductionthe processof creatingoffspring  DecomposerAn organismthat breaksdown wastesand deadorganisms  ConsumerAn organismthat obtainsenergy byfeeding on otherorganisms  ProducerAn organismthat canmake its ownfood.  Populationa group of thesame type oforganism livingin the samearea  StableIf the number ofbirths and deathsin a given time areequal, then thepopulation size willbe ________.  Samplea small partthat is meant toshow what thewhole is like  Ecosystemall the livingand nonlivingthingsinteracting in aparticular area  Changewhensomethingbecomesdifferent overtime  Resourcepopulationa populationthat is eaten byorganisms fromanotherpopulation  DecreaseIf there are more birthsthan deaths in a giventime, then the size of thepopulation will increase.If there are fewer birthsthan deaths, then thesize of the population will________.  LargerThe ________ theresource population,the more energystorage moleculesare available for itsconsumerpopulations.  Energystoragemoleculea molecule thatorganisms canuse to releasethe energy theyneed to survive  Indirecteffectthe result of onecause leading toan effect thatcauses one ormore other effects  Competitionwhen two or morepopulations usethe sameresource, such asthe same foodsource  FoodwebThe size of apopulation can beaffected by anypopulation that isconnected to it in a______________,even if they are notdirectly connected.  

Populations and Resources - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. A system can be ________ even as things are being added to and removed from it. If the amounts being added and being removed are not equal, then the system will ________.
    Stable, change
  2. Within a population organisms are always being ________ and ________.
    Born, dying
  3. Two populations can compete for the same resource population. A change to one of these populations ______________ of the other.
    Affects the size
  4. The larger the consumer population, the more energy storage molecules it will need. Therefore, it will eat more, causing more ________ in the resource population.
  5. a population that eats organisms from another population
    Consumer population
  6. the process of creating offspring
  7. An organism that breaks down wastes and dead organisms
  8. An organism that obtains energy by feeding on other organisms
  9. An organism that can make its own food.
  10. a group of the same type of organism living in the same area
  11. If the number of births and deaths in a given time are equal, then the population size will be ________.
  12. a small part that is meant to show what the whole is like
  13. all the living and nonliving things interacting in a particular area
  14. when something becomes different over time
  15. a population that is eaten by organisms from another population
    Resource population
  16. If there are more births than deaths in a given time, then the size of the population will increase. If there are fewer births than deaths, then the size of the population will ________.
  17. The ________ the resource population, the more energy storage molecules are available for its consumer populations.
  18. a molecule that organisms can use to release the energy they need to survive
    Energy storage molecule
  19. the result of one cause leading to an effect that causes one or more other effects
    Indirect effect
  20. when two or more populations use the same resource, such as the same food source
  21. The size of a population can be affected by any population that is connected to it in a ______________, even if they are not directly connected.
    Food web